TheShy: The coach asked me to put C

Chapter 85 Brother Shy's Translation Accent

Chapter 85 Brother Shy's Translation Accent

After winning the first round simply and rudely, Su Che praised everyone.

"Tang Huanfeng, you played well, let's continue to work hard!"

Unexpectedly, Tang Huanfeng shook his head and said:
"No, I'm pretty good at playing. If it weren't for the help of Sao Fan, Huang A, and Brother Shy, I wouldn't be able to develop at all."

"I feel that I still have something to eat. I can't match JackeyLove online. It's a bit uncomfortable."

After a match, he had a clear understanding of the opponent's strength.

He himself is not bad among LPLADC players, but compared with JackeyLove, there is a gap of "a little bit".

"Fart! I don't think so, you are really good at playing, if you don't believe me, you can ask other people!"

Tang Huanfeng looked at everyone, and everyone gave him a thumbs up, no doubt showing their praise.

"Huanfeng, tired, played well." This is TheShy.

"Okay, you can still fight without my help." This is a fan.

"Excellent, keep working hard, beat the opponent!" This is Emperor A.

"With a top-level support like me! Bottom lane tie-down dogs can win!" This is naturally a snake.

Huanfeng: "Damn it!"

After 10 minutes, the second game started.

"Just got the news that TES has temporarily replaced the top laner, and Zoom will replace Wayward."

"Actually, at the beginning of this season, TES's first top laner was zoom, but later he became a substitute due to his poor state."

"The temporary substitution now may be due to a problem with the wayward mentality."

Everyone in WBG looked at the top laner who changed his name, and said with a smile:
"Brother Shy, the top laner on the other side has changed, so it's not because you knocked him down?"

Huanfeng agreed:
"I also think that the last one, TheShy's methods are extremely cruel!"

TheShy: "(˙˙) (happy to take off)"

In order to target Jiang Chenglu, TES chose the blue side, and would rather give the first choice than take the counter position.

The BP of the two sides progressed very quickly, and the first six bans were given to the policewoman, Karma, card, crocodile, Ryze, and Zeli.

WBG selected the couple combination of Xia and Luo, and the jungler took the prince.

TES selected Jinx and Titan, and the jungler took the blind monk.

In the second round, the top laner and mid laner on both sides were not selected, so the ban position was only given to a unique hero.

For example: Gwen from TheShy, Xiaofa from Angel, Akshan and Male Spear.

On the fourth floor of TES, Angel selected Syndra after discussing with Su Che for a while.

"TheShy's top player Lucian played extremely strong suppression, and his damage was also very explosive. I don't know what hero he will choose for this round?"

Su Che thought for a while, then said:

"Barrel, can resist and fight, and the lineup is also good."

So, Snake chose the beer man.

In the next second, TES directly revealed the Darkborn Sword Demon, and then locked it down.

"Oh! Darkborn Sword Demon! Aatrox! This is the official counter of Wine Barrel. Zoom seems to be using Sword Demon frequently in Rank recently."

"I got the Counter position, but I don't know the effect. You know, Brother Shy's wine barrel is not pure meat."

Su Che smiled slightly and didn't care at all about the so-called Counter.

After all, it is Shy brother on the road, at least this season so far, TheShy has let him down a few times.

Taking a step back, even if it's not easy to play online, it's no problem to develop steadily, and the beer people are not just talking about the line.

Blue side: WBG VS Red side: TES
Top lane: WBG, TheShy (barrel) VS TES, Wayward (dark sword demon)
Jungle: WBG, SofM (Prince of Demacia) VS TES, Tian (Blind Monk)
Mid lane: WBG, Angel (Syndra) VS TES, Knight (Clockwork Monster)
Bottom lane: WBG, huanfeng (Ni Yu) VS TES, JackeyLove (runaway lolita)
Support: WBG, SwordArt (Magic Feather) VS TES, Mark (Deep Sea Titan)
"At the beginning of the game, both sides have standard five-star positions, and neither intends to make trouble."

Entering the game, the two teams started normally, and no one messed up.

Until 6 minutes ago, both sides were developing peacefully, and there was not much conflict, and the occasional exchange of blood was also controlled to the point-to-point range.

