arcane stars

Chapter 115 Candid

Chapter 115 Candid
Ye Ming was also stunned when he came out.

What he expected was that there were only Xia Lun and Jiu Ge outside, so he was a little surprised that so many people appeared all at once, and he felt nervous at the same time.

After all, he also understands that getting out of the Black Territory alive is by no means an easy task.

Xia Lun knew many of his secrets, and they were trustworthy as their teammates, and they would not get entangled in this matter.

But other people are different, he will definitely attract attention after he walks out of the black area.

These thoughts flashed through his mind, but there was nothing he could do now.

Others didn't think so much at the first time.

What they thought was that someone could really get out of the black realm alive!

When Xia Lun made a move before, most of them thought that it was impossible for the people trapped in the black region to come back. They promised Xia Lun to wait for an hour, but they didn't really believe that Ye Ming and the others could come out. They just gave Xia Lun a face.

But when the three of them really appeared, they were all shocked.

Although the two were being pulled by the other, they could all tell that the two were just unconscious, not dead.

The point is that these are not the most important.

The most important thing is that they not only walked out of the black area, but also purified the black area from the inside, and now the clinic no longer has the smell of the black area.

Ye Ming took Ke Lin and the two to Xia Lun.

"Captain, he brought them back."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Xia Lun nodded slightly, and then turned his attention to the others: "Thank you for making a trip to help our team evolve the black domain. I will report this truthfully in the mission report, but our team has always kept a low profile. What happened today Please keep it a secret."

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, and then suddenly realized.

"Of course, it is our honor to help Captain Sharon."

Someone said immediately.

What Xia Lun said is obvious. Although they didn't contribute at all to purify the black area this time, they will still be credited for this matter.

The condition is that what happened at the scene today is kept confidential.

They have no reason to refuse this kind of thing. Although it is indeed surprising to come out of the black area, the latter is naturally more valuable than the real benefits.

Milo's eyes flickered, he didn't care about that benefit, but this matter might be used to revenge Xia Lun.

As soon as he thought of Xia Lun's humiliation to him, he wanted to trample Xia Lun under his feet and torture him over and over again.

"Executive Milo, you seem to have a problem?"

While he was thinking in his heart, Xia Lun's voice sounded again.


Milo froze.

Xia Lun glanced at Miro, and continued: "The Black Territory is a dangerous place, and one or two sacrifices during the purification process are inevitable."

"Yes... yes! Fortunately, there were no casualties in our process of purifying the black domain this time."

Milo forced a smile.

Although he was very reluctant, he could only agree.

At the same time, he also gave up the idea of ​​telling this matter, he didn't dare to gamble with his own life.

Xia Lun's meaning is very clear, either keep the secret, or become one of the sacrifices in the purification of the black domain.

This is an aboveboard threat.

However, none of them dared to question these words. The rumors of the ghost team were very clear to them. Although there was no direct evidence, everyone acquiesced that those rumors were true.

"Everyone has worked hard. My team members need treatment, so we will leave first."

Xia Lun ignored Miro and the others, and left with a few people.

The figures of several people disappeared quickly.

Milo suddenly seemed to have lost his support and sat slumped on the ground, his back was already wet with cold sweat.

Others may have just heard Sharon's unabashed threats.

But he really felt the killing intent from Xia Lun's eyes. The moment he met Xia Lun's eyes, he felt like he was in hell.

At that time, if he said a word no, that lunatic would definitely kill himself!
"Lord Milo."

Someone stepped forward and helped Milo up.

Milo glanced at everyone, and said: "I'm rotten with everything today."


Everyone nodded.

Even if Milo didn't say anything, they didn't dare to tell the truth about what happened today. They were even afraid that Milo's executive officer was too young to know what to do, so they just planned to persuade Miro not to do stupid things.

They didn't expect Miro to be so conscious, so they were relieved.


The two of Ke Lin are still in a coma, not only because Ye Ming suppressed them with the Crown of Weaving Dreams.

