Chapter 976
Hua Xiaoyun knelt on the ground and told what happened in Jinzhou exactly, without missing any details!
"Young master, after this incident happened, I just thought that you were dissatisfied with me, so you used your supernatural powers on me. Therefore, I gave up the decision to take possession of a woman first, and gave all the women away. I came here, but after I came, seeing the young master's concern and enthusiasm for me, I realized that there was something else hidden, I was the one who used the heart of a villain to treat a gentleman's belly before." Hua Xiaoyun said.

Sima Qing punched Hua Xiaoyun on the shoulder, and Hua Xiaoyun grinned in pain, but Sima Qing laughed and said: "Yes, you are treating the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain! Since I, Sima Qing, As I said, you can choose the first woman you find, and that is of course a promise, a golden mouth, how could you warn you because of this matter? Even retaliate against you? "

While talking, Sima Qing stretched out his hand to pull Hua Xiaoyun, and continued: "You are at fault for this matter, get up and make a drink! Damn, you didn't hear what I said, get up and make a drink!"

Hua Xiaoyun still didn't get up, and said: "Young master, since you didn't make the move, then the person who made the move must be among those women. I personally sent you an assassin, not even one, I deserve to die!"

"Hehe," Sima Qing drank from his glass, "It's just an assassin, it's worth your fuss? Since the other party chooses this method, it means that their strength is not very good. If they have the strength to overwhelm me, they will definitely come here in a fair manner. Challenge, why sneak around as an assassin? If I didn't know, this kind of person might pose a certain threat to me, but now that I know, what else can he do to me? To be honest, I suddenly look forward to it now. How do you think the assassin will kill me?"

Hua Xiaoyun couldn't turn his head around.

When the young master heard that someone was going to assassinate him, not only was he not worried at all, he was even a little excited?I am stupid, it seems that the young master has been lonely for too long!

Just as Hua Xiaoyun was about to speak, Sima Qing pulled him up from the ground and pushed him down on a chair. He couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said, "I don't know what method to take. I think since we already know each other's existence, Don't wait passively, but act first and force the assassin out!"

"Oh? In your opinion, what method should we use to force the other party out?" Sima Qingrao asked with interest.

"At that time in Jinzhou City, I planned to leave that woman named Tang Sixin to sleep with me, and then hallucinations appeared in my mind, so the assassin hiding among these women must have something to do with Tang Sixin! She didn't want to see Tang Sixin being slept by me. , that’s why she made the move mysteriously. Or Tang Sixin herself is an assassin, and she was the one who attacked me at that time..."

Sima Qing is also a smart person. Before Hua Xiaoyun finished speaking, he immediately snapped his fingers and said with a smile: "Understood, I will attack Tang Sixin directly when I arrive at the hall later. If the assassin is really Tang Sixin, she will definitely kill him." Fight back, even if it's not Tang Sixin, the killer will definitely not hide in the crowd and watch Tang Sixin die, she will definitely jump out!"

"High! It's still young master high! Why didn't I think of such a good idea?" Hua Xiaoyun gave Sima Qing a thumbs up. In fact, what Sima Qing wanted to say was exactly what he wanted to say just now.

"Go away, when did you become a sycophant? Come on, let's go!"

The two toasted at the same time, and walked away with a full...

Time soon came to nightfall, and it was time for Sima Qing to return to the cave on the mountain.

At this time, Li Qingyu, Xue Fangfang and others had already had dinner.As Xue Fangfang said before, the dinner is quite sumptuous. Li Qingyu doesn't know if the chef here has research on nutrition. Anyway, the dinner delivered has a perfect unity of taste and nutrition. The key is that women will not gain weight after eating it .

You know, after some women are sent, they may not have the opportunity to go up the mountain for a year or so. If they grow up to be big fat girls, they will be abolished.Sima Qing has no interest in fat women.

Although he wants a woman mainly to pick up yin and replenish yang, her appearance must also be up to standard, otherwise it will be really unpalatable to have a disgusting-looking woman lying on the bed!
After dinner, someone came to inform them of the hall where they had come.

When they followed the leader into the hall, they found that many women had already arrived. Wang Guiqing had also arrived earlier and was maintaining order himself. Under his personal arrangement, a group of women lined up horizontally and vertically, leaving sidewalks in the middle. Neat and meticulous!
At this time, the sky outside has completely darkened, and the balls of different sizes inlaid on the ceiling of the main hall are nothing unusual when viewed during the day, as if they are just ordinary jade, but at this time they seem to be shining brightly. The stars emitted bright and soft light, illuminating the entire hall in every detail.

Li Qingyu and others also took their positions under the arrangement of Wang Steward.

Not long after Steward Wang assembled the team, Sima Qing walked into the hall accompanied by Hua Xiaoyun.

Sima Qing stepped up to the high platform in front of him, smiling, his gentle eyes swept over the 80 women in the audience, and suddenly said, "Who is Tang Sixin? Stand up and let me see."

Standing in the crowd, Tang Sixin saw that Sima Qing's eyes had already swept towards her. She was hesitating whether to stand up, but Sima Qing raised his hand suddenly, and a big hand of Dharma appeared in the air, and immediately slapped her down!
Sima Qing is a decisive person, since he recognized Tang Sixin's problem, he didn't want to waste any more time, and acted immediately!
While covering Tang Sixin with his big hands, his eyes scanned the crowd to see who would dare to stand up for Tang Sixin and attack him!

Sima Qing's sudden mobilization surprised even Li Qingyu, he really couldn't figure out why Sima Qing would follow Tang Sixin, and kill her as soon as he came up!

At this moment, he never thought that this was the sequelae of his controlling Hua Xiaoyun's thinking in Jinzhou City!

Although Li Qingyu was puzzled, it didn't affect his actions at all!

He suddenly threw out both hands, his left hand slapped Sima Qing's Faxiang's big hand, but his right hand did a Tai Chi spin in an instant!


The handprint of Li Qingyu's left hand and Sima Qing's handprint collided suddenly, and there was a bang, and a majestic force quickly spread out around the point where the two big handprints collided!
The force generated by this collision is very powerful. If it is allowed to spread rapidly, all the ordinary women in the hall will be killed!

Fortunately, Li Qingyu had expected this situation a long time ago. He continued to do Taiji spinning with his right hand, and a huge force surged out, unexpectedly wrapped the force generated by the collision, and flew to the roof in an instant!
(End of this chapter)

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