arcane stars

Chapter 132 Snow Dragon

Chapter 132 Snow Dragon
The serpentine mark seems to be coming to life.

Ye Ming only felt a few eyes locked on him.

"Snakes of the virtual world? Sure enough, they are not so easy to be sealed."

Ye Ming already knew it in his heart.

If he had some doubts before, now he is completely sure of one thing.

The imprint on my body is nothing else, but a kind of anchor in the world that Tiffna once said.

Snakes from the imaginary world can't just come here if they want to come to the real world. They also need a coordinate to come from the dream world.

And the anchor they chose at the beginning should be Lucia, a child with special powers.

It was only stopped by Ye Ming at the end.

Yet they still used those snakes to mark themselves.

That is to say, he is now the only anchor point for the snakes of the imaginary world in this world, and now they are trying to descend through their own anchor point.

But after all, Xia Lun and others imposed a seal on the dream world.

Therefore, the snakes of the imaginary world can't come here directly by themselves, but according to the current trend, it won't take long for them to come here completely.

The mark became quiet again after a moment.

"What a troublesome guy!"

Ye Ming sighed helplessly.

Originally thought that this matter would end like this, but I didn't expect to leave such a tail for myself.

I have to make some preparations before the snake of the virtual world comes.

It's just that he wasn't going to tell Xia Lun about this, because there was a better solution.

The next few days are vacation time.

Ye Ming also paid attention to the battle situation on the front line. The Federation and the Empire are currently in a stalemate.

In the absence of Tiffna's influence on the key battle situation, the strength of the empire is stronger.

But there are also some special alien troops on the Radiance Federation.

Ye Ming originally thought that this war would continue for a while, but what he didn't expect was that only three days had passed.

The war ended suddenly.

The Federation of Radiance directly announced its surrender.

In fact, no one will be surprised by this result. People are surprised that this result came too fast.

Most people's thoughts are similar to Ye Ming's. They all think that this war will continue for a while.

It's not that surprising if you think about it carefully.

After all, this war was sudden from the very beginning, and the cause was only the failure of negotiations between the two sides, and the empire directly declared war.

This was promoted by him and Xia Lun, but more of it was that Villa IV wanted to show everyone the strength of the empire again.

The Federation of Radiance had doubts about the strength of the current empire at first, so it accepted the gauntlet. In this situation, there is actually no need for them to resist.

This war started because of the ancient ruins, and it will naturally end at the ancient ruins.

It is also impossible for the empire to ask the Federation of Radiance to pay more.

Although the empire seems to be strong now, the Federation of Radiance is not a weak bone, and it is unrealistic to fight the Federation to the death.

No one would want to start such a long-lasting large-scale war.

Soon, the meeting between the Empire and the Federation was held again, and Ye Ming and his team naturally became the security personnel for this meeting again.

It's just that this time Ye Ming didn't receive instructions from the natural disaster, and Xia Lun didn't seem to have any intention of causing trouble again.

There should be no more incidents in this peace talk.

This time the peace talks were held on a planet called Xuelong, but this time the security work was obviously stricter.

Additional staff were deployed inside and outside the venue.

The entire venue must have been inspected inside and out.

In addition to these differences, the form of this meeting has also undergone some changes. The last time it was a negotiation of equal status between the two parties.

This time, the Federation of Radiance became the loser.

Naturally, it is impossible for the losing party and the victor to negotiate on an equal footing.

Ye Ming and the others still sat below and listened.

The situation of the negotiation has not changed, and it is a nonsense link between the two sides.

It’s just that it’s different after the nonsense session. In the previous negotiations, everyone put forward their own conditions and the two sides discussed together.

This time, the victorious empire directly began to propose its own terms.

The leader of this negotiation is still Eldest Princess Luvia. This time, King Vera IV has not arrived, and Luvia will take the lead.

After the nonsense was explained, the eldest princess began to read the terms.

Ye Ming summed it up, roughly a few are more important.

The first is the cause of this war, which is the issue of ownership of the ancient ruins. As the victor, the empire naturally has full rights to occupy the ruins.

Secondly, as the defeated party, the Radiance Federation naturally couldn't just pay the ownership of the ancient ruins, and the place didn't belong to them in the first place.