During the period, the blind monk came to the top lane to gank the wine barrel, but he only played the flash of the wine barrel, which made him lose half a wave of soldiers.

The first head erupted at 6 and a half minutes.

Since the wine barrel had missed half a wave of soldier experience, when Sword Demon reached level six, he was only level five.

Gao Tianliang seized this opportunity and came to Shanglu.

The blind monk is squatting in a bush, the sword demon is pushing the line, and the wine barrel is standing slightly forward, trying to throw [rolling wine barrel] to replenish soldiers.

The moment he threw the barrel, the blind monk moved!

"Go! I'll drive first!"

The blind monk blinked and came to the back of the wine barrel. There was no fancy operation, just a [Dragon Wagging Tail].

TheShy's reaction was not slow at all. When the blind monk lifted his foot, he pressed [Meat Bomb Impact], but it was still a little slow.

The blind monk was knocked into the air by the wine barrel, and the wine barrel was also kicked out by the blind monk.

"Good kick!" Zoom shouted.

The next moment, Batian Alien's body full of technological weight leaped high, and the huge sword in his hand burst into blood-colored brilliance, and slammed heavily on the fat pork belly of the wine barrel.

[Darkborn Blade] The first paragraph!
The wine barrel was knocked into the air for a short time, but before it landed, the Sword Demon [Hellfire Chain] was precisely tied to him.

"The second part of [Darkborn Blade], the wine barrel has no E skill! It was smashed by the beveled Q2! The blind monk hit [Tianyinbo]!"

TheShy frantically pressed the keyboard, and just pressed [Drunken Rampage] during the short interval of skill control.

"Use W on the wine barrel to carry it! Pulled back by [Hellfire Chain]! The third paragraph of [Darkborn Blade]! Directly knock out 1/5 of the wine barrel's HP!"

Sword Demon's three-stage Q skills all hit, plus the interspersed flat A and blind monk's ultimate move, the wine barrel was beaten bruised, and the pork belly was almost broken.

Oh, no, it has already been broken up.

The blind monk [Echo Strike] flew to the side of the wine barrel, and [Heavenly Thunder Breaker] further damaged the wine barrel. Finally, the sword demon took away the head with a heavy sword.

"Ouch! Why are you on the road again!" TheShy was a little sad, it was only six and a half minutes, and the jungler came to the road twice.

The key is that he didn't teleport, and the large wave of soldiers who are about to enter the tower is obviously out of reach.

"Brother Shy, can you resist?" Saofen asked.

Jiang Chenglu tilted his head and thought for a while, then said:
"Advantage on the road..."

Everyone: "..."

After 30 seconds, the wine barrel returned to the line, and there were only a few sporadic soldiers left in the big wave of soldiers, and he almost died of distress.

However, just as he handed over W and Q to clear the soldiers, three people suddenly appeared from the bushes beside him!
The sword demon rushed to the front, let out a roar that shook the sky, [Big Destroyer] was activated, blood was permeating around him, his wings spread, and the giant sword was carried on his shoulders, making him ferocious and elegant.

[Command: Defense]! [Command: Noise]!The clockwork demon spirit put the magic ball on the sword demon, and a circle of ripples swayed under the sword demon's feet, making him a little faster.

Under the high speed bonus, the sword demon quickly came to the position not far from the wine barrel, held up the huge sword, and the first part of [Darkborn Blade] was followed by [Shadow Rush]!
The wine barrel didn't have the E skill, so he tried to move, but was still hit by the edge.

After being knocked into the air for a short time, he still hasn't landed, and the clockwork ordered the magic ball again, [Command: Shockwave]!
The magic ball pulled the wine barrel, causing high magic damage. The blind monk [Golden Bell Cover] came to the sword demon, and hit the wine barrel with a face-to-face [Sky Sound Wave].

The wine barrel fell to the ground and was knocked into the air by the second part of [Darkborn Blade].

After landing, he was pulled back by the evil fire chain, followed by the third section of [Darkborn Blade].

The blind monk didn't even need to release [Echo Shot], the wine barrel fell under the defensive tower.

