city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 342 Bone Erosion Worm (7)

Chapter 342 Bone Erosion Worm ([-])
Fang Tian rushed forward quickly, his goal was simple, to lead the insect king out of the cave.

The insect king's skills are too powerful. In the special environment of the mine, Fang Tian felt that even the seventh-level bone dragon could not fight against him.

Fang Tian was afraid that the Insect King would recognize the way to the outside based on his memory, so he circled crazily in the cave, hoping to knock out the Insect King by circling.

15 minutes.

After running with the insect king for a full 15 minutes, Fang Tian tried his best, his physical strength began to bottom out, and he already felt that his physical strength was being consumed rapidly.

In the game, physical energy also has a consumption value, and physical energy value is related to physical strength value.

For example, running for a short time consumes some stamina, but running for a long time will not only consume stamina but also consume the upper limit of stamina for a short time, and a short rest can only restore stamina, and the upper limit of stamina can only be Recover by taking adequate rest, such as sleeping or going offline.

Fang Tian found that his physical limit had begun to be exhausted.


Fang Tian quickly touched the ground with his toes, turned around suddenly, and ran towards the exit of the mine.

At the entrance of the cave ahead, light appeared again.

Fang Tian's hatred was very stable, and the insect king pursued him without any scruples, without any awareness of the imminent danger in front of him.


Fang Tian rushed out of the cave.

The insect king behind him didn't notice anything unusual, and rushed out of the cave in an instant.

The scorching sunlight shines on the insect king's dark brown skin, emitting a stream of cyan gas visible to the naked eye.

The insect king realized that something was wrong at the first time and stopped the pursuit. However, due to the effect of inertia, he could not complete the turning in a short time.

Damn reptile!
The insect king quickly twisted his body, trying to retreat into the mine.

It worked!
Seeing the Insect King following him out of the cave, Fang Tian said loudly: "Now!"


Almost at the same time as Fang Tian's voice sounded, a huge explosion resounded throughout the entire mining area, shaking everyone's feet.

The explosion was concentrated above the exit of the mine, and the violent tremors caused the entire entrance to collapse.


Rocks falling from the top of the cave tightly blocked the entrance to the mine.


The insect king let out a miserable cry, and he instinctively wanted to retreat, but was blocked by the rock behind him.


Under the sunlight, the insect king's skin seemed to be burned, emitting a burst of white smoke.

The worm's body was twisted crazily, and the worm king seemed to go crazy, and he desperately slammed into the rock pile at the entrance of the cave behind him.

Relying on the huge body again and again, thinking about hitting those rocks.



With every impact, the swordsmen's feet trembled slightly.

Under the crazy impact of the insect king, some of the rocks blocking the entrance of the cave were washed away.

Seeing this scene, the sword guards around the entrance of the cave subconsciously took a few steps back, wanting to get as far away from the insect king as possible.

"Stop him!"

Seeing that the insect king was about to run away, Fang Tian turned his head and yelled at the group of sword guards: "Attack! Use the crossbow arrows!"

The sword guards reacted, and each of them pulled out their crossbow arrows and shot at the insect king quickly.

The sunlight seems to have weakened the defense on the insect king's skin, each crossbow pierced fiercely into the insect king's body, bursting out a ball of foul-smelling juice, and the juice evaporated rapidly under the sunlight, emitting a kind of A chilling sizzle.

"woo woo woo woo!"

After several struggles, the Insect King stopped hitting the rock, howling in pain, rolling and twisting on the ground.

Raging flames emerged from the Insect King, and it eventually spontaneously combusted...

After 3 minutes, the insect king stopped struggling, and the flames were still devouring its body, until finally, it was scorched into a black substance.

"Reminder: Player Fang Tian successfully killed the bone-corroding bug (Bug King) and won 5000 reputation rewards."

"Reminder: Player Fang Tian has obtained an army reputation reward: 3000."

The swordsmen looked at the scene in front of them in amazement, speechless for a long time.

As soon as the wind blew, the ashes left by the insect king were blown away, leaving only a white light ball in place.

Fang Tian reached out and waved towards the ball of light.

"Hint: Players get the eggs of the bone-corroding insect king."

"Item: Eggs of the Bone Erosion Worm King."

"Explanation: The eggs left behind after the death of the bone-corroding insect king, even in the sun, the eggs can still maintain biological activity. You can try to hatch a new generation of insect kings from the eggs, but I don't know. It is recommended that you do this, hand him over to some biologists, and maybe you can get special rewards."

Fang Tian put away the eggs.

Like the bone-corroding bug eggs obtained before, the bug king's eggs can still be taken out of the game.

The hint in the game reminded Fang Tian from somewhere. Before, he just wanted to use these eggs to sell for money, but after the hint in the game, Fang Tian suddenly thought that if he could re-hatch the bone-rotten insect king , Can he make him obey his orders?

Although he has a huge weakness like being afraid of the sun, in the mine, his strength may be close to that of a seventh-order creature, especially his terrifying evolution skills. If he is given enough time, how far can he evolve? What kind of degree?
"We made it!"


After a brief silence, the cheers from the surrounding sword guards made Fang Tian come out of his thoughts.

Fang Tian took a deep breath, looked at the sword guards around, and said, "How much explosives are left, use them to clean up the rocks at the entrance of the cave, we don't have much time!"

"Yes, Master Fang Tian!" The sword guard who manipulated the explosives replied excitedly, clasping his fists.

In the distance, the team led by Heiyu on the other side has approached the center of the kobold lair. After a brief rest, they will face the biggest difficulty of this raid, the kobold boss.

At this time, a game reminder suddenly sounded in Heiyu's ear.

"Reminder: Player Fang Tian successfully killed the Bone Erosion Worm (Insect King), and the Star Mercenary Group gained 2000 prestige points in the main city."

how can that be! ?
Hei Yu's first reaction was not to believe it. He turned his head and looked at the mining area over there. He had seen the horror of the insect king before. The ability to split and the powerful self-healing ability, coupled with the cave like environment, unable to move efficiently...

Even if Kuroba was given ten teams, he would not be able to defeat the Insect King.

So how did that person, that sub-professional player do it! ?

Suddenly, Hei Yu's mind recalled the group of iron puppets behind Fang Tian.

Iron puppet!
It must be them!Hei Yu clenched his fists tightly, if he could get them, he could also kill the insect king himself!
He wants to find a way to capture those iron puppets!
(End of this chapter)

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