arcane stars

Chapter 106 Star Beast

Chapter 106 Star Beast
Stormy Strait.

According to the information investigated by the Authority, people from the Protoss Sect are active in this area.

But when everyone arrived, the person who provided the information had lost contact.

"Search nearby to find their stronghold."

Sharon ordered.

All the guards of the management bureau were dispatched, and Ye Ming and others also started to investigate separately.

After separating from the crowd, Ye Ming took the initiative to contact Amon.

Emon was naturally very excited. Ye Ming took the initiative to contact him, which meant that he had an opportunity to perform. He quickly asked:
"Sir, what are your orders?"

"Are there any religious sects active in Fengxuan Strait recently?"

Ye Ming asked.

Emon quickly gave an answer after hearing the words: "My lord, people from our sect have not been active there recently. I have led people to evacuate Lei Saixing according to your instructions."

After speaking, he hesitated and said, "Is there something wrong there? Although we haven't been active there recently, there is indeed an experimental base we left behind under the strait."

Emon and the others have already left.

So the news about the activities of the Protoss Sect here is simply false.

But who would pretend to be a member of the Protoss Sect to attract them?What is his purpose?
Thinking of this, Ye Ming asked:
"How much do you know about the Wind and Tsunade Strait?"

"My lord, that place is not simple. When we abandoned that experimental base, it was because of some accidents there."

Amon replied: "According to our original calculation and detection, there is a Nirvana star beast sleeping under the Fengxuan Strait. Our experiment will accelerate the speed of the star beast's awakening, so we had to abandon this mature experimental base."

Ye Ming was slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

Star beasts are a kind of mysterious existence. They wander in the starry sky, devouring planets and growing continuously. It is said that adult star beasts can even destroy a galaxy with ease.

However, the number of star beasts is very rare.

In the currently known universe, only one star beast has appeared in history.

Most star beasts spend their entire lives wandering the stars, and they may never meet another star beast in their lifetime.

Therefore, the way they continue their life is self-nirvana.

Before the end of the lifespan, the star beast will turn itself into a cocoon and sleep inside the planet, gestating itself with the vitality of the entire planet.

Ultimately complete Nirvana and rebirth.

It's just that the star beast reborn from Nirvana is actually a brand new life form, and has no connection with the past star beast.

And under this strait, there is actually a Nirvana star beast!

This is not good news.

If the star beast Nirvana succeeds, the entire Lei Sai will be destroyed.

However, Lei Sai has been around for an unknown number of years, and this star beast has been nirvana here for so long and has not affected this place.

Maybe it was a failure?
This kind of nirvana of existence is not 100% successful, and it is actually normal to die halfway.

He wondered:

"Are you sure that star beast is still alive?"

Emon replied: "My lord, we are sure that the star beast is still alive, but we don't know why he didn't absorb the vitality of this planet."

He understood Ye Ming's doubts.

The star beast needs a lot of vitality in the process of nirvana, but this star beast did not absorb the vitality of this planet in Lei Sai's nirvana.

This is also the point that they were very confused when they discovered the star beast.

"I see."

Ye Ming ended the communication.

It didn't take long for Ye Ming to receive news that Jiu Ge had found the experimental base below the strait.

Ye Ming wasn't surprised either. Jiuge's ability is very suitable for exploring these places, and her blood bats can penetrate almost everywhere.

However, Ye Ming already knew that the base below was just an abandoned base, so he didn't care too much. The most important thing was the star beast under the strait.

"Captain, the base below has long been abandoned, and it doesn't look like someone has been active recently."

Ye Ming came back just in time to hear Jiu Ge reporting the situation.

"I know."

Sharon nodded.


Jiu Ge was slightly taken aback.

"Get ready to do it!"

Xia Lun didn't answer the question that he ignored, and turned to look at the person in charge of the administration.

The person in charge was Fisher, a fifth-tier arcanist. He nodded immediately when he heard what Sharon said, and waved to the people behind him.

The people behind them immediately gave way to a large space, and the open space was covered with arcane engravings.

Space engraving?

Ye Ming was a little surprised, these engravings are full of space arcane atmosphere, but when were these placed?