"Ah, why are you here again, QAQ?" TheShy was very puzzled. It was fine if the jungler came, but he also had to play in the middle.

On the road, it was obviously a game of rock-paper-scissors, but now he can play mahjong!
Emperor A said apologetically: "I thought it was time to go home and make up for my condition. My problem."

In fact, it's no wonder Angel, after all, who would have thought that the wine barrel would be revived, became their target.

Saofen hurriedly asked: "Shy, do you need help? I can help you squat."

This is because TheShy chose a bastard hero like the wine barrel, so WBG's focus was subconsciously placed on the bottom lane, and naturally ignored the top lane vision to a certain extent, which gave the opponent a chance.

Some of Saofen's responsibilities were part of this, and besides, he didn't want to see the sword demon grow without limit.

"On the road, on the road...advantage..." TheShy said in a low voice after finishing his pawn line.

Everyone: "???"

Saofen: "w(Д)w, 0-2? Level [-] against level [-]? Advantage?"

Xiao Jiang's shy "hmm" was the only answer to him.

After receiving such an answer, Saofen looked shocked and helpless, and focused her gank on the middle and lower lanes.

In 9 minutes, he finally seized a wave of opportunities to help Angel kill the clockwork monster, and let the clockwork hand over a flash of death.

At the same time, the wine barrel on the road was once again killed by the sword demon and the blind monk. The blind monk was replaced by the limit, but he lost a large wave of soldiers.

"No problem, brother Shy? Can you still fight?" Don't mention Jiang Chenglu himself, Tang Huanfeng felt a little distressed, and hurriedly asked.

Even Saofen looked sideways at Xiao Jiang with a worried expression.

It's 1-3... The sword demon on the opposite side is already level nine, and the wine barrel has just been upgraded to level eight.

There is also a lot of difference in the make-up knife, the wine barrel is 62 knives, and the sword demon is 85 knives.

"Huh—" Xiao Jiang exhaled lightly, with firm eyes, and said:

"On the road! Advantage!"

Everyone: "Hiss—! (Strong Fighter! So terrifying!)"

In 10 minutes, Saofen cooperated with Emperor A and wanted to cross TES to get off the tower of the duo, but the blind monk who was rushed to him was caught off guard. The original situation of 0 for 2 was changed to 3 for 2.

And the first little dragon was also acquired by TES.

Playing so far, regardless of the top lane, the two teams are equally divided in the middle lane, and TES has the advantage in the bottom and field hands.

In the first half, TES showed strong coordination and lineup matching. The two sides checked and balanced each other in the middle, and the rhythm of the bottom lane continued.

The junglers on both sides are top players in the League of Legends, each with its own characteristics.

Although Zoom was replaced temporarily and did not cooperate with his teammates very well, everyone is an experienced player. With this unspeakable tacit understanding, the two waves of progress are perfect.

It can be said that TES has gradually taken advantage of the scene, especially on the road.

With the current development of the wine barrel, the sword demon can already be consumed without injury. If this situation continues, the sword demon will definitely become a big daddy.

At that time, no one in WBG can handle it except the prince, not even the prince.

At 11 minutes, Zoom seized the opportunity to activate [Big Destroyer], cut the wine barrel under the tower, and then cooperated with the blind monk to take down the vanguard, put it on the road, and took down the blood tower.

"TheShy is struggling with this one. He has been gank all the time. In 11 minutes, Sword Demon has already made a bloodthirsty battle ax and iron shoes. On the other hand, the wine barrel is not even close to the alchemy pot."

Jiang Chenglu looked at the gray screen, grinned, and said in a deep voice:

"Snake, Huanfeng, Saofen, Angel, hit the road, advantage..."

Everyone was completely numb, and no one took the initiative to ask.

Since the big daddy in the team said no problem, then it really is no problem!
At 14 minutes, the wine barrel changed lanes and developed. As soon as he reached the bottom lane, he was chased by the sword demon all the way, almost escaping with no blood, and the next wave of soldiers in the tower was eaten by the defense tower again.

At 15:34, the five members of TES gathered in Xiaolongkeng. WBG looked at the extremely ferocious World Terminator and decisively gave up on Xiaolong.

