Chapter 752 It must be him

Lin Jiao's eyes were as big as copper bells, and her terrified eyes revealed the disbelief in her heart.

It's Gu Yifan!
No one but him can be the target of speculation!

Lin Zhenhuan will not be afraid of Lin Ruyan, she is just a distant relative, and she has almost lost contact with her before!

Compared with the Lin family in Southwest China, the Lin family in Hangzhou is just a branch on a branch, which is not worth mentioning at all, and Lin Zhenhuan will not take it seriously.

But why did he kneel down to Lin Ruyan, why did he turn pale with fright when he saw Lin Ruyan show her property certificate?
Also, the two generals Qin and Xiao didn't even meet Lin Ruyan, and the disparity in status and status was so vast that they even knelt down!

Moreover, since Lin Ruyan came in, she has always been in a passive position, begging Lin Zhenhuan for mercy, and pulling Gu Yifan to kneel down. If she is really above these people, is it necessary to wrong herself so much?

It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense!
But Gu Yifan, on the other hand, has always been calm and smiling, and he didn't put Qin and General Xiao in his eyes at all when talking, and teased so lightly, which seemed funny and absurd, but it was actually because he had a plan in mind!

Lin Jiao bit her lip hard, yes, it still hurts, it's not a dream, let alone a hallucination!

"The boy is stupid. He should have admitted his mistake before Miss Lin knelt down. Now that he has wronged Miss Lin, he is even more frightened and restless!"

Lin Zhenhuan actually kowtowed to Lin Ruyan!

"Please, Ms. Lin, please give us a lot of help and let us go!"

The two generals Qin and Xiao also said in unison.

"Miss Lin, please atone for your sins!"

All the soldiers were also begging for mercy. The scene was so shocking that Lin Jiao almost fainted when her eyes went dark.

However, she still retained the last bit of calmness, because she really wanted to confirm her conjecture, even if she was extremely reluctant, she still had to find out the facts!

Yes, these people were indeed apologizing to Lin Ruyan on the surface, but their eyes were almost entirely on Gu Yifan!
They were looking at Gu Yifan's face, not Lin Ruyan!

"Wife, please say something, otherwise it's not a solution for them to keep kneeling like this."

Gu Yifan was still smiling.

"Okay, okay, please hurry up, everyone, I'm already flattered, don't say let it go, really!"

Lin Ruyan put her palms together, humble and polite.

But still no one stood up.

Lin Jiao looked at everything coldly, her emotions were close to collapse, she was not stupid, and after observing carefully for a long time, the answer was yes!
Gu Yifan shook his head: "Oh, you don't understand my wife's words or something, get up!"

Sure enough, after receiving his instructions, everyone stood up in unison.

Lin Jiao had bitten her lip and drew blood. How could this be possible?
But besides this possibility, is there any other explanation?


What they fear and respect is really Gu Yifan!

That wretch, that Ruanfan King who was spurned, despised, and poked in the spine by the whole Hangzhou people, what is he to do!
Lin Jiao's mind was in chaos, she slumped on the ground in a daze, smiled wryly, then slapped herself hard, and muttered something while slapping herself.

She refused to believe all this, but she had to believe it, so she fell into hysteria in desperation, and only hoped that she would quickly break the spell and return to the world she hoped for.

In that world, she is the master. Both Lin Ruyan and Gu Yifan can die, the worse the better.

"Yifan, what's going on here?"

Lin Ruyan couldn't care about Lin Jiao at this moment. She was also confused and confused.

When she came here, she had planned for the worst, if she used all her property to save Hui Hui Yifan, or if she could not save Hui Hui Yifan with all her property, then she would not live alone!
But she never imagined that things would turn out like this!

Not only was Gu Yifan not dead, he was still living as freely and casually as she could. However, her property was not used at all and she didn't spend a penny.

Not only that, Lin Zhenhuan was even more ashamed that such a high-status and high-status person knelt down and apologized to him, and seemed to have the intention of dying.

What is this for?
Lin Ruyan certainly wouldn't think it was her fault.

Over the past few years, too many miracles have happened. Whenever she thought she was in a desperate situation, she would turn the danger into a blessing, and even get a new life!
One time is fine, so many times, can it all be attributed to good luck?

It's too good to be so good!
Lin Ruyan had suspected Gu Yifan for a long time, but every time he could find a reasonable explanation, even though he didn't quite believe it, Lin Ruyan couldn't find any evidence to refute it.

Today, this is more exaggerated and bizarre than ever before.

It's almost the meaning of putting it to death and rebirth!
Thinking about the past, Gu Yifan only faced those who were rich, powerful, or aggressive, but they were just ordinary people anyway.

Now, they are in a tent in the middle of the valley!
Can it be a concept?

So many people, so many guns, what a joke!
"Wife, I"

Gu Yifan was about to speak, but General Qin took the topic over.

"Miss Lin, it's like this. Through certain channels, we learned about the deeds of the Xian couple. We appreciate them very much, and we also have the desire to get acquainted with you two."

"Yes, today we wanted to invite Mr. Gu to sit in the tent and have a casual chat, but we didn't expect that the tone would change when it reached your ears."

As General Xiao spoke, he looked coldly at Lin Jiao who was still slapping himself like crazy.

"That's true, Ms. Lin! Look, isn't this misunderstanding a big one? It made me speechless. How could I kidnap Mr. Gu and use it to threaten you?"

Lin Zhenhuan was indeed regretful at this moment. In fact, even if Generals Xiao and Qin didn't come, he had no intention of holding Gu Yifan accountable.

After all, it was Gu Yifan who saved his life from Apsein and suppressed that arrogant bastard!
This represents the honor of the country. For Lin Zhenhuan, national hatred is naturally much more important than family hatred!
Based on this alone, he no longer cares about Gu Yifan, but admires him very much.

Now that he knows that Gu Yifan is actually the mentor of the two mentors, Lin Zhenhuan respects him from the bottom of his heart.

Therefore, he hated Lin Jiao even more. What's the use of keeping such a villain?Harm the world?

"So it is!"

Lin Ruyan breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the few testifying for Gu Yifan, which one did not speak loudly?
No need to doubt anything!
(End of this chapter)

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