If there were only these, wouldn't this war be fought in vain.

So the empire asked the Federation to cede several empire border galaxies including the Ural galaxy, that is, to cede territory.

In the end, the empire also asked the Federation of Radiance to send a group of arcane geniuses to the empire to study every year.

This one is actually poaching the corner of the federation. There are not many arcane geniuses. As long as they come to the empire, the empire has plenty of ways to keep them in the empire.

Finally, there is the most common war reparations.

The Radiance Federation naturally couldn't agree to these conditions proposed by the empire, so the two sides began to argue again.

Regarding the issue of ancient ruins, the Federation of Radiance naturally cannot completely cede it to the Empire. Their idea is that at least [-]% of the people who enter the ancient ruins every time should be from the Federation, otherwise there will be no need to continue the peace talks.

They don't have much opinion on ceding the galaxy, but this kind of thing is like bargaining when buying something, even if it is acceptable, it is impossible for others to say what it is.

In addition, when it comes to sending arcane geniuses to the empire for further training, they require that the number be halved. This kind of thing is equivalent to slowly intercepting the future of their federation.

The same goes for compensation.

Naturally, such a negotiation cannot be settled at once, because all aspects of matters cannot be decided by one person.

The empire is better. The words of the eldest princess Luvia can determine the conditions of the empire to a large extent.

But it's different with the Federation. The Federation is not a monarchy, and every decision they make requires a joint decision by the Parliament.

Therefore, the negotiating team still needs to report these conditions proposed by the empire to the parliament, and then the parliament will discuss whether they can accept them.

And the empire as the victor will naturally not be in a hurry.

In the end, the two parties did not reach a conclusion on the first day of negotiation, and both parties returned to their hotels.

After returning to the hotel, Xia Lun found Ye Ming.

"Captain, how long do you think this negotiation will last?"

Ye Ming asked first.

Xia Lun spread his hands helplessly: "It can be as little as a week, as long as half a month, how can it be so simple."

"Then don't we have to go there every day?"

Ye Ming felt a pain in the ass.

It used to be boring to sit there every day and listen to both sides blah blah blah, especially when they were just sitting down and listening.

That feeling is probably equivalent to sitting down at school and listening to the school leader talking nonsense for a day, obviously wanting to sleep, but having to applaud.

This kind of task is actually simple and simple, but boring is also really boring.

"Theoretically it is."

Sharon nodded.

Ye Ming's eyes lit up when he heard this. Since the captain said the word theoretically, it meant that things could turn around.

After all, the captain never believed in theory, so he must have something else to say.

Sure enough, soon he heard Xia Lun continue:
"But I'm here to tell you good news this time. I asked the eldest princess to ask the two of us for a few days off."

Sharon had a smile on her face.

Ye Ming had a bad premonition and said warily: "Captain, what do you want to do?"

He didn't think that Xia Lun simply didn't want to go to the venue, so he asked Luvia to ask for leave, and he also asked for his own leave.

That means he must have other things to do.

His first reaction was that the captain was about to do something again.

After all, after knowing Xia Lun's true identity, Ye Ming knew that Xia Lun not only had no sense of belonging to the empire, but even this era.

He is a remnant of the last era, destined to be incompatible with this era.

But he and Tiffna are two extremes.

Seeing Ye Ming's expression, Xia Lun couldn't help shaking his head and said, "Is this the person I am in your heart?"


Ye Ming replied seriously.

"Haha." Xia Lun smiled when he heard this, "Okay! I really have something to do with you. Do you know why this planet is called Snow Dragon?"

"do not know."

Ye Ming answered truthfully.

"It's very simple, because there used to be a snow dragon here, which was regarded as a dragon god by the people here, so the planet Snow Dragon got its name." Xia Lun smiled.

"So, we're going to find Xue Long?"

Ye Ming looked at Xia Lun.

Speaking of the Dragon Clan, the last time I saw it was the Black Dragon King. The Starry Sky Dragon Clan is the dragon blood descendant of the Starry Sky Ancient Dragon.

They have the blood of the ancient star dragon, and their strength is also related to the strength of the blood.

That black dragon is actually one of very thin blood.

Of course, even there are not many existences like the Black Dragon King now. After the ancient starry sky dragon disappeared, most of the dragon blood descendants he left behind also withered.