At 17:46, the second vanguard was taken by TES again. Saofen tried to grab a wave, but the Demacia crown was smashed and did not grab the vanguard.

WBG, on the other hand, has been working hard to develop. With the help of Snake's efforts in vision, it has avoided deaths several times, but was pushed to the middle tower by TES with its vanguard. .

But at 19:40, WBG had to fight if it didn't fight. TES held two small dragons. If it was given again, the situation would only be more severe.

"This wave of WBG has to be fought, but the sword demon has already made a bloody hand. It is very strong at this stage, and the WBG damage is not enough?"

"The wine barrel is not even close to the end of winter. An alchemy jar alone cannot bear it."

In the Xiaolong Pit, TES took the lead in opening the dragon, with a two-piece sword demon in front, and the rest were confident.

With the help of the dragon pit's vision, WBG could see the dragon's rapidly declining health. Saofen was still looking for an opportunity to grab the dragon, and the front was already fighting.

"Sword Demon! Control to Sword Demon!" Snake shouted.

I saw a head-on battle, with the Sword Demon at the front, knocking on the door of the team battle with a QE and knocking the barrel up.

Syndra [the weak retreat] stuns the sword demon, the wine barrel [meat bomb impact] takes over the control, and Luo [grand debut] knocks the sword demon away again.

The continuous control made the sword demon never come down from the sky, even though he turned on the [Great Destroyer], he was originally flying.

"Sword Demon has been charged, Xia is crazy about output! The blind monk is still fighting dragons! Jinx stepped forward to output! The wine barrel can't hold it!"

After being output by Jinx for a while, the thin body of the wine barrel had very little blood left, so he had to hand over [Explosive Wine Barrel] in advance to explode Jinx.

"The prince enters the arena! I want to grab the dragon! I didn't get it! The blind monk punished and took down the little dragon! The prince wanted to leave! He was kicked into the crowd by a roundabout kick!"

Titan [clear the channel] hit the prince who is still flying in the air, A once, open the shield and A again, and then [Undercurrent Surge] knocks the prince away.

The prince couldn't even use his big move, so he was surrounded and beaten to death by everyone.

"The sword demon is still carrying it! He has eaten 1 skills! He is not dead yet! He can even take a mouthful of thirsty blood!"

Under the concentrated fire of the four members of WBG, the sword demon's blood volume also dropped very quickly, and all the bloody hands were beaten out.

Just as the sword demon was about to fall, the second part of the [Darkborn Blade] flashed out one after another, hitting the two of them. After another blood-thirsty slash, the blood volume suddenly returned to half.

"Oh my god, what kind of sword demon is this!? All skills have been revived!"

The prince was killed in battle, the barrel was left with blood, and the front row of WBG had already collapsed. TES, led by the sword demon, began to pursue the harvest mode.

First, Jinx took the barrel of [Reaper Missile] and caught up with the three of WBG by relying on passive movement speed.

"Ah! the end of the world!"

The sword demon is like no man's land, roaring, while cooperating with the clockwork's big move to pull Luo up, fortunately Xia has a [Storm Feather Blade] to evade the control.

Luo was not surprised, and his head was taken off by the clockwork. Seeing that her partner was killed in battle, Xia was so angry that she pressed Flash to kill in front of the sword demon.Shout out:
"Flying feathers in the sky!"

After landing, turn on the [Lethal Feather Clothes], and [Double Blades] passes through the body of the sword demon, and the scene is gorgeous.

It's a pity that the damage is only 250.

As the saying goes, a good man does not suffer from the immediate loss, and when the disaster is imminent, he will fly separately!

Xia no longer entangled in the pain of losing her husband, pulled up the [barb] to imprison the sword demon, and escaped with Syndra.

"Xia! Flash forward! Throw [Storm Feather Blade] down! Keep pulling! Once! Twice! How come the sword demon blood does not reduce?!"

"The sword demon said that you hit me so many times, so it's not too much for me to give you one!? One sword chopped off 1/4 of Xia's blood! Scared Xia quickly [barb] back!"

