arcane stars

Chapter 129 Good News and Bad News

Chapter 129 Good News and Bad News

The imprint returned to calm after a brief scorching heat, and then disappeared like melting.

It's just that Ye Ming knows that the mark has not completely disappeared, but is hidden in his body, and he can still feel the mark.

Afterwards, Ye Ming and others left Liberty City.

Perhaps it won't be long before this so-called Free City will disappear completely. The plutocrats who established the Free City have merged with the snakes of the virtual world and been sealed in the empty dream world. Without their protection, the Free City Has lost its foundation.

And this is the result that the empire has always wanted.

The existence of Liberty City is an anomaly in the empire. Before Valla IV did not care about world affairs, the power of the empire was three-legged, which gave Liberty City enough soil to survive, and it has taken this opportunity to develop to this day.

But now that Villa IV intends to rectify the atmosphere in the empire after his rebirth, it is naturally impossible for places like Liberty City to continue to exist.

The deliberate release of Orbis from the Imperial Prison was a plan against Liberty City, but things went completely beyond expectations in the end.

Fortunately, the final result remains unchanged.

And this time the ghost team still made a huge contribution to this matter, unlike the last black dragon star incident, they can fully absorb the credit this time.

It's just that Xia Lun rejected the opportunity to meet Aurora with several judges.

The reason is that after experiencing such a dangerous thing, the team members have to take a few days off.

Those few judges couldn't say anything about it. The ghost team has always been like this. In their impression, Sharon has always been a person with an eccentric temperament. It is not strange to make such a choice.

Of course, only the ghost team can do this kind of thing to give their own team a holiday during this war period.

After sending away several judges, Ye Ming and the others are also preparing to leave the planet where the City of Liberty is located.

Although Xia Lun said that he wanted to give the team members a vacation, everyone knew that they couldn't really take a vacation, but they still had another task.

Speaking of which, they wasted a lot of time on the Orbis matter.

But the final result was good, so there was nothing to worry about. The mission of chasing Orbis has turned into a major event of sealing the descendants of the evil god in the end, so their rewards will definitely not be less after they go back.

It's just that these rewards are nothing compared to what the eldest princess promised.

Before leaving, Jiu Ge reported the current situation:

"Captain, the target we want to investigate appeared twice after that, once on the planet Kyle and the other time in the Meilin system. In that battle, the woman took action for the first time and destroyed a fleet of ghost sharks in the empire. "

"From the planet Liluo to the planet Kyle, and then to the Meilin galaxy, that woman's trajectory is all on the border battlefield of the empire. According to her trajectory, she will most likely appear on the planet Amela next time. Where shall we go directly? Wait for her to be fine." Xia Lun thought for a while and said.

"Captain, isn't it a bit too hasty to speculate like this?"

Jiu Ge said with a strange look.

Although Xia Lun said that every time the woman appeared on the border battlefields of the empire, there were actually many border battlefields.

Based on the information they currently have, it is impossible to predict the woman's specific movement trajectory, let alone where she will appear next.

The Amela planet that Xia Lun said has nothing to do with the places where the woman appeared before, and Qiao Ge doubts that the captain is just talking nonsense.

"Is it sloppy?" Xia Lun smiled when he heard the words, shook his head and said, "I don't think it's sloppy at all, but it's the position I determined after weighing it."

Xia Lun didn't mean to explain too much, and others could only acquiesce in this result.

Yue Ge and the others were forced by Xia Lun's identity, while Ye Ming knew that Xia Lun must have his reasons for making such a decision.

He could no longer use common sense to speculate about Xia Lun.

Being able to cross different timelines by himself in the dream world before is enough to show that there are secrets in Xia Lun that he doesn't know.

Therefore, it is definitely not just a random guess when he said that he went out to the planet Almela.

In fact, Ye Ming also had some guesses in his mind about the identity of that mysterious woman.

The battle situation on Planet Almera is very optimistic, and the Federation army has not been able to obtain any benefits here. At this time, the two sides are also in a state of confrontation.

