Datang: An eight-year-old master of the bar, he gave everyone a blow at the beginning

Chapter 258 Renovate the ironmaking workshop and double the steel output

Chapter 258 Renovate the iron-making workshop and increase the steel production by ten times

Li Er really wanted to take away the stolen money Yuchihuan got from suppressing the bandits, but he was too embarrassed to speak up!
Wang Gonggong saw that Li Er was thinking, so he advised Li Er not to do this, after all, the money was also used to develop Zhongzhou's economy!
"How much did the soap that Yuchihuan brought in this time sell for today?"

Li Er thought about it, let's see how profitable Yuchihuan's soap business is!
Wang Gonggong wrung his fingers and said: "Your Majesty, the Shaofu sold a total of 500 yuan of rose soap and 1000 yuan of sulfur soap today, and obtained a total of [-] Kaiyuan Tongbao!"

"It sold so much [-] guan?"

Li Erlong Yan Dayue said: "I pass on my order, the stolen money obtained by the Zhongzhou navy to suppress the bandits will be used by the Zhongzhou Governor's Mansion to rescue the local people!"

"Slave complies with the order!" The prince secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Li Er finally gave up his idea of ​​suppressing the stolen money of the bandits.

Li Er went on to say: "Send someone to Zhongzhou to tell Xiao Yuchi that his profit from the soap this time will be managed by me for the time being, and I will return it to him when he returns to Beijing next time!"

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid Princess Changshan won't agree!" Wang Gonggong didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It turned out that Li Er was in the Yuchihuan soap business again.

"If Chang Shan wants to make profits from these soaps, he can just transport them to Changle Palace. Anyway, just keep the money from leaving the palace!"

Li Er blushed when he said this, and he also felt that his skin was too thick.

"Slave compliance!" Although Wang Gonggong felt that Li Er's actions were inappropriate, he still carried out Li Er's orders unconditionally!
Soon, Li Er's oral instructions were written down in an imperial decree and sent to Zhongzhou by a [-]-mile fast ride!

The imperial decree can reach Zhongzhou within a day!


Hedong Road, Zhongzhou, Xi County!
Zhongzhou Governor's Mansion!
Early the next morning, Yu Chihuan took Cheng Chumo and Xue Rengui to inspect the iron smelting workshop.

When Chu Suiliang learned of Yuchihuan's arrival, he immediately brought a few craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry who were in charge of transforming the iron-making workshop to receive him.

When Yu Chihuan stepped into the iron-making workshop, he found that all the wooden sheds here had been dismantled, and the green brick sheds were being piled up.

Green bricks are heat-resistant and not easy to catch fire!
After the transformation, the ironmaking workshop no longer needs to work in the open air.

The diversion canal designed by Yuchihuan is also connected to the iron-making workshop, which can be used to put out fires at critical moments, and can also cool down the steel, killing two birds with one stone!
The hearth furnace and blower needed for ironmaking in the iron workshop have been installed!

According to the current progress of the iron-making workshop, it will be completed in a few days!
"Chu Suiliang, how much iron can this iron workshop make in a day?"

Yuchihuan then asked about the output of the iron workshop.

"Little Governor Yuchi, the iron workshop used to smelt ten stones of iron every day, but now after your transformation, it can make at least one hundred stones of iron in a day!"

Chu Suiliang answered Yuchihuan's question without hesitation!
Yuchi Huan nodded with satisfaction and said: "It seems that the annual output of this iron-making workshop is equivalent to the annual output of the Tang Dynasty!"

Chu Suiliang echoed: "Little Commander Yuchi's words are true. The crucible and blower you designed are really powerful. It's hard for the Zhongzhou iron-making workshop to produce high output!"

"Chu Suiliang, you will be in charge of the iron workshop and coal mine from now on!"

Yu Chihuan was very satisfied with Chu Suiliang's ability.

"Subordinate to obey!"

Chu Suiliang fully agreed, he is a civil servant, and he is not good at war in the Dudu Mansion!
Yu Chihuan's arrangement can be regarded as helping Chu Suiliang relieve stress!
Next, Yuchihuan took out a thousand catties of snowflake beef from the system space and gave it to the craftsmen in the iron-making workshop to eat!