"It's still a fart. After beating for a long time, the sword demon has nothing to do with it. A sucked it all back!"

At this time, the blood volume that Sword Demon lost earlier was full at some point, and he may be healthier than before the team fight.

"This sword demon is alone in the front, WBG has no way to do anything, and he didn't kill him in two rounds of skills." Miller said.

Guan Zeyuan said:

"It's true. Sword Demon is like a wall. If WBG wants to attack, it has to spend a lot of time on this wall, and the wall is still at risk of collapsing. Maybe it will crush a few heroes to death."

"After a wave of team battles, he didn't have a drop of blood on his body, and his blood type has been changed several times..."

Huanfeng and Angel escaped by chance. As soon as they returned to the spring, they saw the second tower on their middle road was destroyed.

Snake scratched her head, pretending to be relaxed and said:

"It's okay, it's okay, it's a small problem, I can still fight, if it's really not working, come on."

Xiao Jiang was a little embarrassed and apologized:
"This, my problem, shouldn't let Sword Demon, this, develop so easily."

Huanfeng replied with a little indifference:
"Brother Shy, it's a small problem, just win it back."

Although Snake said that he can still fight, but he really can't make a move, but everyone knows that after this wave of team battles, it will be very difficult for WBG to win.

Among other things, this sword demon alone can't deal with it.

Su Che sat in the lounge with a strange look on his face. He never expected that the sword demon would become so fat.

Eimy said:

"This one is probably gone. The opponent has been targeting the top lane, and has successfully ganked several times. Sword Demon is too fat."

"Sao Fen's two waves were too sloppy, and the handling was rough. Otherwise, if the bot lane developed, they would still be able to fight."

In the second half, the two sides changed their steady state, TES continued to hold together, WBG tried to delay the supplementary development, and did not give up any chance of winning.

With such a powerful sword demon and its own lineup advantages, TES won the Dragon Soul in 26 minutes, and then won the big dragon.

With the help of the big dragon BUFF, they pushed down the three-way high ground without hindrance, went home to replenish equipment, and then went to the WBG high ground to prepare for a wave of elimination of opponents.

In the last wave of team battles, Sword Demon still rushed to the top. The five members of WBG focused their fire and killed Sword Demon with great difficulty.

However, TES was safely output under the protection of the sword demon, especially Jinx, who never stopped being passive from the beginning to the end. He easily wiped out WBG, won the team battle with one change and five, and flattened WBG's main base in one wave.

Miller said:

"Sure enough, it is said that the new official takes office three fires, I think changing players on the spot can also achieve miraculous results!"

Guan Zeyuan naturally had no objection, and agreed:
"It's true, this WBG was blown up on the road, and TheShy's head was scratched, but I have a question, I don't know if I should talk about it or not?"

If this kind of words are said, the other person will definitely join in, Miller answered:

"Oh? What question? Just say it."

Guan Zeyuan paused, pretending to be mysterious:
"I think, although Wine Barrel was caught in two waves at the beginning, Sword Demon has been pressing the line afterwards. If the jungler comes to help, the success rate is quite high."

"I just don't know how the WBG team communicates, and I haven't dealt with this sword demon, so that he can continue to develop."

Miller thought about it, and it seems that this is indeed the case. The sword demon has never been caught from the beginning to the end, so he said:

"It seems that this is indeed the case. Let's see what adjustments WBG will make in the next game."

WBG returned to the lounge in disgrace, TheShy was the first to raise his right hand and bowed his head to admit his mistake:

"Coach, my problem is that I didn't play well and let the sword demon develop."

Seeing this, Huanfeng hurriedly said:
"Brother Che, I didn't fight well. Saofen kept helping me down the road, but I didn't get up. It's my fault."

The other three opened their mouths, wanting to say something.

Su Che stretched out his hand and pressed down, signaling for everyone to be quiet, then said slowly:
"It's just one game, it's not a big deal, if you can't win the next game, you just need to win it back. Compared with blaming and admitting mistakes, I prefer to sum up my mistakes."

"For example, in this game, why didn't Saofen catch Sword Demon? It stands to reason that Sword Demon was originally a counter when he hit the wine barrel. The wine barrel was caught three times in the early stage, so it's not easy to fight."

