I abused all the anchors in the whole network

Chapter 78: Increased Competition

Chapter 78: Increased Competition
You must know that Ultimate Battle Royale is an FPS game, while Glory of Heroes is a Moba game. There is still a big difference between these two games.

Shen Feng played the ultimate battle royale well, but it doesn't mean that he is also very strong in Yingjie Glory, this is a problem.

"Why don't we ask later to see if he can play Glory of Heroes?" God V thought to himself.

You must know that he is top in these two game fields, if Shen Feng knows moba games, he does not recommend playing a game with Shen Feng.

Once Shen Feng's technique is very strong, then he doesn't suggest to solo with Shen Feng.

Thinking of this, he made a decision immediately.

Although he thought so, he personally still felt that Shen Feng Yingjie Glory might not necessarily play well.

After all, two completely different games, how could Shen Feng be so good?

If he was really this strong, he would have become famous long ago, and he would still be like this now.

So Shen Feng is very famous now, and basically everyone knows about it on the Internet, but it is only limited to the circle of Ultimate Battle Royale.

Most of all, it was because he married Zhou Yanan that he suddenly gained such popularity. No one had heard of him before.

So God V is not very concerned about Shen Feng's skills in playing Heroic Glory.

Shen Feng didn't know what God V was thinking. Now in the game, after he eliminated a team, there were not many people left.

And Zhou Yanan saw this scene through the magnifying glass. Although she was once again amazed by Shen Feng's skills, she did not forget that she still had to perform well, so she immediately said in the headset.

"Uncle Wolf, didn't you say you would give us a chance to show off? You killed all of us, how can we show off?"

Xiaotuan'er heard Zhou Yanan's words, and immediately understood what she meant, and she quickly said, "Yes, Uncle Wolf, there are less than ten people left now, please give us a chance to show."

Hearing what they said, Shen Feng suddenly felt a little embarrassed and said: "I'm sorry, I did it subconsciously. Don't worry, I will never do anything next, and I will leave it to you!"

Although I don't know why the two of them are so entangled in wanting to do it themselves, but Shen Feng naturally has no objection.

Hearing Shen Feng's promise again, Dai Ba'er and Xiao Tuan'er didn't say anything more.

They smiled and began to concentrate, ready to deal with the next two or three teams.

However, in the next two or three minutes, they never encountered the enemy again, nor did they hear gunshots.

Obviously, the rest of the people chose to be obscene, and soon the circle became smaller and smaller.

And they are lucky enough to be on the edge of the small circle. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the circle of destiny.

But the next time I shrink the circle, I don't know if it will still be around their house.

As the circle became smaller and smaller, Zhou Yanan and Dai Baer were also highly concentrated. Their guns kept scanning out the window, turning on the magnifying glass, looking for the enemy they wanted to find.

After all, the circle is so small now, the enemy must have hid in the circle, and the battle will break out soon, and they can't hide even if they want to.

Just as the two of them thought, Xiao Tuan'er soon discovered the enemy first.

"Come, come, there are people on my side!" Xiao Tuan'er shouted into the headset, reminding Shen Feng and others that she found an enemy on her side.

Everyone immediately came to her side, looked outside, and they quickly saw the enemy's movements.

Shen Feng shot with a magnifying glass, and made sure that there were only three people in the team this time, so he immediately said in the headset: "Leave this team to you, come on!"

Shen Feng did not forget what he promised Daiba'er and the others.

So this time he didn't plan to take action, but decided to hand it over directly to Daiba'er and the others, while he ran to another location to set up a gun for them.

Zhou Yanan also left with Shen Feng, she didn't want to join this competition.

Although I don't know why Daba'er and Xiaotuan'er are so eager to destroy the enemy by themselves.

But it doesn't matter to her, it's better to stay by Shen Feng's side.

After Zhou Yanan and Shen Feng left, the eyes of Daba'er and Xiao Tuan'er burst into flames, and an invisible pressure appeared beside them.

Then, Dauber, who was holding 98K in his hand, took the lead and shot one of the enemies in the head.

With a bang, the man was knocked down by her on the spot.

"Be careful, there are people in that house, run away!" The man who was killed by Dai Ba'er also immediately shouted at his remaining two teammates.

However, it wasn't just Daba'er who attacked them, there was also Xiao Tuan'er who was watching them covetously.

Da da da!
Since the distance was not far, and he didn't have a sniper rifle on his body, Xiaotuan'er raised his rifle and turned on the quadruple mirror without saying a word, and shot towards the enemy in the distance.

Soon, one person became the dead soul of his gun. The two of them went back and forth, and Dabaer was only a second faster than Xiaotuaner.

The remaining man on the opposite side saw that his two teammates were all on the ground, so he prepared to run away without saying a word.

But now that the circle is so small, where can he go?There was no cover around him yet.

When he was in a trance, Dabaer and Xiaotuaner shot at him at the same time.

Da da da!
Rifles, sniper rifles, gunfire sounded instantly.

And soon, they also knew who killed the man.

Because Daba'er was holding a sniper rifle, and it was not that far away from them and the enemy.

So Duba'er with a sniper rifle and double scope was faster than Xiao Tuan'er, and killed that person with one shot.

This is the strength and advantage of the 98K. While it is powerful, a sniper rifle can also quickly eliminate the enemy.

Seeing that he had killed the last person, Dumber immediately cheered.

"Great, I'm going to kill the other guy!"

Hearing Dabaer's cheers in the headset, Xiao Tuaner's expression on the other side was not very good.

After all, in this way, anyone can see that Daddy seems to be stronger than him.

This made Xiao Tuan'er very distressed. She hadn't forgotten why she wanted to express herself.

Now Dabaer has killed one more person than her, which means that she seems to be inferior to Dabaer.

This is very dangerous, because once Shen Feng thinks so, it will be hard to say whether she will be able to join the team in the next game.

So no matter what, she has to attack again.

She had to express herself so that Shen Feng would not think that she was inferior to a bully. She must find a way to join in the next game.

Thinking of this, Xiaotuan'er is not entangled with this team, after all, there are at least two teams in this area.

So she began to quickly search for other people. As long as she saw someone, she would shoot without hesitation without reminding her again.

(End of this chapter)

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