arcane stars

Chapter 43 Backfires

Chapter 43 Backfires
The attention of several people was attracted.

The interviewer who spoke passed the answer sheet to the others.

After a while, several people reacted differently.

"Ridiculous! The idea of ​​failing a mission in order to save a person is not worthy of being in the Authority!"

Someone said angrily after reading the answer.

Another person echoed: "Indeed, it is right to save people, but during the execution of the mission, the mission should be the main priority, and everything else can be ignored."

Of course, there are also objections:
"I don't think so. As a member of the Imperial Administration, how will the public evaluate us if we die?"

"That's right! And this is just a written test, at least the intention of the person who wrote this answer is worthy of recognition."

"Not wanting to see anyone die again, what a dream!"

"Hmph! The benevolence of a woman!"

The two sides immediately argued because of this.

In the end, there was no debate about an answer. Some people think that this ambition alone is enough to get full marks.

The other side believes that such a person will affect the plan of the entire team, and is an unstable bomb that may explode at any time.

As a last resort, the five of them could only go to Li Zichen.

Li Zichen listened to the words of several people, glanced at the answer sheet, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: "This answer is indeed good. Everything we do in the administration is to serve the public, but if even the people in front of us If it cannot be saved, then what we have done has become a joke, and the Administration is currently in need of such a talent."

This remark is directly equivalent to directly drawing a conclusion to this debate.

Although the two interviewers who maintained their objections were in a bad mood, they did not dare to refute the chief supervisor's decision.

"Master Chief Supervisor, do you want to open the book?"

an interviewer asked.

For the sake of fairness, they couldn't see the name of the answer sheet before this, and no one knew who the answer sheet belonged to.

The name of the person who submitted the answer sheet will only be visible after the book is opened.

Li Zichen nodded, "Let's open the paper! Looking at you, I'm afraid you won't be able to find another interesting answer."

Everyone wanted to see who answered this answer.

After seeing the name, several people were stunned for a moment.

"It turned out to be him!"

One person said in surprise.

The name behind the answer sheet was Cesare Galway!

They are naturally impressed by this name, it can be said that this person is their focus.

Undoubtedly, apart from Orex, this César is definitely the biggest dark horse in this assessment.

Even Orex was suppressed by him in the previous assessment.

For some reason, they didn't feel much surprise for a while, as if this shocking answer should come from César.

Li Zichen didn't show any surprise, just smiled and said:

"It seems that someone has already been selected for the overall first place this time. What do you guys think?"

This César has won first place in several assessments, and no one can compete with him for this comprehensive first place.

"But Master Supervisor, how should we explain to Grand Duke Lavelle?"

Someone raised an objection.

The first place in this assessment was originally decided to be Oleks.

They thought it would be a breeze for Orex's third-tier arcanist to win the first place.

But a dark horse, Cizell, suddenly popped up halfway, completely disrupting their rhythm.

Li Zichen sneered when he heard this:
"Grand Duke Lavelle will understand us. We have already given the opportunity. Many people are dissatisfied by making an exception to allow a third-level arcanist to participate. His grandson can't blame us for not seizing the opportunity, right?"


After everyone waited all afternoon, the results of the written test finally came out.

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw the name at the top of the list.

Cesare Galway!

It turned out to be him again!
And not only is he No.1 in the written test, he is also No. [-] in the comprehensive list!
"What's the situation? Who is this guy?"

"The young master of Grand Duke Lavelle's family can only be ranked second. Is this guy really just from a remote star area?"

When everyone was puzzled, César's answer in the written test was released on the screen again.

Seeing the answer that was completely opposite to theirs, everyone's eyes straightened.

Does this work too?
I knew I had written that too!
Everyone was full of remorse, so they shouldn't have speculated about the intention of the questioner, and now they have completely played with themselves.

"Brother, I'm really convinced this time! I said I didn't want to take the first place, but I took the first place in every item. I feel like I'm going to beat you!"

Breka was stunned for a long time, then looked at Ye Ming with admiration.

He himself had successfully advanced with a mid-range score, and he wasn't in such a bad mood at this time.

It's just that he soon discovered that Ye Ming's face was ugly.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Breka was taken aback and asked worriedly.

Ye Ming gritted his teeth and shook his head: "It's okay, I'm just so happy."

He is now in a daze. When he saw the name César at the top of the list, he wondered for a moment if he had read it wrong.

Why can the answer that I deliberately scribbled get the first place?

He couldn't understand it at all.

Shouldn't the staff of the Authority have the priority of getting the job done?
If this continues, he will be forced to join the law enforcement team, and all plans will come to naught.

No, this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed!
Ye Ming's mind was full of thoughts, and he must find a way to refuse to join the law enforcement team.

Fortunately, no one came to him after the assessment, and he would not be able to arrange work for those members who passed the assessment until tomorrow.

They have to go back to the Aurora Hotel tonight to stay overnight.

At this moment, he saw Oleks walking past him sadly.

"Wait a moment!"

Ye Ming yelled to stop Oleks.

Oleks didn't expect Ye Ming to call him, he immediately thought of something, laughed at himself and said:

"If you want to mock me, mock me as much as you want!"

He never thought that he would lose to a first-order arcanist.

And it was crushed almost the whole time.

Obviously he can kill this guy with one finger, but he is not as good as the other party in the assessment!
But if you lose, you lose, and he has nothing to say.

Ye Ming was taken aback for a moment, thinking, what am I doing mocking you?
But this is not important, he tentatively asked: "You want to get the first place so much because you want to enter the law enforcement team?"

Oleks nodded upon hearing the words:


"But I don't want to go, so I wonder if I can let you go to the law enforcement team instead of me..."

Ye Ming was interrupted by Oleks in the middle of his words.

"Are you insulting me? Remember what you said today, I will enter the law enforcement team with my own ability!"

Alex said angrily.

After speaking, he turned and left angrily.

It's broken, this offends people to death!
Ye Ming screamed in his heart that it was not good. For a while, he only thought about how to forgive the current situation, and seemed to ignore the other party's feelings.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Ye Ming shook his head, and there shouldn't be much interaction between the two sides in the future.

After returning to the Aurora Hotel, Ye Ming separated from Breka. As soon as he opened the door of his room, he saw a familiar figure sitting on his bed.

(End of this chapter)

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