Divine Eye Appreciation King

Chapter 115 Qimen Dunjia?

Chapter 115 Qimen Dunjia?

He rushed into the elevator and looked around for a while. The elevator was normal, and there seemed to be no problem, except that Huang Luren had disappeared!

Did it go down already?
Although he knew that the possibility was very low, Feng Wei still pressed the button on the first floor.

As the elevator door slowly closed, Feng Wei remembered the performance of the man in black just now. When he kicked him away, the guy looked disappointed, but when he walked over, he became proud again , as if some task had been completed.

"No!" The moment the elevator doors closed, Feng Wei suddenly came to his senses: "He deliberately lured me away!"

A flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and he completely understood: "The guys just separated themselves from Huang Lu on purpose, and something happened to her!"

Thinking of this, Feng Wei hurriedly reached out to press the floor button, but unexpectedly, all the equipment in the elevator stopped in the dark.

"Oops!" In the darkness, Feng Wei's heart sank.

"Oops!" In the bus, Xiao Zhang with braided hair suddenly screamed, "He's gone!"

Looking at the monitor with a snowflake, Luo Lao frowned: "What's going on?"

"Army!" Xiao Zhang looked a bit nasty: "We have been tricked, there is a problem with those two elevators, they are themselves a..."

"Yin-Yang Gate..." Feng Wei looked at the white lights around him again, and he finally understood that it wasn't that there was any problem with the feng shui of the two elevators, but that someone had arranged a unique phantom array inside, the Yin-Yang Gate.

The yin door hides hostility, and the yang door hides evil spirit. When they are not in motion, they are no different from ordinary elevators.

But once activated, he can pull the people in the circle to the magic circle on the other side...

According to the words in the magic game, it is fixed-point teleportation!
Although Feng Wei doesn't really believe that this kind of formation will really exist, but now it seems that it is indeed not fake...

Obviously, the other party had set up the door in the elevator first, but the traction circle had never been set up.So neither Feng Wei nor Mr. Luo's Xiao Zhang found anything unusual here, at most they felt that there was something wrong with Feng Shui.

Until tonight, the so-called maze and the man in black were actually all bait, and the other party had only one purpose, which was to drag them until the traction circle was set up, and then let the two of them enter the elevator.

"It seems that this is going to send me to the door!" Feng Wei looked at the faint green light in the elevator, and touched his nose helplessly...

The next moment, the elevator opened, and a gust of cold wind came blowing, it looked like it was on the roof of the building.

"Mr. Feng, how about a chat?" A cold voice came from outside: "Miss Huang is waiting for you!"

It seemed that he was right. Huang Lu was indeed caught by them. Although he was nervous, Feng Wei still kept a smile and walked out of the elevator confidently.

"Huh! It's really high!"

As soon as he walked out of the door, Feng Wei found that he was standing on the rooftop of the Trade Building in the city center, at least ten kilometers away from the hotel.

Carefully stepping over the various wires and pipes laid on the roof, Feng Wei finally stopped in an open space.

Opposite, a large group of men in black were staring at him coldly...

"Hi everyone!" Feng Wei waved his hand: "Should they all be alive?"

It's not that he said anything negative, it's just that the black-clothed men in front of him all looked dull, their eyes were dull, and they couldn't even breathe when they heard it. They looked like dead people.

"Adversaries like Mr. Feng, we have to guard against!" Opposite, the leading man in black replied with a smile.

It made Feng Wei a little confused, and he didn't know what he had to guard against, making himself look like a living dead!This guy's face was already so thin that only the skin remained, but at this moment it was like a skull grinning, with an extremely sinister smile.

"Hand over the jade pendant!" The man in black on the opposite side sneered, then pointed back: "Otherwise...she will die!"

With his fingers, it seemed as if the dark background was torn apart at once, but there was a circular steel plate with a diameter of two or three meters outside the fence behind, and Huang Lu was standing there with a face full of fear. on the steel plate.

"Did you see the switch knife in his hand?" The man in black pointed to the man standing near the steel plate: "Just pull hard, and the connection between the steel plate and the main body of the building will be disconnected! The daughter of the Huang family should be smashed to pieces!"

Feng Wei looked up, and saw a man in black standing on either side of the steel plate, and there was a switchblade on the pillar in front of them.

The distance between the two was at least three meters, and Feng Wei immediately understood that this was an insurance set up to prevent him from saving people. Even if one could be killed, the other would immediately take action.

Looking at Huang Lu who was taken as a hostage on the steel plate, Feng Wei frowned. The feeling of being threatened by someone was very uncomfortable!
He activated his divination skills, but only got a reminder to stay where he was, which made Feng Wei even more uncomfortable!

However, he also knows that this skill has a strong ability to go back to the past, but to predict the future, he can only give himself a vague feeling.

It's just that the reminder "you will be safe if you stay where you are" is a bit too rough!It may also be too dangerous!
Feng Wei decided to eliminate the biggest threat first and save Huang Lu.

"Hand it over!" Maybe he was annoyed by Feng Wei's silence, or the man in black on the opposite side had run out of patience, but he yelled loudly: "An idiot like you doesn't understand The meaning of the sacred object is only me... eh?"

This guy didn't finish talking, but he saw Feng Wei suddenly rushing towards the steel plate, and the men in black on both sides were about to pull the switch knife, but they saw him raise his hands and shoot out two bursts of true energy.

"Plop, plop..." The two men in black fell to the ground, unable to move as if possessed by an evil spirit.

"Silly beep! I just won't hand it in, let's see what you can do!" Feng Wei had already jumped onto the steel plate, turned his head and cursed at the leader of the man in black, and then pulled Huang Lu into his arms.

The woman was obviously trying to hold on just now, but now she suddenly became limp, holding Feng Wei and not daring to move.

Although it seems a bit cumbersome, Feng Wei doesn't care.

He already knew now that the group of people in black in front of him were not sure if they were foxes, but they were definitely a group of idiots, these guys didn't know the special purpose of zhenqi at all.

Otherwise, the distance between the two men in black guarding the knife should be 30 meters, not three meters.

Feng Wei's current qi can produce effects within ten meters, and three meters away is almost the same...

"Very good!" The man in black smiled calmly, as if he didn't care about Feng Wei's counterattack at all: "If you don't struggle to your death, you won't be selected by the holy object!"

(End of this chapter)

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