Chapter 71
Go! ! !

Thain seemed to unleash all his strength and rushed from one end of the river to the other.

And along with it, Ruier also came to Samira's side!
After leaving the battlefield, Jiugong took a sip of wine. He was so drunk that he seemed dissatisfied with the result.

Waiting for an opportunity, preparing for the next wave of entry, he couldn't wait to use his big belly to slam into those fragile little bodies.

After Ruier came over, without any vision, he decisively jumped into the river with W!

Crocodile, Centaur, and Thresh are taking over the canyon.

At this time, the position of the three of them was very awkward.

Especially Thresh.

He is mixed among his teammates and opponents, neither retreating nor advancing.

But as a qualified assistant, he always shouldered all this without complaint.

The E skill pendulum is pushed back!
Although Riel still got close to Thresh, Thresh pushed Riel to Samira's position!

At this time, Syndra, who had been hiding in the grass, appeared!
When Samira saw Syndra for the first time, it was already too late.

At this time, 'Walking' frantically pressed the mouse and keyboard, but the characters on the screen were still in a state of dizziness!
"The ball is hidden in the wall!" The commentary on the stage can be said to be very clear. Syndra stayed inside, seemingly looking for opportunities all the time.

"Samira was dizzy!
"Thresh hooks back!
"The Centaur E skill is activated!
"Syndra's big move is over, Samira was forced to death by the injury, and there is no room for survival!"

Every sentence of the commentary on stage made Tenshou Sentai fans heartbroken.

On the screen, after Samira was killed, the situation became clear.

Originally, the castle defense team relying on Samila to make a comeback had no choice but to flee for their lives.

The wine barrel of 'Kuangsha' is fine, but before he enters the arena, his own AD has already been killed.

Exiting is also extremely easy.

But Rael and Sion were different.

After Thain rushed in, he gave Syndra a lot of trouble.

R bumped, E connected to slow down, Q charged up and beat Syndra again, and W exploded at the end.

Although all of Thain's equipment is geared toward meat.

But his base damage is not low.

After such a set, [-]% of Syndra's health would be gone.

However, Thain has no successor!

A meat tank does not cooperate with any hero to enter the field. After finishing a set of skills, it will face Syndra's script positioning and pulling.

The reason why Liu Ye was able to use a set of skills by Thain was simply because his attention was on Samira.

At this time, Samira was killed.

Then when Liu Ye's attention returns, it will be difficult for Thain to continue to perform.

While the two were fighting, Riel was brutally surrounded by three people.

Originally, Ruier thought very well. After entering the field, he blocked the three with a big move, and then cooperated with Samira to play passively, stacked scores, and completed the harvest.

But his thoughts were once again in vain.

In the previous communication, what I said was very good. Before the team fight, Syndra will fight casually in the team battle.

As a result, after 'left and right' were eliminated first, everything was in chaos.

'Walking' was forced to think about Kerry and hit damage, but Syndra found the opportunity.

"Nice!!! Xiaoye is so strong!" Sanshui boasted excitedly when he saw Liu Ye's key operation and nibbling at Ruier who couldn't run away.

Ono was alone here, struggling with Thain, and said helplessly: "Then you should come and help me!"

Thain wanted to run, but Liu Ye didn't want him to run.

But Thain wanted to fight, but Liu Ye didn't want to fight with him.

As a result, the two of them reached a stalemate.

After Riel was finally ravaged by the three of them, he wanted to rush to support, but Thain ran away again.

"I'm really at a loss!" Liu Ye said depressedly.

"?" Yue Ming asked.

"This wave didn't even get a single assist!"

"Didn't you take a human head?" Xiao Ming comforted.

"Uh, I'm talking about assists..."

"Go to hell!"

After Xiao Ming and Liu Ye briefly "flirt and scold", the previously depressive atmosphere became active again.

At this time, Li Xun also said, "Let me come together to prevent accidents from happening again."

Yue Ming nodded, "Okay, come here and get the Canyon Pioneer first!"


"This wave of Zero Moon team made a lot of money. Four vs. five not only won the team battle, but also played a wave of zero-for-three. They also took away the more important resource of Canyon Pioneer!" The voice of Tianzi was suppressed, and then analyzed.

"Liu Ye's position is too cloudy. Normally speaking, Samira would have the opportunity to show off, and he still holds a flash in his hand." Chen Yichuan was also more professional, and expressed his idea of ​​wandering.

Only then did Wan Tianzi react, "Flash... Samila didn't hand in the flash just now!"

"It's because 'Walking' didn't have time to dodge. The first time Syndra pushed fainted, Samira didn't react. It can only be said that there is something hiding the ball in the wall of Ono." Chen Yichuan patiently explained.

"That's it... I said why there is a flash and I don't hand it in... Then, if the Zero Moon team wins the canyon pioneer, they can take advantage of the trend and push the middle lane, and I think there is a reason for this canyon pioneer to Li Xunna. ..." Wan Tianzi continued.

And in Zero Moon's voice.

Xiao Ming was still communicating, "Li Xun Li Xun, come and get the Canyon Pioneer."

"I'll take it?" Li Xun said in surprise. If it wasn't for his inseparable hands from the keyboard and mouse, he would have pointed at himself to make sure.

"Yes, we can push four to one, and you go to the top to get the economy alone. In addition to Liu Ye, this game also relies on you to deal continuous damage." Xiao Ming stated his purpose.

"Okay." Li Xun nodded.

This is a team with a harmonious atmosphere.

Although Li Xun was caught in the last wave of mistakes, he even almost lost a wave of big rhythm.

But Xiao Ming still chose to believe in Li Xun and gave him a chance to be single.

This is trust, the power of giving.

Li Xun originally wanted to play in a group, but because he was kicked out, he started playing again on April [-]st.

The hero Lucian is actually not suitable for [-]-[-] split push. He can be assigned to the side lane because of his strong single-lane ability.

But there is often a high risk of being caught when Lucian reaches the wing, so vision control is very important.

Lucian's surrounding vision is almost lit up, which means that if the Tianshou team comes to arrest him again, he will be more vigilant and will not be caught to death so easily.

Besides, Li Xun's style is based on stability, and it is even more difficult to want to die.

And at this time, the zero-month operation is here!
The Tianshou team sent people to gank on the road, and the whereabouts of the other side were clearly known to Zero Moon.

Zero month took advantage of the trend to gather three people in the group.

On the opposite side, there are two on the top lane and one on the bottom lane. It's just that two people don't dare to guard the first tower in the middle lane.

After all, on Zero Moon's side, Syndra and the centaur are more dangerous, and their ability to control and kill people is good.

Even if you stay under the tower, the risk of being jumped over the tower is not small.

But Zero Yue put pressure on the middle lane, and Lucian, who was on the road, failed to catch him, so he had to come to the middle lane to support.

And Yue Ming directed everyone to retreat in the middle and go up the road with Lucian holding the canyon vanguard and continue to split push.

After the "left and right" clockwork was killed in the last wave, the equipment could no longer keep up with Li Xun's Lucian.

Moreover, Li Xun's playing style was steady and aggressive, and the top tower was quickly pushed down.

(End of this chapter)

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