It is because they are influenced by the black domain, they themselves are stuck in the past memory and do not want to wake up.

It's not that releasing the Dreamweaving Crown will wake them up, but it will take a while to recover.

After placing the two of them in the hospital, Ye Ming returned to his residence.

Jiu Ge was tired all day, and had already left.

Xia Lun went to the Law Enforcement Building to apply for compensation. After all, the two team members were temporarily unable to fight because of this mission.

This is a small amount of compensation.

It's hard to imagine that the captain, who can threaten the executive officer unscrupulously, would be so concerned about a compensation.

When Ye Ming returned home, Xilin greeted her with Amber in her arms.

I don't know what happened between one person and one cat. Ever since Ye Ming came back with the negotiating team, they have been very close.

Originally, he planned to send Sirin to school after returning, but now that the Empire and the Federation are at war, this matter has been put on hold for the time being.

"Brother Cesare, you are back!"

Sirin has now fully accepted her new identity.

Ye Ming asked, "What's wrong?"

"Someone wants to take the cat away!"

Sirin hugged Amber and said.

Amber also called twice in agreement.

"what happened?"

Ye Ming was taken aback for a moment. Now that he remembered the first time he rescued Hu Po, it was covered in wounds, and those wounds were not the marks of biting between animals, but knife wounds.

This shows that someone wanted to kill the cat in the first place.

But then nothing happened, so he didn't care too much.

Sirin explained: "We were going to go out to have a look in the morning, but we saw a man sneaking outside looking at this place, and found that he wanted to snatch the cat away after we went out. Fortunately, the blond uncle saved us."

"Who is the blond uncle?"

Ye Ming said strangely.

"It's the blond uncle who brought us food before." Sirin replied after thinking about it.

"I see, I'll take care of this."

Ye Ming nodded, he had already guessed who the blond uncle was.

"Well, then I'm going to study!"

Sirin left again with Amber in her arms. She is now working hard to learn the common language.

Afterwards, Ye Ming contacted Melsis. He had asked Melsis to take care of Sirin for him before, but he didn't expect him to do it himself.

The communication was quickly connected, and Melsis' voice came:
"Boss, do you have any orders?"

Ye Ming said directly: "I heard from Sirin that my cat was almost taken away."

"It's from the Snow family."

Melthis was silent for a while and said, "Boss, your cat probably comes from the Snow family."


Ye Ming frowned.

He had just heard about the Snow family, and that Milo was from the Snow family. The captain had also reminded him that the Snow family members were narrow-minded, and it was best not to have anything to do with them unless necessary.

However, these words always feel a little unconvincing when the captain says them.

After all, he also knew what the captain did after he came out, and the captain offended Milo thoroughly.

Of course, the captain does have this capital.

It's just that his cat might come from the Snow family, which surprised him a bit, after all, he always thought of Amber as a stray cat.

If it weren't for stray cats, they wouldn't have stayed at his house forever.

But it is obviously impossible for Melsis to lie to him about this kind of thing, it doesn't make any sense.

Melthis explained: "The Snow family is not a family of arcanists, and their abilities are related to cats."

Having said that, he lowered his voice and said:

"Based on my contact with that cat, boss, your cat may not be a cat, or it wasn't originally a cat!"

"Then what is it?"



"I think so."


Sirin was studying in the room, and Amber squatted on the table, pointing at the book with two cat paws, making meows.

When Ye Ming opened the door, one person and one cat all looked up.

"Brother Cesare?"


Both made voices of doubt, because Ye Ming's expression was very serious.

"I have something to ask Amber."

Ye Ming looked at Amber and spoke lightly.


Sirin nodded and continued to read with her head down.

Since he was looking for Amber, it has nothing to do with her.


Amber tilted her head, then seemed to realize something, turned around and wanted to run away.

But Ye Ming had expected it to react like this, so he grabbed it and took it out of the room.

Amber screamed and looked at Sirin for help.

Sirin just looked up at it, smiled and waved:
"Listen to your brother!"

So Amber gave up struggling.

