arcane stars

Chapter 4 The Arcane Crystal

Chapter 4 The Arcane Crystal
Arcane handwriting?

Probably only arcanists would record their arcane experience on paper, because it is not safe to put these things on the Internet.

Unless the research in the arcane field is meant to be made public.

But even that carries the risk of someone stealing the research.

Ye Ming glanced at it briefly. This letter was not written in a common language, but it happened that Ye Ming also understood this language called Missouri.

"Hills? A remnant of the former empire?"

Ye Ming glanced at the dead Arcanist, his name was on the letter.

Missouri is the language of the Missouri Empire, which was destroyed 500 years ago and replaced by the Rezer Empire.

Afterwards, the Lei Ze Empire abolished the Missouri language and established the current universal language of the universe.

Of course, the empire did not prohibit the people from learning Missouri, so it does not rule out that this man just happened to know the language.

Ye Ming flipped through a few pages and found that he couldn't understand it at all. He could only tell that it was a Necromancer Arcane Handbook.

The things recorded above are difficult for him who is not an arcanist to understand.

It is also impossible for him to become an arcane master with this thing, because not everyone can practice arcane art, and one must have enough arcane talent.

And talents are always innate.

Otherwise, how can it be called talent?
In addition, there is a crystal clear blue crystal on the man's body. The crystal is oval and as big as a pigeon's egg.

There is no doubt that this is the arcane crystal, the essence extracted from the arcane ore, which contains a huge arcane energy.

Ye Ming grabbed the crystal directly and started to absorb it. The crystal soon changed from crystal blue to dull, until it turned into powder.

Arcane Charge: 25%.

Ye Ming was still a little surprised to see the change in the charging progress bar.

Although he knew that the arcane energy contained in the arcane crystal was extremely huge, he never thought that he could increase the progress bar by 20% at once.

It's a pity that Hills only has one crystal on him.

Ye Ming shook his head immediately, this was already a windfall.

There is also a star card among the remaining things, but unfortunately this thing requires identity verification and cannot be used by others.

Besides, this place does not use star coins.

Everything else is just miscellaneous stuff, useless to him.

Then Ye Ming found a place to bury the Arcane Handbook. After all, they had to go through the detection gate every day when they returned to the base. They could not bring anything into the dormitory except the mine pocket.

He is not going to dispose of the corpse anymore, just keep it as it is.

Combined with the sudden increase in patrols today, Ye Ming felt that there was a high probability that it had something to do with Sears, and it was better to report it directly than trying to dispose of the corpse.

After that, Ye Ming started mining again.

After getting off work again, Ye Ming returned to the base with a mine bag that exceeded the six-star scale.

It attracted a lot of attention along the way.

When they heard that Ye Ming needed to turn in the six-star scale ore in the morning, they felt that Ye Ming was going to be hungry today, and maybe he would receive other punishments.

But now they all looked like they had seen a ghost.

"What the hell, he really completed the task."

"Maybe it's just luck to dig a place where the ore is concentrated. I don't believe he can dig so much every day."

"Hehe, it has nothing to do with us anyway."

There were whispers among the crowd.

Ye Ming didn't care about this. When it was his turn, the fat supervisor stared at him like a hunter looking for the prey's flaws.

It's a pity that Ye Ming's task was completed perfectly, and he couldn't find any faults.

He had no choice but to let Ye Ming go, but at this moment, Ye Ming turned around and said:
"My lord, since I helped Borg fulfill his share, I should also help him get Borg's food, right? I'll deliver it to him personally later."

The fat overseer was stunned for a while, but he couldn't find a reason to refute for a while.

"Here you go, let's go!"

The fat overseer waved his hand with a livid face.

Then, another compressed biscuit fell from above Ye Ming.

There is not only him but also a supervisor here, and the fat supervisor does not dare to openly target Ye Ming.

Ye Ming took the biscuit and left with satisfaction.

As for Borg, want to eat without working?

Go dream!

Just two biscuits are not enough to fit between his teeth.

It's a pity that no one will give him cookies today.

The next step is to report the Hills matter, but this matter has to be found directly in the base who has the right to speak.

If he told these overseers, he would have nothing more to do with it.

It's a pity that he didn't have the chance to meet the senior management of the base in the next few days.

His life was very peaceful these days, the fat supervisor and Borg seemed to have forgotten about him, and never came to trouble him again.

From the bottom of his heart, he felt that those two people would not just let him go.

Maybe it's holding back a big one.

It may also be that I think too much.

But it doesn't make much sense to think about it.

He is now doing mining every day besides mining, and he has raised the progress bar of arcane charging to 57% in the past few days.

On the seventh day, they rarely had to go to work in the mines.

Because today is the day to collect Ao Neng ore, a huge transport ship and several frigates landed at the base airport.

They need to move the ore to the transport ship.

Fortunately, Ye Ming is now able to freely control whether to absorb arcane energy, otherwise this matter would be really difficult to handle.

When he absorbs arcane energy, he makes a lot of noise. Once his situation is discovered, he will probably be sent to the Imperial Research Institute as a test product.

However, this is also the only time he has the opportunity to meet the top management of the base.

Although it sounds tempting that he can leave Black Rock as long as he boards a transport ship, in fact this road is not feasible.

The only way for him to get on the transport ship is to mix in the Aoneng ore container.

The place where the container is stored on the transport ship has an arcane energy isolation device, which is to prevent the arcane energy released by the ore from interfering with the operation of the ship.

Under this isolation device, the warehouse is equivalent to a vacuum state, and it is impossible for any living thing to survive in it.

What's more, if he leaves here now, where will he go to the progress bar full of arcane charging?
He couldn't afford sky-high prices like arcane crystals.

Ye Ming was moving the container back and forth, while counting the time silently. Each transport ship stays here for a short time, because there is not only one ore star like Black Rock Star, and the transport fleet has to go to other places.

When the fleet leaves, the high-level executives of the base will appear to make the final handover with the managers of the transport fleet.

That was his only chance to meet the top brass of the base.

When the container was almost filled, Ye Ming slipped out quietly. Those people would not come to such a place full of arcane energy radiation.

But just as he was hiding behind a container and waiting for the target to appear, a slightly immature voice suddenly came from behind him:

"Hey, what are you doing sneaking around here?"

(End of this chapter)

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