It's just that the federal side is obviously under more pressure.

On the third day after Ye Ming and others came to Planet Almera, a federal fleet appeared on the outskirts of the planet.

The woman Ye Ming and the others were looking for existed in the fleet.

Although their previous memories of the woman's appearance were erased, they recognized the face immediately after seeing that face.

It was as if a memory that had been lost to memory was brought back again after seeing something special.

Of course, they didn't see the woman with their own eyes, but the picture they saw through the imperial network.

After all, their current identity is not a law enforcement team, but just a few Star Spirit cultists.

"Perhaps I can go and meet this lady."

Xia Lun looked at the woman in the picture and said suddenly.

"The captain likes this type?"

Jiu Ge was surprised.

"I don't really like it, I just think we should have met somewhere."

Xia Lun didn't pay attention to the joke, but said seriously.

Ye Ming said at this time: "No accident, we will see him on the ground soon."

"I think so too. No one can stop her."

Sharon nodded sympathetically.

Since that woman has appeared outside Emerald, there is no reason not to land. The defenders here obviously cannot stop her.

Just don't know why she is temporarily stationed in outer space.

"Don't we do something?"

Ye Ming looked at Xia Lun.

"What are you doing? We are Protoss cultists now, not members of the Imperial Administration." Sharon glanced at him and asked back.

"Yes, this is not within our business scope."

Ye Ming nodded, and he just asked casually.

"By the way, what about Colin and the others?"

Sharon asked.

At this time, there were only the three of them in the residence, and Ke Lin and Lin Qihai were not here.

Qiao Ge replied: "They went out early in the morning, saying they were going to investigate the enemy's situation."

"Forget it, let them go!"

Sharon shook his head, his eyes somewhat helpless.

The defenders on the planet Emera did not stop the woman's fleet, because the entire fleet that was trying to stop it was destroyed.

It wasn't until the Federation Fleet landed in Emera that everyone discovered that the so-called fleet was just an empty shell.

There is only the mysterious woman in the entire fleet, and the ships are all remotely piloted.

Soon, everyone knew why there were no survivors in the fleet.

All life in the area where the woman was located was withering, no matter if it was a plant or an animal, as long as it was a living body, it was difficult to escape the fate of death.

It can be seen from the satellite monitoring screen that the place where the woman landed is withering and dying at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The last time she appeared was not so scary."

Sharon was a little surprised.

After the woman appeared before, although all the people on the battlefield died, those people still lived for a while.

Die only after exhausting all life potential.

And this time the woman's appearance is indeed terrifying. This time wherever she goes there is death.

"Who the hell is she?"

Ye Ming was also shocked, such an existence could no longer be guessed by common sense.

The woman at this moment is simply the embodiment of death.

"Human? Why do you think she is human?"

Xia Lun said solemnly: "Let's go and have a look too, we must never let her get close to the town."

Although he said he didn't want to care about this matter, Xia Lun was still ready to take action at this time.

If that woman is allowed to move on, the planet Almera will be destroyed very quickly.

"But can we stop her?"

Ji Ge said worriedly.

"do not know."

Sharon shook his head.


Ye Ming and the others felt the scene as quickly as possible. The imperial army had completed the blockade and was preparing to stop the woman here.

It's a pity that they know that it is impossible to stop it.

"Who are you guys? It's very dangerous here now, the idlers should evacuate quickly!"

An officer spotted Ye Ming and others.

"We're here to help."

Sharon said truthfully.

While speaking, Xia Lun released his huge arcane coercion, and the man's face immediately changed.

"My lord, you... are you really here to help us?"

The officer looked excited.

He is a low-level arcanist, and from Sharon's body, he feels the fluctuation of arcane energy that is countless times stronger than him. Such an existence is definitely a high-level arcanist!

They were all ready to die, and they didn't expect that someone would come to help at the last moment.

Sharon just nodded.

The officer was not afraid that the other party would lie to him, because there was no need to lie to them at this time, because everyone knew that the task of stopping that woman was actually to die.