"At least 11 minutes ago, the sword demon hadn't fully developed, and it should be able to kill with the wine barrel. Besides, he has been pressing the line."

After speaking, he looked at Sofen, waiting for an answer.

A look of embarrassment appeared on Saofen's chubby face, he scratched his head, and it took him a long time before he opened his mouth and said:

"I actually wanted to help on the road, but when I asked TheShy if he needed help, he said that the advantage of being on the road, I just..."

Hearing this, Su Che looked at Jiang Chenglu in surprise, Jiang Chenglu was obviously taken aback for a moment, then waved his hands frantically, and explained:

"No, I'm not talking about the top lane advantage, but the top lane advantage (something happened)."

Saofen: "o_o stay."

Everyone: "(⊙_⊙)???"

Su Che felt a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er. He looked around and found that everyone looked very surprised.

Jiang Chenglu explained again:
"I don't mean advantages, I mean advantages (things), advantages of things (things)."

At this moment, everyone barely understood, and they all showed dumbfounded looks. Su Che never expected such a result, so he raised his forehead and said:
"At first I thought it was a communication problem, but I didn't expect it to be a language problem. When encountering such a situation in the future, everyone should ask it several times, so don't listen to it."

"Since this is the case, the main reason for this is me. I didn't choose well in the BP. My problem, let's work hard and win it back."

Misunderstanding cleared, Saofen is not a traitor, nor did she buy leverage.

But after this incident, a strange thought emerged in Su Che's heart:

"Shouldn't it be time to hire a Chinese teacher for TheShy? Otherwise, his accent, like an interpreter's accent, will not only embarrass him, but also embarrass his teammates, although the effect of the program during the live broadcast is really good."

After 10 minutes, everyone played again for today's final BO3 tiebreaker.

If you win, you will win six consecutive victories, and you will still be the first in the standings.

If it loses, it will be 5-1, and it is possible to be overtaken by EDG and V5.

On the stage, TheShy was still a little embarrassed, turned around and apologized to Saofen:

"Sao Fen, I didn't make it clear that I didn't make it clear, my problem, this one, work hard, let's win together!"

Saofen nodded with a smile, indicating that there is no problem.

After finishing the game, one depression stood out in the audience.

The top laner was thinking: I have something to do on the road, so why haven't my teammates come to help.

The jungler was thinking: Do you really not want to help?Feel like you can catch it?That's all, big C said no, so let's not, let's go to help the next road.

The mid laner is thinking: Is such a disadvantage also an advantage? Is Brother Shy so fierce?He can't still operate, can he?
The shooter is thinking: Why does the gank crash every time the jungler comes?
The supporter was thinking: should I help out on the road? Hey, why did the jungler come to gank again?superior!
All in all, it was just a sentence of "top road advantage", which made everyone fall into the vortex of thinking, so that they lost the game without any suspense.

But this is not due to TheShy, it can only be said that the translation accent is harmful.

Of course, everything cannot be viewed from just one angle. At least when IG played the game back then, withdrawing and withdrawing (checheche) gave them a further advantage.

(PS: It’s been a long time since TheShy played with an old driver and forcibly drove to the second tower. It’s not very easy to verify. Can anyone who knows about it tell me.)
Su Che glanced at the crowd, not to say that they looked depressed, but they were not in the game state.

You know, this is a big taboo in the game. If you really want to fight in a team battle or face off against each other, problems may occur in the blink of an eye.

He hastened to say:
"What's the situation, everyone? This episode makes you distracted? If this continues, I'm afraid I will lose to TES."

While speaking, he activated the double buffs of [Devil Orator] and [Champion Bishop].

"Or is a five-game winning streak enough to satisfy you? Let me tell you, if anyone loses the chain in this round, I will punish you."

Hearing this, everyone became more focused, at least not as out of sorts as before.

"How about this, I won't penalize Rank points. If I lose, whoever is the worst will be fined to take me to the diamond in the duo!"

"Hiss——!!!" In an instant, five inhalation sounds intertwined through the earphones.

