Chapter 662 Xu Fu Demon
"I'm too lazy to talk to you."

Chen Yan said speechlessly: "You can treat me as one of the reincarnations. I have no objection. Anyway, you can think whatever you like! I just know who I am."

Although he couldn't understand the reason, he firmly believed that he was definitely not the reincarnation of Ying Zheng, nor the reincarnation of Xu Fu!
"Actually, there is another possibility."

Feng Huayue didn't seem to want to end this topic.

"Tell me!" Chen Yan pouted and said, "I want to hear what other incredible things you can say."

Feng Huayue's eyes suddenly lit up, and she said in a deep voice, "You have something that belongs to Ah Zheng, but you... are not human!"

"You are not human!" Chen Yan replied angrily: "Elder sister, your guess is getting more and more outrageous! I feel that you are a little bit crazy!"

"I think you've misunderstood me."

Feng Huayue shook her head and said solemnly, "I'm not scolding you, but telling you that you are probably not a mortal!"

Chen Yan was slightly taken aback, thinking secretly in his heart.

Is it because he is not a mortal body that he can ignore the barrier set by Xu Fu?

The Duke of Chu'an said before that he is not a mortal body.

At that time, I thought that the land lord was a compliment, so I didn't take it to heart.

Now that I think about it, it's kind of weird.

Is it because he has fused the essence and blood of Ninghe Dragon King?
If this is the case, it can be explained.

The more Chen Yan thought about it, the more puzzled he became, and he said, "Then you said that I have something that belongs to Qin Shihuang on my body, so what's the situation? I can be sure that there should be nothing on me that belongs to him."

"I am not sure as well."

Feng Huayue said quietly: "It may be something he used often, or it may be contaminated with his breath, or it may even be..."

Speaking of this, Feng Huayue suddenly paused and stopped talking.

"What is it?" Chen Yan asked.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it." Feng Huayue shook her head slightly, and sighed softly: "No matter what the situation is, even if you are really his reincarnation, you... are not him after all! You are you, you are Chen Yan !"

"Eldest sister, if you half-talk, you will die!" Chen Yan was speechless.

I hate this half-spoken person the most!

Either you don't say it, or you say it all.

To put it bluntly, if you can't get people up and down, isn't that tossing people?
"Since you want to know, it's okay to tell you!" Seeing Chen Yan's questioning, Feng Huayue had no choice but to finish the rest, "Even, in your body, there is his soul! We have such a sense of familiarity.”

"A wisp of remnant soul?"

Chen Yan frowned, thought for a while, shook his head and said, "Probably not! If there was, someone should have noticed it long ago."

He is not someone who has never seen the underworld.

If there is a remnant soul belonging to Ying Zheng on him, it is impossible for people in the underworld not to discover it.

Even if the people in the underworld can't find out, Erlang Shen Yang Jian can always find out, right?
But the fact is that he has seen so many ghosts and gods, but no one has ever said that there is any remnant soul in him.

"Then I don't know what's going on." Feng Huayue seemed not to want to continue to entangle with Chen Yan on this issue, and looked up at the coffin on the altar again, and asked, "Can you help me?" A favor?"

"Do you want me to open his coffin for you?" Chen Yan probably guessed her intention, "Or, I will take out the coffin and let you open it with your own hands, and take a look at him again?"

Junsheng, I have fallen asleep.

I wake up, you are dead.

An invisible barrier has made them unimaginable for thousands of years.

Even if you just look at the dead body, you can't do it.

It can be seen that Feng Huayue still can't let go of the relationship that was more than 2000 years ago.

It was reasonable for her to want to take another look at Ying Zheng inside the coffin.

Even now, Ying Zheng has turned into a pile of bones.

"Help me open the coffin." Feng Huayue tightly clenched her fists, gritted her teeth, and said, "Xu Fu, a monster, will take revenge! He put up this enchantment to prevent me from seeing Ah Zheng, which is probably secondary! I even doubt that, He took away Ah Zheng's bones! For thousands of years, I have always wanted to verify whether my guess is right, but I have never had the chance."

"I understand."

Chen Yan didn't say any more, and quickly walked up the steps.

Soon, Chen Yan boarded the altar and came to the side of the coffin.

"It's not me who wants to open the coffin, it's your own woman who wants to open the coffin, don't blame me!"

Chen Yan silently said something to the owner of the coffin in his heart. He was about to open the coffin, but he remembered the plot in the TV series, so he stopped immediately and looked back at Feng Huayue under the altar, "There shouldn't be any mechanism on it. Right? Don’t open this coffin, I’m going to die myself.”

"No." Feng Huayue shook her head, her eyes fixed on the coffin, "I personally prepared this coffin for him, and I know best whether there is a mechanism."

"All right!"

With Feng Huayue's words, Chen Yan felt relieved.

Think about it too, in order to prevent Qin Shihuang from being disturbed by tomb robbers, he was buried on a deserted island.

This is already the greatest guarantee, and there is really no need to design some organs.

After getting rid of his worries, Chen Yan put his hand on the coffin and pushed the lid of the coffin open to create a gap.

Looking inside the coffin through the gap, Chen Yan's expression changed, and he immediately opened the coffin completely.

Inside the coffin, there are no bones!
There is only one bronze smiling face Buddha mask.

Chen Yan took out the mask, turned around, and shook his head slightly at Feng Huayue, "You guessed right! There are no bones in the coffin, only this!"

Looking at the mask in Chen Yan's hand, Feng Huayue's face instantly became extremely ferocious, and her breathing suddenly became rapid.

The mask of the smiling Buddha was clearly mocking her!

Revenge, this is Xu Fu's revenge!

Feng Huayue hugged her head, let out an angry scream, and roared murderously: "Xu Fu monster! Xu Fu monster..."

Unprecedented anger filled Feng Huayue's heart.

Even though she had already guessed that this might happen, when her guess was verified, she still couldn't bear it.

Chen Yan believes that if Xu Fu is still alive, even if Feng Huayue dies together, he will take Xu Fu's life.

It's a pity that a thousand years have passed, and Xu Fu may have already turned into a pile of loess.

The bones of Qin Shihuang were taken away by Xu Fu. It is estimated that only Xu Fu himself knows where they were taken.

Now, Fenghuayuelian wanted to see Qin Shihuang's bones again, but it was almost hopeless.

This result was unexpected by Chen Yan.

Now he suddenly understood why the people of the ancient Wu clan chose to live in seclusion.

Born in the world, love is inevitable.

When in love, it is vigorous.

After loving, there is endless pain and entanglement.

This feeling is really fatal!
Feng Huayue's angry roar kept echoing in Chen Yan's ears.

Chen Yan wanted to persuade, but he didn't know how to speak. In the end, he could only put the mask back into the coffin, put the coffin back on, and walked down the altar with a sigh...

(End of this chapter)

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