Although he knew that Mr. Fisher was a space arcanist, he never thought that he would arrange these space engravings here.

"Captain, what is this for?"

Ye Ming asked in a low voice.

Xia Lun turned his head and glanced at him, smiled and said, "You'll know later, some people think we are fools, so we can't just do something like this."

Ye Ming didn't understand what the captain said for a while.

But soon he realized that the captain and the others had actually realized that the so-called Protoss Sect this time was totally fake.

Someone deliberately put a message to attract them.

It's just that the captain and the others probably don't know about a star beast sleeping under the strait, right?

Ye Ming didn't rush to remind, let's see what the captain and the others are going to do first.

At this moment, Fisher had already started to cast the space arcane, and he activated those space engravings.

Ye Ming also understood that this is a space teleportation engraving at the moment the engraving is activated, which can carry out short-distance space teleportation.

The disadvantage is that living things cannot be teleported.

In this way, Ye Ming probably already guessed what the captain and the others were going to pass on.

The space engraving has been fully activated at this time, and images of some huge things gradually emerge from the engraving.

After that, the outlines of those things gradually solidified, and finally turned from virtual to solid. They were a few arcane blasters.

This is a real weapon of war.

Although Ye Ming had already guessed that most of the teleported objects were weapons, he really didn't expect it to be such a thing.

After the arcane impact cannons were teleported, the guards of the Authority quickly began to install these cannons.

A total of ten shock guns were quickly placed on the side of the channel.

Ye Ming was a little distressed. These cannons cost ten Arcane Crystals once fired.

It is simply burning money.

Fortunately, it wasn't his money that was burned, and the money of the Leisai Administration had nothing to do with them.


Below the strait, the abandoned base.

This experimental base is located among the stone walls on the shore of the strait, and the height difference from the turbulent sea water is no more than ten meters.

At this time, many people gathered in the base.

They are the ones who intentionally released the news, and it was the beginning of their plan to attract the people from the authority.

"Get ready! When they enter this base, we will do it!"

"Rexos has been sealed here for hundreds of years, and today we must wake it up!"

"That's right, the sum of the arcane abilities of those idiots in the Imperial Administration should be enough to revive Rexos."

The crowd waited in anticipation.

They knew the Authority had reached the upper channel.

At that time, they will definitely come down to investigate this abandoned base, and they are full of arcane inhibitors in this base.

As long as they enter the base, as long as they are arcanists, their strength will be weakened by half.

All they had to do was kill them and use their blood to wake up the sleeping star beast Rexos below the strait.

They had planned this matter for a long time, but fortunately, the appearance of the Protoss Sect created a good opportunity for them this time.

Not only can they attract many arcanists from the Administration Bureau, but also the Protoss Sect will take the blame afterwards.


At this moment, a dull sound came from outside, and the entire base began to tremble.

"What's going on? What's going on outside?"

someone exclaimed.

After the words fell, there was another loud noise. This time they were not calm, and the powerful aftermath of the explosion caused the entire base to crack.

The experimental base seemed to be squeezed from the outside in.

The person in charge of guarding outside was instantly blasted to pieces by the huge explosion wave.

"Damn it! Are they crazy?"

Finally someone realized what was going on.

Those two blows just now were obviously arcane shocks, and the lunatics from the management bureau actually fired directly at this place!

What are they thinking?
Shouldn't they have come down and searched the place?
Everyone couldn't figure it out at all, but what followed was bombardment after bombardment.

Everyone above the strait was looking at the bombarded location on the other side.

That place was the former experimental base of the Protoss Sect, and they moved to the Mausoleum Mountain base after discovering that there were star beasts sleeping under the strait.

If there is no interference from the star beasts, the reverse spirit plan should be carried out here.

"Captain, did you know from the beginning that the news about the Protoss Sect is fake?"

Ye Ming asked curiously.

Xia Lun nodded and said, "Because I happened to come to this place once, and I heard them talk about their plan for a long time in the base."

"But they didn't see me."

Sharon added.

If he found out, he would have already run away, Ye Ming secretly complained in his heart.

That being said, asking them to look for it before was actually just an illusion.

Ye Ming asked, "Who is the other party?"

