Chapter 186 The Shocking Tang King Li Yuan!
Just when Qin Shubao wondered if Lin Feng was the descendant of the dragon and Arhat.

The two people in front had already erupted into a fierce collision.

I don't know who was blown away by someone for hundreds of meters, smashing a lot of residential buildings along the way.

The other party continued to charge and kill in hot pursuit.

Qin Shubao couldn't help feeling worried when he saw the terrifying momentum and scene of the battle.

Because the structure of Taiyuan City is a square city, with a total length and width of more than 30 kilometers.

And for these two people, a casual blow would be hundreds of meters or nearly a thousand meters in terrifying power.

If the fighting continues, it may bring disaster to the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the entire city.

"Come on, send a letter to His Highness the Second Prince immediately, and report the situation on the scene every half an hour! The rest, help the surrounding people to evacuate!"

After reacting, Qin Shubao quickly issued a combat order.


Many online players in the entire city of Taiyuan have received a game mission reminder:
"Assist the officers and soldiers of Taiyuan City to complete the task of evacuating the masses, reward 20 taels of silver and 300 experience points."

Taiyuan City, a public group of players [number 1. 】

Liu Dongdong, housekeeper of Lord Shangshu's mansion in the east of the city: "What happened tonight? Why did everyone receive the mission!"

Xiaolan from Yihongyuan in the north of the city: "There are a lot of people on the street. Our store has just received a notice from the officers and soldiers, and all the people have been evacuated outside the city. What happened?"

Teacher Yang from Ehu Academy in the west of the city: "I heard that there are two masters fighting in the east of the city. The battlefield spreads over three or four kilometers, and a large number of houses have been destroyed. Not to mention, I have to do the evacuation task. 20 taels of silver, I have to teach for a few months to earn it!"

Coach Niu of Chengnan Tigers Martial Arts Hall: "Grandmaster level battle?! I'm going, this scene is absolutely exciting. For the sake of [-] experience points, I'm going to do the task. I practice hard for eight hours a day to get more than ten points." Some experience points."

For a while, tens of thousands of players of various identities appeared in the city, and they began to spontaneously assist the army soldiers to evacuate the crowd.

There are even players from large groups and factions, regardless of the obstruction of the soldiers of the Tang army, and sneaked into the battle area.

I want to see which two masters are fighting.

It's a pity that Lin Feng and Li Yuanba fought extremely fast. In the eyes of these low-level players, it was the building on this side that exploded. A second later, the building on the other side also exploded, and explosions everywhere.

Just no one to be seen.

It's Yinshi (around four o'clock in the morning).

in the palace.

In a heavily guarded palace compound with red walls and yellow tiles.

In the room where Tang Wang Li Yuan lived in his twilight years, candles were lit.

Several eunuchs were washing and changing Li Yuan as usual.

As a diligent emperor, Li Yuan would wake up at this time every day, wash for 10 minutes, review some non-urgent documents for an hour, eat breakfast for 10 minutes, and then prepare to go to court.

Time is strictly regulated.

"Your Majesty, there was a secret report from the Sea Shark Palace last night that Helian Ba ​​was seriously injured by a mysterious person in Taiyuan City. His legs were broken. He is currently recuperating in secret. They hope that the Emperor can send imperial doctors and precious medicines to help."

An old eunuch who stood by Li Yuan's side and directed several young eunuchs to work reported in a soft voice.

Li Yuan, who was dressed in yellow silk pajamas, was 1.8 meters tall, with a gray and white goatee, and a regal appearance with a head and ears.

When he heard the news that Helen Ba was severely injured under his nose.

An iron knot appeared on his brows, and he quickly calmed down again.

He waved away a group of young eunuchs with one hand, leaving behind the old eunuch, and asked doubtfully:

"Helian Ba ​​is the top powerhouse in Jiang Hu, who can beat him to serious injuries. Could it be Guan Yutian from the Supreme League? Or the Sword Master from Forge Sword City?!"

"Neither, the secret report that this old slave received was from Lian Chixue, the eldest disciple of Helianba in the Sea Shark Palace. She said that the one who defeated Helianba was a handsome and mysterious young man in his early 20s. In my humble opinion, this person's combat strength is higher than that of a second-rank grandmaster."

The old eunuch is obviously Li Yuan's confidant, and he also has a good understanding of the ranking of combat power in the Jianghu.

The corner of Li Yuan's mouth twitched slightly, obviously frightened.

"Such a young second-rank grandmaster!

should not be possible,
I have studied a lot of martial arts people, and it is extremely difficult to achieve the master status.

At the age of early 20s, looking at martial arts in various countries, it is already very rare to be able to reach the innate state."

Hearing the words, the old eunuch nodded in agreement and said:
"It may be that a famous grand master used the disguise technique to deceive others."

Li Yuan nodded and said:
"I have ordered you to secretly send the best imperial doctor from the imperial hospital to treat Helian Ba. The precious medicine you need can be obtained from the treasury by yourself. In addition, send someone to investigate the whereabouts and identity of the mysterious person. Know what his purpose is here."

Li Yuan asked the imperial physician to go secretly to treat Helian Ba, in order not to offend him before knowing the identity of the mysterious strong man.

After all, to be able to defeat Helian Ba, at least in the Grand Master Realm, he can definitely be regarded as the number one figure.

But what makes him feel uncomfortable now is, what is the purpose of this young man who defeated Helian Ba ​​come to Taiyuan City? !

You must know that a master of martial arts is enough to create a great sect with tens of thousands of people!
Even if he is the emperor of a country, and the palace where he lives is guarded by thousands of elite warriors, he still cannot stop the grand master who is as elegant as a land god!
Because when an unknown grandmaster comes to a certain country, special departments will usually focus on his whereabouts.

Not to mention that like now, a mysterious strong man directly appeared in the imperial capital of the Tang Dynasty, and injured another master who was loyal to the Tang Dynasty!

This is undoubtedly declaring war on him, Tang Wang Li Yuan.

Just as Li Yuan finished his order, the old eunuch was about to kneel down to reply.


"Father, my son has urgent military reports!"

The sudden sound outside the door made Li Yuan and the old eunuch's pupils tremble slightly.

It was as if the two of them had anticipated that something ominous had happened.

After the old eunuch helped Li Yuan put on his boots, he quickly opened the door, and Li Yuan came out in yellow silk pajamas.

Outside the door, Li Shimin was kneeling in a blue and white dragon pattern robe.

At this time, Li Shimin's chest rose and fell rapidly, obviously rushing all the way.

"What urgent military situation?" Li Yuan asked quickly, not caring about getting his second son, who is outstanding in talent, to get up.

Li Shiming did not delay, and quickly said:
"Yuanba has become possessed and is wreaking havoc in the city. Mysterious strong men are fighting with him. My subordinates Qin Shubao, Cheng Yaojin, and various generals are evacuating the people in the city to the outside of the city. Now most of them have been evacuated. Father Wang Yun please I mobilized one hundred thousand imperial troops to stop Yuanba!"

When Li Shiming's words came out.

Li Yuan instantly felt pain in his brain as if being hit by a heavy hammer, and said in shock:
"What!!! Yuanba, he...!"

The old eunuch on the side grinned even more frightened by the news, his hands trembled, and his already fair and fat face became even paler.

(End of this chapter)

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