Divine Eye Appreciation King

Chapter 163 Welcome House

Chapter 163 Welcome House

Seeing that this person surnamed Liu has started talking nonsense, although he can't figure out the reason, this word must not be donated.

When Deputy Curator Liu saw Feng Wei took back the sticker, his expression immediately relaxed a lot.

This made Ye Xiao who was next to her suspicious, and she couldn't help but said to Feng Wei: "Since it's not accepted here, let's try it at the Provincial Museum!"

Feng Wei raised his head in amazement, but saw that she couldn't help blinking at him, and he suddenly smiled and said, "Well, it's also because Yuanshan Museum has nothing to do with this thing! Master Lu, Xiao Feng, and Deputy Director Liu, then Farewell..."

With that said, he put away the stickers and was about to leave.

"Hey? Wait!" The most anxious person here is Chen Chen: "Deputy curator Liu, are you sure you have seen it clearly?"

"Oh, if it's fake, it can't be true!" Deputy curator Liu waved his hands vigorously: "Xiao Feng, let me tell you the truth, if this wording post is true, I will be hit by a car to death when I go out!"

After all, he ignored everyone, turned around and called the security guard to the side, picked up his notebook and read it.

Although Lu and Chen were angry in their hearts, they had no choice but to send Feng Wei and the others out.

On the way, Chen Chen kept complaining that Director Liu had taken the wrong medicine, and asked him to leave a phone number and call again when Director Zhao came back. left.When he was halfway there, Feng Wei's phone rang, and an unfamiliar number called in...

Feng Wei didn't know this number at all, so it's hard to say that it wasn't a sales advertisement, a telecom fraud or something like that!

Feng Wei hesitated for a moment, but still pressed the answer button and said "Hello".

However, the voice from the receiver surprised him: "Is it Xiao Feng? I am Liu Jiahua, the deputy curator of Yuanshan Museum. That's it. Although your handwriting sticker is not genuine, overall it is still very good." state of the art"

"So, the museum agrees to collect it?" Feng Wei asked on the phone, and then pressed the hands-free button.

"No, no, no, museums don't collect them!" Deputy curator Liu continued, "However, I have a good friend who collects and likes this kind of works very much. If it is in his hands, it should sell for five dollars." 60! It depends on whether you are interested..."

"Okay!" Feng Wei pretended to be excited and said, "To tell you the truth, I've been very tight these two days, and I can sell 60 to [-] yuan, so it's great!"

"Well, tomorrow, at Yingbinlou Hotel, if you have time, I'll make an appointment with the seller!" Deputy Director Liu said on the phone with a smile.

"The day after tomorrow!" Feng Wei said with a strange smile: "Deputy curator Liu, I won't be in time tomorrow. I will be in the Yingbin Building at nine o'clock the day after tomorrow. I will treat you!"

"Success, success!" Deputy curator Liu smiled brightly on the phone: "Hahaha, I'll contact the buyer right away!"

"It really is like this!" After Feng Wei hung up the phone, Ye Xiao, who was driving, scolded: "This bastard is too shameless!" After that, he was a little strange: "Where did he get your phone number?"

"You forgot, didn't the security guard register us all?" Feng Wei giggled, "When we left, he was still flipping through the notebook!"

"The day after tomorrow...will you go?" Ye Xiao continued to ask.

"Of course!" Feng Wei sneered: "I want to see who he is going to sell this thing to!"

The two were talking, when the phone rang again, Feng Wei answered it, but it was Lu Zhen's call, telling him that he had already contacted the curator, and he should be back tomorrow, and we will discuss it in detail then.

"The day after tomorrow, at the Yingbin Building at eight o'clock the day after tomorrow, please see the good show, Director Zhao! Master Lu, remember to come with Xiao Feng!" Feng Wei urged on the phone.

Although Feng Wei's words sounded weird, Lu Zhen still agreed.Indicates arriving on time.

Hua, the policewoman over there, was still laughing when she heard the call: "Both of them are more competent than the curator!"

Feng Wei smiled sideways, and was about to say something when the phone rang loudly, and this time it was Guo Feng who called.

"Brother Feng, where did you go to make a fortune in the past two days, and you didn't come to visit my brother!"

"I've been very busy recently, and I really don't have time to go to your place for a stroll!" Feng Wei replied with a smile: "What? Another good thing is on the market?"

"Of course, it's something you can't even think of!" Guo Feng was very excited on the phone: "Li Bai's authentic, authentic!"

"Huh!" Feng Wei pretended to be surprised: "Li Bai's authentic work? It's unreliable, right?"

"Don't worry, there is an old expert in calligraphy and painting for decades, and his eyesight must be reliable!" Guo Feng continued.


"Don't ask me that, anyway, he is well-known all over the country, so he still has some taste!" Guo Feng smiled hypocritically on the phone: "Hahaha, how about brother, are you interested?"


"Don't doubt, my brother didn't come to you to cheat you, the main reason is that the seller's asking price is too high, [-] million, my net worth and life combined are not that much!"

"Me neither..." Feng Wei was helpless.

"You have Miss Huang's family!" Guo Feng insisted: "Li Taibai's authentic work! Don't talk about the town store, it is enough to take it back to the town house and pass it down for generations!"

"All right, all right!" Listening to him talking about Huang Lu and looking at Ye Xiao next to him, Feng Wei felt a little unnatural, so he simply interrupted Guo Feng and said, "Report the time and place first, and I'll see if I'm free!"

"Nine o'clock in the morning of the day after tomorrow, Hong Bin Building, call the local area!" Guo Feng on the other end of the phone was excited: "There is another matter, brother, you have to pay attention!"

"what's up?"

"The seller made it clear that he also cheated a young couple with tricks, gave them 50 yuan, bought the painting and sold it to us, and let us be responsible for cooperation."

"Is it for you to be responsible for cooperating?
"Since you have participated now, you will naturally have a share!" Guo Feng on the other end of the phone smiled treacherously.

Well, after chatting with Guo Fenggui again, Feng Wei hung up the phone.

It's too late to hang up, Ye Xiao over there is already living up to his name, and he is about to laugh out of a traffic accident.

She simply parked the car on the side of the road, covered her chest and laughed for a while before she recovered her breath: "The day after tomorrow, we will meet the seller and the buyer at Hongbin Building...haha..."

Thinking of this, she laughed again.

"What's so funny!" Feng Wei said with a serious face, "It's time to meet... always have to meet!"

It made Ye Xiao laugh again.

On the third day, Ye Xiao called early in the morning. The policewoman gave full play to her gossip spirit and insisted on watching the fun.

Feng Wei had no choice but to take her to Hong Binlou.

Yesterday, Feng Wei specially came to Hong Bin Building to book a private room, and according to his request, the private room was divided into two rooms, inside and outside.

After he and Ye Xiao sat in the private room for a few minutes, Lu Zhen and Chen Chen walked into the private room with a thin elderly man led by the waiter.

(End of this chapter)

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