city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 295 Take Me Fly!

Chapter 295 Take Me Fly!
"Trough! Great God!"

"A great god who can draw with Hua Kai!"

"Great God! Take me to fly!"

After a brief silence, Xiao Huoben in the room burst out with unimaginable enthusiasm, and quickly hugged Fang Tian's thigh tightly.

what's the situation?
As an assassin, Fang Tian has always lived in the shadows. He hadn't been so noticed for a long time, and he was confused for a while.

"Ahem, it's like this." Seeing Fang Tian with a confused face, Qin Baiyu explained beside him: "Diyang High School comes here for training every year, except for the several main players you saw in the last exhibition match. In addition, other substitute players will also come to participate in training. Of course, the training items are different every year. This year our training content is high-intensity fatigue training."

High-intensity fatigue training?What is this?
Fang Tian blinked his eyes, although he didn't understand very well, he felt that the name seemed very powerful.

"To put it simply, within 24 hours, we will enter the game's intranet arena specially set up inside the training venue. In the arena, we players from Diyang High School will form a team to seek all the players in the intranet. players against each other."

"The opponents are selected by the system according to special rules and lined up to play. Within 1 minute after our team receives the challenge, we can substitute players to accept the challenge, but we are not allowed to refuse the challenge until after 24 hours of training time, the entire team is required to win A full thousand games." Qin Baiyu explained: "Of course, there can be at most multiple challenges at the same time."

That's right, it sounds like a very interesting training program. Does it test the ability to fight for a long time?
Fang Tian lowered his head in thought, and at the same time glanced at the people in the room from the corner of his eye. Counting himself, there were nearly [-] people in total, and the average number of victories per person was only [-] games. In addition, the team can use substitution tactics Taking advantage of the opponent's profession and gaining an advantage in the battle profession, it seems that it is not as difficult as imagined in terms of difficulty...

Just as he was thinking about it, a Diyang High School substitute who was hugging Fang Tian's thigh raised his head, with a bitter expression on his face, "Master, don't listen to what Qin Baiyu said is so simple, although on the surface it seems that you only need to win a thousand games , but the [-] games of cheating are considered net wins, that is, the number of victories minus the number of losses must reach [-] games before it can be considered complete!"

The other little friend who hugged Fang Tian's thigh was obviously abused, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and echoed: "The 24 hours is too tight, there is no time to breathe, and if you lose a game, you will die!" It's like playing two games for nothing... If you lose another game, you will really collapse..."

Fang Tian narrowed his eyes. Indeed, if counting the number of wins, the total number of games played is far greater than the number of a thousand games. The 24-hour period is indeed very tight, and in this kind of game that must not be lost Under the self-suggestion, the pressure doubles, and the long-term continuous without rest time leads to double mental fatigue and muscle fatigue. Under the superposition of layers of negative effects, this training is not only a technical test, but also It implies a test of psychological quality.

"This is more than that. In addition to the team's requirements, there are also individual requirements. Everyone must win at least [-] games." Qin Baiyu licked his lips as he spoke, "Fang Tian, ​​do you think it's very interesting?"

Fang Tian didn't feel that this training was not interesting, and the truly interesting training he had encountered was much more difficult than this.

"So... what is the penalty for failure?"

"Failure?" Qin Baiyu breathed out, "If the individual task fails, not only will you not get the credits, but you will have to double the amount of training after you go back. If you fail the team task, then everyone will go back and get three times the credits. The amount of training, while deducting this year's results."

Hua Kai summed it up, "Because the penalty for failure is too great, for us, this is a game that cannot be lost."

"Is this what you were talking about just for fun? But..." Fang Tian felt like he was being fooled, but he was still a little confused and asked: "Then how can I help? You just said that this Is it an internal activity of your Diyang High School? Even if I join, it won’t count as a point.”

"Indeed, because you are not from our Diyang High School, even if you join our team, your win or loss will not be included in our grades." Hua Kai, who was always by the side, poured the last bit of potato chips into the In his mouth, he interjected: "This is your disadvantage, but it is also your advantage."

Fang Tian blinked his eyes, and seemed to understand what Hua Kai meant.

"The intranet here links to the training locations around the world. The level of the participating players is at least one level higher than that of ordinary people, and there are many elite players among them. Even the main players like us have met. It’s hard to say that there is a [-]% certainty of winning, let alone these substitutes.”

Huakai paused and continued, "Once we are matched with these players, it will be a very embarrassing problem for us. If we concentrate on it, we may barely be able to win, but the effort and energy consumed in this way is comparable to that of ordinary opponents. The comparison is not of the same order of magnitude, and it will not help the next battle. Let's put it this way, it consumes too much energy. Instead of hurting the enemy by one thousand and losing eight hundred by yourself, it is better to surrender directly, but if the opponent sees you surrender , it is very likely that they will continue to match their opponents, so that they will meet again."

Qin Baiyu continued: "Of course, this is just a general situation. If you meet some top players..."

Just as I was talking about this, a certain player sitting in front of the computer suddenly yelled, "Google! Lawless is online again!"

"Damn! Why are you so unlucky to meet him again?"

"Damn it, this kid must be crazy!"

"It's over, it's over, I met this lunatic again!"

"Brother Qiang? Where's Brother Qiang? Hurry up and give him a top!"

"Brother Qiang was on the top all night yesterday, and now he's on the ground!"

"What to do with the swelling! I'm going to die!!"

Immediately, there was a howl in the room.

Qin Baiyu sighed, Fang Tian shrugged, and explained: "That lawless player is one of the top ten players on the intranet, and his strength is considered top. The chances of winning are small.”

"Cut, and this guy is still an out-and-out lunatic. Once he loses, he will continue to compete with you one after another. Until he wins, I really admire his vigorous energy." Hua Kai He also had incomparable resentment towards him, and continued: "Because this guy lost face to our captain once on a live broadcast platform, so every time he sees our Diyang High School, he will definitely come up to challenge, Shouting for the captain to go up and challenge him one-on-one."

(End of this chapter)

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