Chapter 946
Wood couldn't find the direction to go for a long time, and finally even Zhou Xianguang was a little impatient, walked over and asked, "Have you found anything yet?"

"No. How about we choose a random direction and move forward? This will expand our search range." Wood said, wiping the sweat off his face.

"So in your opinion, which direction should we advance first?" Zhou Xianguang frowned.

Wood pointed in a direction casually and said, "Why don't we go down the mountain in this direction first?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ah Cheng next to him suddenly laughed and said, "Hahaha, old Wood, just now you laughed at Lao Tzu's shoe-throwing method, how are you doing now? Didn't you also choose Lao Tzu's direction? This is God's will! "

It was only then that Wood realized that the direction he was pointing at was exactly the direction Ah Cheng had chosen to throw the shoe before!
Wood was so confident that Ah Cheng rolled his eyes, but he had nothing to do with these two people. These two guys are two different types. Except for Li Qingyu and their respective girlfriends who can control them, everyone else at the scene is blind!

Even Zhou Xianguang has nothing to do with these two!
But Wood also has a way to deal with these two people, that is, no matter what the two of them say, they will not strike up a conversation with them!The two felt bored, so naturally they would stop entanglement.

At the moment, he didn't even look at Ah Cheng and Ah Xin, but said to Zhou Xianguang: "Commander Zhou can also choose another direction."

Zhou Xianguang waved his hand: "Forget it, there is no goal anyway, and you will go wherever you go, so let's go down here! As long as you go far enough, you can always meet people. But it's a matter of meeting sooner or later."

The 370 four formed a six-column formation. The masters of the Huaguo Starship Fleet were on the outside, responsible for vigilance, opening the way, and ready to fight at any time.

Their firearms are all unified, but there are two kinds of bullets. One is the spirit crystal bullet uniformly distributed by Huaguo Star River Fleet. It depicts the concealment formation, which can hide the breath of bullets. Big threat!

The other is ordinary bullets, which are mainly used against ordinary people and beasts.It can't deal with beasts and waste precious spirit crystal bullets.

Wood was also in the middle of the team, walking while directing the drones in the air to continue the investigation.

Li Qingyu, Zhou Xianguang, and the black-winged roc were on the outermost side, and Lin Jingru stood directly on the black-winged roc. The group of people walked out of the valley mouth, moved forward, and took the second step after arriving in Lingxu Realm!

Out of the valley mouth, is the boundless virgin forest.

Because the spiritual energy in this area is so strong, the vegetation is also so lush. In the forest, there are not only towering trees that cannot be hugged by several people, but also low shrubs. The ground is covered with humus. If you step on it, your whole foot will fall. All will fall.

There is no road at all, and there are entangled roads everywhere, dense and lush, like an endless green city wall blocking everyone, people can only move forward while opening the road.

Fortunately, those who opened the way on the periphery were all masters of the Huaguo Starship Fleet. When the sword was struck, there was light shining, and the Tengge shrubs separated the two sides, forming a straight road ahead.

The black-winged roc is too big, so naturally it cannot walk through the forest, and can only run above the forest.

The reason why it is called running is because it is still unable to fly, and can only use its wings to borrow strength while stepping on the treetops with both feet, and the two feet move forward alternately, moving forward quickly.Even though it keeps vibrating its wings to reduce the pressure on the big trees under its feet, every time its steel claws land on the big trees, there is still a buzzing sound, and the crowns of the big trees are all broken. .

Lin Jingru was standing on the broad back of the black-winged roc. She had never experienced such an exciting journey, and she shouted excitedly.

Acheng and Axin looked up at the Dapeng flying rapidly above the woods. Listening to Lin Jingru's cheerful shouts, he drooled with envy. Although they could also fly close to the treetops, they were not as good as those sitting on the Dapeng's back. Viewing the scenery from the top is a completely different feeling!
It's a pity that the stubborn black-winged roc won't let them get close at all!
discriminate!Whenever he is with the black-winged roc, Ah Cheng and Ashin feel strong discrimination!
Well, the name Lao Hei is well-chosen, Gou Ri's flat-haired beast is really black!What kind of shit, the invincible sky fighter, the mighty and unparalleled sky surveyor, thought it was Zhu Bajie?I bother!
Although they were in a different world, because of the black-winged roc joining in, and because of Lin Jingru's laughter, everyone didn't feel bored. Accident.

Wood's drone was searching the sky [-] kilometers away when he suddenly encountered an eagle. Although the eagle was much smaller than the black-winged roc, its wings were spread out and were more than ten meters long!
The eagle flapped its wings and flew towards the drone. Apparently it mistook the drone for a bird and wanted to capture it as its own food!

Wood was shocked immediately, operating the drone to start a counterattack!
Although Wood's unmanned reconnaissance drone is pocket-sized, it carries a simple weapon system. It is equipped with two micro-recoil submachine guns under the wings, and the bullets fired are .[-] special caliber bullets.

Under Wood's operation, the UAV quickly adjusted the launch angle in the air, and began to fire bullets. However, to Wood's dismay, the moment he shot, the air suddenly blew up. The machine deflected, causing most of the bullets fired to miss. Only one bullet probably flew under the eagle's abdomen, knocked off a few eagle hairs, and went away with the wind!

The eagle is a bird of prey. When he found out that the bird in front of him could fight back and stab people in the back, he was completely enraged. With a flick of his wings, he slammed in front of the drone. As soon as he grabbed it, he caught no one. One side of the plane wing!
However, the power system of the UAV is very powerful, coupled with the strong inertia, it broke free from the claws of the eagle, but one wing was seriously injured, the fuselage lost its balance, and Wood in the distance could not effectively command the UAV up!
The drone with a cracked wing finally hit a cliff and fell to the ground, turning into a pile of scrap iron!
"Fack! The bastard's eagle!" Wood looked at the black screen of the mobile terminal and couldn't help cursing angrily. He almost dropped the mobile terminal in anger!
"What happened?" Zhou Xianguang, who was opening the way outside, asked immediately.

"The drone was destroyed by an eagle." Wood said angrily.

"I said earlier that that thing is useless, it's good to destroy it, and it saves you playing games with the tablet all day long." Ah Cheng said immediately.

"That eagle can destroy drones, so it should be big, right? It should also be used as a mount, right?" Ashin said suddenly with bright eyes.

These two are now obsessed with mounts!
Ding Silu and Yang Sibing rolled their eyes angrily, and said, "Hurry up and save yourself, the eagle is [-] kilometers away from you, a full [-] miles! You still want to catch them as mounts? By the time you get there, it will be gone long ago !"

Seeing his girlfriend getting angry, Ah Cheng and Ah Xin honestly didn't dare to speak.

"Forget it, if it's ruined, let's just ruin it. There's no need to go and look for it. We'll just keep going in this direction." Zhou Xianguang made the final decision.

Wood did not raise objections.

The place where the drone crashed was not on their way, and even if they turned back to look for it, they might not be able to find it.

At this moment, Lin Jingya suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Huh, is it weird? Why didn't we find a single animal during our journey? Not even a small animal? Is there something weird about this forest? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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