The craftsmen in the iron workshop are grateful to Yuchihuan!
Killing cattle is not allowed in the Tang Dynasty!

Even if you kill your own cattle, you will be fined at least, or punished with a stick!

If it is to kill other people's cattle, they may even be exiled to Qiongzhou!
The most serious cattle thief will be beheaded by the local government for public display!
Datang only allows the slaughter of sick cattle that cannot be farmed!
Therefore, many people in the Tang Dynasty have never eaten beef!
Yuchihuan's thousand catties of snowflake beef can be said to be a luxury for the craftsmen in these iron smelting workshops!

At noon that day, Yuchihuan had a big pot of rice in the ironmaking workshop!
Because the Zhongzhou Dudufu is rich, the iron-making workshop eats rice and pancakes for lunch.

Dishes include wild vegetable soup and roast beef!

Yuchihuan ate very happily.

Those craftsmen also ate with oil, and they were full of praise for the snowflake beef that melted in the mouth!

After eating and drinking, the craftsmen return to the wooden shed dormitory to rest!
Yu Chihuan inspected the wooden shed dormitory, and found that the walls were made of wood and bamboo, the roof was covered with thatch, and the outside was coated with a layer of mud. It would leak when it was windy and rainy!

"Chu Suiliang, the dormitory of the iron workshop should also use bricks and tiles, and don't use flammable materials to build it!"

After seeing the craftsmen's dormitories, Yu Chihuan felt dizzy. If something happened to the iron-making workshop, these wooden shed dormitories would definitely suffer.

The consequences could be disastrous!

"Subordinate to obey!"

Chu Suiliang was moved by Yuchihuan's style of loving the people like a son. If someone else was the governor, how would he care about the life and death of the craftsmen?
The houses of ordinary people in the Tang Dynasty were basically wooden houses, and there were really not many houses with brick and tile structures!
Yu Chihuan made such an arrangement just in case!

After inspecting the iron-making workshop, Yu Chihuan happily returned to Xi County Zhongzhou Dudu's Mansion for an afternoon nap!


In the evening, Li Er's imperial edict was finally delivered to the Zhongzhou Governor's Mansion!
Yu Chihuan didn't dare to neglect, and immediately went out to receive Li Er's imperial edict.

Datang Babaili Kuaiqi handed the imperial decree to Yuchihuan and ran away, even skipping the procedure of reading the imperial decree.

Yuchihuan immediately opened the imperial decree to check, and sure enough, as he expected, the imperial decree contained not a good thing!
"Last time I gave Changshan 800 yuan soap and [-] soaps were shipped to Zhongzhou!"

After reading the imperial decree, Yu Chihuan wanted to cry, but said without tears: "This time, His Majesty actually swallowed my 500 yuan soap profit!"

After reading the content of the imperial decree, Cheng Chumo was dumbfounded and said, "Your Majesty likes cheating just like my father!"

Yu Chihuan put away the imperial decree and said, "Liu Rengui, His Majesty did not approve your promotion to Captain Guoyi this time!"

Liu Rengui nodded and said, "The general knows!"

"Liu Rengui, suppressing bandits is the responsibility of the Zhongzhou Navy. If you want to be promoted, you need to make contributions on the battlefield!"

Yu Chihuan patted Liu Rengui's shoulder meaningfully.

"The last will obey!"

Liu Rengui captured [-] heads this time by suppressing the bandits. He originally thought he could be promoted to Captain Guo Yi, but Li Er was not allowed to do so, so he felt a little disappointed!
Cheng Chumo and Xue Rengui also sympathized with Liu Rengui very much. After all, Liu Rengui had made great achievements in suppressing the bandits, and this result was a bit cruel to Liu Rengui!
Yuchi Huan then ordered He to start dinner.

Soon, a variety of delicacies were served on the table, among which the most dishes were made from Yellow River fish.

These are the dishes He is good at.

After eating and drinking, everyone will perform their duties!
Yuchihuan fell asleep after washing up.

Xue Rengui and Cheng Chumo slept in the side rooms on both sides of Yuchihuan, protecting Yuchihuan's safety.

Tonight, Liu Rengui led the Zhongzhou government soldiers to be on duty at the Zhongzhou Governor's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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