Chapter 117 Ambush
Feng and Huang turned their heads in surprise, only to see a middle-aged man on the rooftop at some point.

This person is of medium build and looks ordinary, except for a pair of extremely sharp eyes.

"Luo Ju sent me here!" Seemingly seeing the doubts of the two, the middle-aged man reported his family background and said, "Wu Qiang, the leader of the operation team!"

"Luo Ju..." A trace of sarcasm emerged from the corner of Feng Wei's mouth.

"No one is using you as bait!" Wu Qiang seemed to know what he was thinking: "They are here for you, in fact, our target this time is those who appeared on the public market, and it is you who are causing trouble for us! "

Feng Wei raised his eyebrows, and when he was about to refute, Wu Qiang said first: "Actually, if you didn't leave the room and enter the maze, it wouldn't be so much trouble! Originally, the pockets were all laid out, but you disappeared , It’s making us look everywhere!”

"Uh!" Feng Wei, who didn't know the inside story, was immediately speechless after being complained by him.In the end, he could only helplessly say, "Then you guys should also notify me!"

"Didn't Luo Ju say that when he left?" Wu Qiang said unhappily, "Let you have a good rest, come out tomorrow morning to meet up, why run around in the middle of the night?"

Well, I don't know what this guy is capable of, but his mouth is really ruthless, and this flicker made Feng Wei stunned...

At this time, while talking, he took out the handcuffs from his waist and handcuffed all the men in black.

Seeing that he touched one pair of handcuffs after another, until everyone was handcuffed, it was still endless.Feng Wei was curious, he couldn't help walking behind Wu Qiang, wanting to see where his handcuffs came from...

"Don't make trouble!" Wu Qiang turned around to stop him, pointed at the jade pendant and said, "Take your things away!"

When he handcuffed the leader of the man in black just now, he accidentally touched it, and suffered a lot. This jade pendant has a strong protective ability, not only to absorb true energy...

"Ah?" Seeing that he was on guard, Feng Wei could only turn around and leave.Obviously, this person surnamed Wu is not an ordinary person.

However, even though the people in black are all handcuffed, the jade pendant is still sucking in its true energy, so Feng Wei naturally won't take it directly, but reaches out to pull the knife on the post.

This thing is obviously the switch of the spell plate, and you can only do it yourself if you turn it off first.

"Kaji!" With a sound, the switch knife closed, and then there was a strange sound, and the steel plate fell downward. "I X!" Feng Wei cursed, rushed up and beat the leader of the man in black.

Obviously, this guy has already made a plan, as long as Feng Wei handed over the jade pendant, and he closes the knife again, both of them on the steel plate will die...

However, they didn't expect that the jade pendant would absorb true energy, and as a result, they couldn't move at all, and their original calculations all became "Okay, okay, don't hit me!" It is extremely special, able to suppress all supernatural powers, and the boss at this moment is not much different from ordinary people. With Feng Wei's strength, I am afraid that he cannot withstand two blows!

After Feng Wei was pulled away, Wu Qiang went to look at the leader again, but saw that his mouth and nose were bleeding, and he was completely out of breath. He couldn't help being surprised: "Dead?"

"I didn't exert my strength just now!" Feng Wei was also anxious when he heard the words. He rushed over to take a look, and suddenly said: "They committed suicide!"

"They?" Wu Qiang hurriedly stood up and looked around, only to see that all the men in black were dead...

"These people are so cruel, they commit suicide so easily!" Wu Qiang shook his head.

"That's hard to say..." Feng Wei couldn't help but interjected, "Maybe it's murder!" He suddenly remembered that the real energy in these people might have been detonated by others, and it was the same for Fan Tian last time...

"Go back first!" Wu Qiang was unhappy that no one was caught alive. He waved his hand and pointed at the door on the rooftop: "While this magic circle can still be used..."

When Feng Wei and Huang Lu returned to the hotel accompanied by Wu Qiang.

This place has long been cleaned up, and no one can see that the floor where they live has a war.

When he saw Luo Ju, the old man blamed himself: "Hey, I'm too arrogant, I didn't expect the opponent to be so strong, and they actually set up a formation, which almost made you suffer..."

"Forget it, Mr. Luo!" Feng Wei sighed: "It's also our fault for running out of the room by ourselves..."

Although Feng Wei is sometimes stingy, he is also a reasonable person. After hearing what Wu Qiang said just now, he also knew that he was too suspicious, otherwise he would not have left the hotel in a hurry.

But when Luo Zhenhai heard what he said, a look of embarrassment flashed on his face. He glanced at Wu Qiang behind him, paused and said, "Fortunately, he is fine. Let's take a rest first and prepare to set off tomorrow..."

The old man couldn't keep his face from talking. If it wasn't for their plan to leave words on the bathroom mirror and lead Feng Wei and Huang Lu out of the room, there would be so much trouble in the future.

Of course, these words cannot be told to him now, so Luo Zhenhai only said a few words to the two of them, then turned and left.

Although Feng Wei noticed that Luo Lao's complexion was not good, he didn't take it to heart. He was exhausted after a busy night, so he said good night to Huang Lu and went to rest.

It wasn't until the next day that Mr. Luo called that Feng Weicai woke up from his dream. When he and Huang Lu came out of the room to the lobby, he saw Mr. Luo had been waiting for a long time.

The three of them ate some breakfast, and then set off for Gongpan.

Waiting for the gate of the small-scale open-air trading market, I heard someone greet: "Lao Luo, why did you come here!"

Feng Wei raised his eyes to follow the sound, but saw a bearded man waving his hand.

Although there are quite a few elderly men in China nowadays, there are really not many who are willing to grow a big beard.

This man's beard looked like it had been grown for many years, and it was specially braided into a thick single braid. It was white and white and looked very distinctive.

Seeing him approaching while talking, Mr. Luo laughed: "Come here, let me introduce you, this is a collector I met in the antique store, Mr. Dong..."

Hearing that he specially reminded him that he was acquainted with the antique shop, Feng Wei already understood that this old man must not know the true identity of the old man.

When Mr. Luo introduced Feng Wei and Huang Lu, the Third Master Dong was very enthusiastic: "Haha, since we are the juniors of Mr. Luo, we don't need to see outsiders. It's your luck. I have a friend called Ling Long, who specializes in this business, just bought a batch of good ingredients today, let's go and have a look!"

After saying that, he called the three of them to go on the road together. Mr. Luo looked very relaxed, and everyone entered the market just like that.

Since Third Master Dong had acquaintances, they naturally didn't need to go shopping, and soon arrived at the booth of the rough stone merchant surnamed Ling.

"Xiao Ling! Where is it!" Third Master Dong yelled at a tall man with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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