Xia Lun shook his head when he heard the words: "Xuelong has long since fallen, and the place we are going to is just Xuelong's dragon's lair."

"Dragon nest?"

"Yes, Dragon's Nest."

"Why did you take me there?"

"To be exact, it's the one with the Dreamweaving Crown."


Ye Ming immediately understood that Xuelong's Nest was definitely not a good place, otherwise Xia Lun would never have thought of bringing Tiffna with him.

It's just that Ye Ming is a little depressed, he has become a tool person.

"But Tiffna said she wouldn't help us."

Ye Ming's last question.

In fact, he is also interested in the so-called dragon's nest, presumably Xia Lun has also seen this.

But he was not as optimistic as Xia Lun, thinking that Tiffany would help them.

Sharon shook his head and said:
"Just listen to what that woman says."


"Anyway, you still have time to think about whether to attend the negotiations for the next ten and a half months, or to explore Xuelong's Nest with me."

"I have another question."

Ye Ming asked suspiciously: "Many people should know about the existence of Xuelong's Nest, right? Is there something left for us to explore?"

Xia Lun asked strangely: "Why do you think that many people know the location of Xuelong's nest?"

"Is not it?"

"Hehe, if you were Xue Long, would you place your old lair in a place where everyone would know?"

"That won't happen."

"That's right. There are indeed many people looking for the location of the Snow Dragon's Nest, but few can find that place. Besides, you really think that place is so easy to break into!"

"Captain, how do you know?"

"The lair location is my choice."


For this answer, Ye Ming didn't know what to say for a while.

"Don't be surprised, that guy is also a surviving existence from the last era, but he was too traumatized, and after all, he couldn't resist the erosion of the years." Xia Lun showed reminiscence.

Apparently he and Xue Long were old acquaintances, and he must not be looking for Xue Long's nest now just to find Xue Long's legacy.

"I see."

Ye Ming made a decision.

He is still more interested in the events of the last era, rather than sitting in the venue for ten and a half months, he wants to explore the Snow Dragon's Nest.

Although Xuelong's Nest sounds dangerous, there must be corresponding opportunities in such a place.

"Let's go at night, and I'll leave it to Jiuge and the others."

Sharon smiled.

He became more and more interested in Ye Ming's existence. At first, he just thought he was a guy with multiple identities.

But gradually, it was discovered that this guy's identity was not just that simple, especially after knowing that he was recognized by the Crown of Dreams and was considered by Tiffna to be the person who could kill her in the future.

All this indicates that Ye Ming's existence is not simple, and his existence may become the biggest variable in this era.

And he also thought of a possibility, that is, Ye Ming might not belong to this era like him, but Ye Ming was in a special situation and lost the memory of the past.

This situation is not impossible. In fact, every existence that survived from the last era paid a huge price.

Of course, Tiffna's outlier is not included.

For others, they would try their best to survive, but for her, death was more attractive. She did nothing and still lived to this era.

Therefore, Ye Ming is probably someone who survived at a certain price.

The purpose of taking Ye Ming to the Snow Dragon's Nest was also to let Ye Ming come into contact with things from the previous era to see if he would react.

It's just that Ye Ming didn't know this, and he didn't know that Xia Lun thought of him as a mysterious existence.

He knows exactly who he is.

In the middle of the night, Xia Lun knocked on Ye Ming's door.

The two left the hotel where the negotiating team was resting. There was already an airship waiting for them outside the hotel. This was arranged by Xia Lun early in the morning.

The two of them didn't speak the whole way.

Finally, they were sent to a snowy mountain by airship.

The airship left the two of them in the snowy mountains and then left.

"This should be Xuelong Mountain, right? Xuelong's nest is here?"

Ye Ming was a little surprised. He also checked the information of Xuelong Planet from the Internet before. Xuelong Mountain is the largest tourist attraction of Xuelong Planet.

He didn't expect Xuelong's nest to be in such a place.

Xia Lun shook his head and said: "It's not that simple. In fact, the Snow Dragon's nest is not in this world, but in the different space opened up by the Snow Dragon."

"Then his entrance is here?"

"No, it's just that there is a sense of ritual here."


(End of this chapter)

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