The five of them shuddered one by one, their eyes became serious instantly, and even their backs were all as straight as green bamboos.

"Coach, make sure to win the game!"

"Coach! I'll report! Tang Huanfeng wants to take you to play double row!"

"It is absolutely impossible to lose!"

Amidst the several promises, Su Che could clearly feel the fighting spirit contained in them. With a black question mark on his face, he patted his head and couldn't help asking:
"What do you mean? Is it so painful to co-author and play double row with me?"

Snake muttered to himself:

"Brother Shy didn't move you in the top lane, you said it was painful or not..."

He was preoccupied with complaining, but forgot the extremely strong sound-receiving effect of the competition headset. Even though his voice was small, everyone could hear him clearly.

"Ahem, no one is allowed to talk about this matter anymore."

As long as Su Che coughed to cover up his embarrassment, at some point, he became the object of disgust from everyone.

The third round of the BP game started amidst everyone's chatting. In this round, WBG still chose the red side and won the Counter position for TheShy.

"I'm going to make a show for you in this competition." Su Che said calmly, and everyone was filled with grief and indignation.

It's already said that there will be punishment for losing, and you want to make it more difficult, so you want some flowers?Is that too much? !
"Isn't Jack on the opposite side very output? See if I don't treat him well, this one will be the Doomsday Winter Silas!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Huanfeng said relaxedly:
"This, that's okay, Shy brother will have no problems at all when he plays."

Su Che narrowed his eyes and threatened:
"Oh? After hearing your words, do you want to try the meat bomber?"

"Brother, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I want to do a few more C's." Huanfeng hesitated in seconds.

Entering the BP link, the two teams are still the same, and the policewoman, Karma, card, crocodile, Ritz, and Zeli are banned.

These heroes are basically Ban's old customers. They are either strong in line suppression and support everywhere, or they are fast in formation, disgusting in group fights, or powerful C in the late stage.

It stands to reason that the prohibition of aircraft should be higher than that of Zeli, but in the recent revision, the explosive package time of the aircraft has been severely weakened.

As a result, it is difficult for aircraft to carry explosive packs to fight resource groups, which in turn reduces the priority of aircraft, and the ban rate also plummets.

"TES took Aphelios, and WBG took Jinx and Thresh. Compared with other lanes, there are very few options for bot lane, and they are all those heroes." Miller explained at the same time Don't forget to make complaints.

This is indeed the case. The shooters are nothing more than Jinx, Aphelios, the policewoman, Xayah, and occasionally Izreal, Kai'Sa and the like.

Even the support options are a bit more than the shooter. Of course, the jungler is not much better. It has always been the prince, Xin Zhao, blind monk, and excavator.

If you encounter a WBG game, you can still look forward to Saofen's trouble-making robber and trouble-making mantis.

"TES took the Titans first, and for the jungler, I still chose Xin Zhao, who can carry and fight panacea."

"The WBG jungler chose Jie. It seems that Saofen can't hold back her inner restlessness again, and wants to show her ability to play."

"In the second round of bans, TES chose to ban Gwen and the male gun, and WBG removed Akshan, huh? They also banned Snake Girl?"

As soon as the Snake Ban came out, TES head coach Crescent immediately realized something was wrong.

According to the information he collected, WBG has never banned this hero in previous games.

Suddenly disabled at this moment is definitely to prevent being Countered.

Sure enough, the ban ended, and WBG directly locked on Silas.

"Sylas? Mid lane? Or top lane?" Crescent muttered to himself, a little uncertain about the real purpose of WBG's selection of Silas.

After some consideration, he said:

"With Zoe and Jess, Silas might be on the way."

As soon as Zoe and Jess came out, Su Che couldn't help but look at Crescent more. It seems that the LPL coaches basically don't have parallel imports.

Among other things, as soon as these two heroes came out, Silas's ultimate move lost two stealing targets.

Moreover, whether it is Zoe or Jace, it is not difficult to beat Silas online.

"Angel, take Yone!"

(Ps: 8k daily updates, half life less.)
 Thanks to Shuidi Tingchen for the 2000 reward, I am already a regular reader!Love you!
(End of this chapter)

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