Chapter 142 Puppet King
"Are you people trying to do something by surrounding me? Tell you clearly that no matter what you do, it will be useless."

"Because your strength is too weak, I can feel your strength, which is really ridiculous."

It is indeed such a situation, their strength is already very ridiculous.

Then there is nothing to say, so now some of them will not listen to their own advice.

I will definitely continue to move towards myself, and then try my best to solve myself.

So for such a thing, he still finds it ridiculous.

Then he punched one of them directly, hoping to make him understand that doing so was useless.

But such a person does not intend to deal with the matter.

After standing up tremblingly, I still want to continue to take action. How can this be done?So totally impossible.

"Why are you like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death? It looks so ridiculous."

Because I have thought about this before, I think it is very ridiculous that they are here.

Do you really think that this can make yourself afraid?

In this way, not only can't make oneself afraid, but can only irritate him.

Once Zhang Feng is angry, it will be very dangerous.

So it is absolutely impossible to make Zhang Feng very angry, even people in the Zongmen can understand such a thing.

Can other people not understand?

So it does look weird, but it doesn't matter how weird it is.

Because the opportunity has been given to them, if they don't seize this opportunity, it will definitely not work.

"I'll give you one last chance. If you don't grasp the last chance, then I will kill you."

But those people are like insensitive puppets, constantly walking towards Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng shook his head, and immediately started to do it.

Because for Zhang Feng, he also knows very clearly what he should do, so under the current situation, everything is fine.

"Well, if that's the case, then don't blame me."

Then Zhang Feng punched one of them.

This punch made that person feel a little scared, but then he didn't do any more meaningless things.

Because this person directly knocked down a large area.

After all these situations were resolved, many people lay here and there on the ground.

But when dealing with these people, he did not directly attack them.

Because under such a situation now, if you want to do something to them, then it is definitely not easy to do.

"These people should be just puppets. The people behind the scenes don't know where they are."

He also wants to understand such a situation clearly.

If such a thing is fully understood, then nothing dangerous will happen.

So such a thing is the most important.

When he came to the village to keep checking, Song Jieyu was also nearby.

For Song Jieyu, it is also here now.

But she also knew some legends, so now she still feels very dangerous about everything here.

"It is said that there is a puppet king in this location. I don't know if it is true."

"It seems that Zhang Feng should have come to this area, then it will be really dangerous, and I don't know what to do."

Song Jieyu really didn't know what he could do.

If there really is a puppet king here, then it is very likely that they will face more dangerous things.

"We must send out a signal to let Zhang Feng understand that this location cannot be easily accessed."

Then she immediately fired a signal flare around, intending to tell Zhang Feng about such a situation.

Only after telling Zhang Feng can such a matter be resolved.

Otherwise, if Zhang Feng accidentally enters here, wouldn't it be very complicated?
When Zhang Feng was investigating inside, he also found such a signal flare.

So he felt that such a thing now really made himself a little strange.

If the flare exists here, then there should be something wrong.

"It should be Song Jieyu."

He knew that it should be Song Jieyu, if it was someone else, then there was no such possibility.

So since it is Song Jieyu, it is also necessary to understand what Song Jieyu wants to express.

If he can express what he wants to express, then he must seriously understand it.

"It seems that there should be a more dangerous place inside, otherwise, they wouldn't just send me signal flares like this."

But although Zhang Feng knew it, he wouldn't have any other ideas.

Because he also understands that his greatest advantage now is his own strength.

If you go out, maybe it's quite normal not to have such a power.

At that time, if the matter of this village cannot be investigated, it will be very troublesome.

So he felt that there was absolutely no need for him to do that.

After I have fully investigated it, the secret of this location will be exposed to my eyes.

Everything will be easy to say then, there is absolutely no need to do this now.

Doing this will only make things very complicated, so it is impossible for him to deal with it like this.

If some things are handled in this way, it will only make things very incomprehensible.

Song Jieyu found that his signal was not noticed by him, so it was a little strange.

Because no matter what, the signal flare has not attracted his attention, so he is determined not to come out again.

Since he didn't plan to come out, he didn't plan to go in either.

Because Song Jieyu knew that if he went in, if some other problems happened, the loss would not be worth the gain.

There is a good chance that more danger will be created.

So she might as well just wait here. Thinking of this, Song Jieyu felt that her courage was still too weak.

Zhang Feng was willing to rescue her from the crack before, but she was unwilling to go in.

But to be honest, if she goes in, it won't work.

There is a puppet king here, so Zhang Feng should be found very likely.

Then it was attacking him.

If he goes in by himself, Zhang Feng will be distracted to protect himself in case.

Does it mean that both of them may be wiped out?

So it's better not to do this now, this is the most normal thing, at least Zhang Feng can come out.

(End of this chapter)

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