What they have to do is not really stop the woman, they don't have that ability, all they can do is buy time for the people behind to evacuate.

"My lord, all weapons have been loaded."

At this time, a soldier came over and reported.

"Understood, let her taste our strength later."

Said the officer known as the general.

After the soldier left, the confidence on the general's face disappeared immediately.

"Don't worry about us, do what you should do, and I will take action when necessary."

Xia Lun glanced at the general and said.

The general who received the affirmation brightened his eyes, "Yes, my lord!"

After saying this, the general left.

"Captain, are you sure?"

Ye Ming couldn't help asking.

He didn't think Xia Lun would do something that had no chance of winning, but now he was a little uncertain.

"It's [-]% sure! If she is really the one I know."

Xia Lun thought for a while and gave the answer.

"You know her?"

Ye Ming was even more surprised.

"I am also not certain."

Xia Lun frowned, as if lost in thought, but finally just shook his head and gave an ambiguous answer.

Ye Ming felt that Xia Lun was not trying to perfunctory them, but that he was really not sure.

The woman's movement in the satellite images is not fast, but it can't be called slow either. She is obviously just walking slowly, but the ground seems to be receding rapidly under her feet.

Wherever she walked, all life was completely withered.

However, it seemed to have no effect on her, and it could even be said that she couldn't see her purpose at all.

She didn't do anything special, it was as if she chose a direction at random, and then walked on like that.

It didn't take long for Ye Ming's woman to finally enter the strike range of the imperial army.

"The target is in range, all are ready!"

someone shouted.

"Captain, won't you stop them?"

Hearing this, Jiu Ge frowned.

She knew that most of those attacks would not be able to affect the woman, but might completely irritate the woman.

If that woman goes crazy, the gain will definitely outweigh the loss.

Xia Lun shook her head and said, "There's no need to stop it, she will probably enjoy this kind of attack."


Jiuge opened his mouth, but didn't understand what Xia Lun meant.

But she never thought that Sharon would say that.

Ye Ming didn't speak, but just stared at the scene in the satellite image. For some reason, he suddenly felt that the woman's eyes were full of sadness.

It must be an illusion!
How could the existence like the incarnation of death have the emotion of sadness?


Another order came from behind.

In an instant, the countless loaded arcane weapons arranged here were all released.

Huge arcane energy fluctuations swept through everything, and countless beams of light rose into the sky, all locking on the woman within range.

The originally gloomy sky was also completely lit up by this violent arcane beam.

Everyone looked into the distance with serious expressions. They were very anxious. They knew that it would probably be useless, but they still had such hope.

But it was only for a moment, and they soon began to reload their weapons again.

Even if there is no actual harm, they must use attacks to slow down the woman's progress.

The woman in the picture also stopped.

She seemed to sense that the attacks were directed at her.

The woman raised her head to look at the sky, and everyone's hearts tensed, wondering how she would respond to these attacks.

But what happened next surprised them both.

Because the woman did nothing to respond even though she knew those arcane beams were attacking her.

Instead, she looked at the sky and opened her arms actively.

That action seemed to be welcoming those attacks, and in fact she did.

In an instant, countless light beams of arcane energy hit the woman's defenseless body.

That area was completely submerged by light and explosions.

"What's the matter? Is she dead?"

"Did we succeed?"

"What's going on with that woman?"

The soldiers murmured in disbelief.

There is no defense against such an attack, even a high-level arcanist can't bear it, after all, the physical body has its limit.

"Captain, you should know what's going on, right?"

Ye Ming couldn't help asking.

The captain's words before had already shown that he had expected the current situation a long time ago.

Likewise, there is absolutely no way that woman could be killed so easily.

"Now I have two pieces of news for you." Sharon turned around and said, "The good news is that I am now sure that she is who I think she is, and the possibility that we can stop her has increased a lot."

"What about the bad news?"

Jiu Ge hurriedly asked.

Xia Lun sighed and said:

"The bad news is, she probably doesn't know me now."


(End of this chapter)

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