Ye Ming brought Amber to his room, put Amber on the table, and sat down on the other side of the table.

Seeing that Ye Ming was so serious, Amber obediently did not move.

"I want to confirm something, and I know you understand."

Ye Ming stared at Amber and said, "But I'm not sure if you can speak."


Amber was silent for a while.

The atmosphere fell into silence for a while, and Ye Ming was not in a hurry to speak.

Finally, Amber made a sound.

This time it's not a cat meowing, but a female voice:
"How did you know?"

Amber's eyes were full of doubts.

"You really can talk." Ye Ming was not surprised at all, "When I knew that the Snow family wanted to arrest you, I guessed it."

"I didn't mean to hide it."

Amber looked at Ye Ming and said.

"I believe it, but you must give me a reason. After all, you will cause me a lot of trouble when you are here. I don't want to be involved in it for no reason."

Ye Ming nodded.

It makes sense why this cat stays here. His place can be said to be a blind spot for the Snow family.

No one in the Snow family would have guessed that the person they were looking for was hidden right under their noses.

Amber was silent for a while, nodded and said:
"It should be. In fact, when the Snow family found me, I was going to find a chance to explain it to you."

Ye Ming nodded slightly, motioning for her to continue.

Amber continued:

"I am one of the heirs of the Snow family. My real name is Melentha Snow, but you can continue to call me Amber. I don't want to have anything to do with this surname anymore."

Ye Ming did not express his position. Each family has tens or hundreds of such noble heirs, and any one who comes out at random may be a candidate for heir.

He had already seen this at the home of the Duke of Lawrence.

"Speak the key."

Ye Ming reminded that what he wanted to know was not such nonsense.

Amber hesitated and said:

"If you want to know why I became a cat and why I was hunted down, I have a request."

"Then I don't want to hear it anymore, you pack up and leave, but you shouldn't have to salute." Ye Ming waved his hand and got up directly.

He didn't bother to get involved in any family strife.

What's more, the current situation doesn't allow Amber to put conditions on him. It seems that the cat hasn't figured out his situation yet.

But it's normal to think about it. After all, she is a nobleman's child. Even if she is so downcast, she still has a ridiculous pride in her bones.

Amber was stunned when she heard this.

It never thought that Ye Ming would play cards so out of routine.

Now he actually wants to drive it away, but where else can it go now?Now the Snow family members are watching it nearby every day.

As soon as it leaves this villa, it will fall into the hands of the Snow family.

It made a quick decision:
"I can tell you, as long as you let me stay here."

"no problem."

Ye Ming sat down again and motioned for Amber to continue.

Amber could only say:

"I was hunted down by the Snow family because of a broken star map my mother left me. Although I don't know what that thing does, my mother told me that it was very important and told me not to give it to me. anyone."

"The rest of the Snow family knew about this from some unknown source. They wanted the star map in my hand on the condition that I directly become the sole heir of the Snow family. I refused. I never cared about the identity of the heir. , and never trusted anyone in the Snow family, so I escaped."

"As for becoming a cat, that's another matter. Mr. César should know that the Snow family's abilities are related to cats, right?"

Ye Ming nodded to indicate that he knew that Melsis had told him all this.

But at this moment, what he cares most about is the incomplete star map in Hu Po's mouth, because he also has a incomplete star map on his body, but he doesn't know if there is any relationship between the star maps they mentioned.

Amber continued:

"Although our abilities are related to cats, everyone's abilities are different. My ability is that I can possess cats. On the way they chased and killed me, I gave up my physical body to occupy this body. I was able to escape, and then met Mr. Cesar, thank you very much for your help."

"So this cat is not actually your original physical body."

Ye Ming understood. He grabbed Amber and touched it twice. He always thought that this cat was actually transformed directly from a human body.

Now it seems that it is impossible for a cat to change into a human, or a human to become a cat.

But Amber was stiff all over, and instinctively started to explode.

It was okay not to be honest with each other before, but now it feels completely different.

(End of this chapter)

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