Since it is not the Protoss sect, who else would do such a thing?

"The Resistance Army on the Federation side."

Sharon replied: "Their purpose is to awaken the existence below the strait."

Ye Ming didn't have to worry about how to remind the captain about the star beast when he heard the words. Obviously, the captain already knew about it.

Then he will have no pressure.

He believed that since the captain knew everything, he would definitely deal with it.

"You seem relieved?"

Sharon smiled.

Ye Ming smiled: "Hehe, none of this can escape the captain's eyes, but why did Radiance Federation do this?"

Xia Lun shrugged: "After our Majesty stopped asking about state affairs, the Federation has long wanted to go to war with the Empire, and now they are naturally trying to do something. If they really wake up the star beast, Lei Sai will probably destroyed."

So the situation is so tense?

Ye Ming really hasn't paid attention to these things. After all, his mind is full of making money to upgrade, and he really doesn't care about such international conflicts.

But it’s okay to think about it. The empire’s territory was not so wide before Vera IV came to power. Half of the country’s territory today was expanded through war.

It was only after Vera IV stopped asking about state affairs that he stopped.

The Federation is originally a force formed by those weak and small forces united to resist aggression. Many of them were exterminated by the Empire and wanted to seek revenge from the Empire. Now that there is serious internal fighting in the Empire, it is they who are active. opportunity.

Xia Lun said again: "These have little to do with us, as long as we do what is within our responsibilities."


Ye Ming nodded in agreement.

Even if the Empire and the Federation fight, they really don't have a relationship with them. The law enforcement team is not an army, and they won't be used in wars.

At most, they were sent out to perform some special tasks.

The key is that when the time comes, who will still be in the administration!
He will definitely run away when the time comes, and the captain and others obviously have no loyalty to the empire at all...

Ye Ming didn't think about it any more.

While they were talking, the stone wall of the strait on the other side had been blasted into a mess, and several arcanists escaped from it.

The others had all been killed by artillery fire.

"Finally out?"

Xia Lun stopped chatting and directly spread out the wings of light to stop those people.

The few people were in a panic, and when they saw Xia Lun, they turned around and fled. They had no intention of fighting at all. What happened now has completely exceeded their expectations.

It's all because the opponent doesn't play cards according to the routine.

However, Xia Lun and the others did not give them a chance to escape, and several arcanists from the Administration also shot to intercept them.

Ye Ming and the others didn't make a move. Those federal arcanists are not weak, and they can't help much at all.

The battle soon unfolded over the strait. Seeing that they couldn't escape, the few federal arcanists could only choose to do their best. Anyway, they were all dead, and they could take away one.

Various arcane arts were intertwined in the air, and several people fought back and forth for a while.

But Ye Ming and the others knew that their captain didn't use all their strength at all, otherwise these captains would have won it alone.

They are also used to it. Unless they encounter a particularly strong opponent, the captain will hardly use his full strength.

Of course, there is actually no suspense in this battle. On the surface, it looks inseparable, but in fact, the captain and others have always taken the initiative.

It didn't take long for those federal arcanists to be defeated.

They were beheaded by the captain's side, and their bodies fell into the strait below.

But the next moment, the corpse that fell into the strait exploded, and the seawater was rolled up by huge waves by the huge explosion, hitting the stone walls on both sides, and everyone felt the tremor of the earth.

"suspended animation?!"

The faces of Fisher and the others changed. The man just suspended animation and blew himself up after falling into the strait.

Its purpose is self-evident.

He wanted to use this method to wake up the star beast Rexos who was sleeping under the strait. Even if they died, they didn't want everyone in the empire to feel better.

It is not so easy for a star beast to calm down once it wakes up.

The bottom of the strait is no longer calm, the sea water seems to be boiling, and a water column gushes out from below, as if something is breathing.

Xia Lun looked down calmly.

Ye Ming glanced at Xia Lun, feeling a little puzzled in his heart. The captain is not only a light arcanist, or he wasn't a light arcanist in the first place.

The essence of the captain is a necromancer. It is impossible for him not to find out that the person was suspended animation before, but he did not stop it.

Did he let the man down on purpose to wake up the star beast?
(End of this chapter)

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