city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 346 The first wave

Chapter 346 The Second Wave

Huh?It's them?
Suddenly, Fang Tian saw the Star Guild and others walking up the city wall.

It seemed that they also participated in the battle to defend the city wall, and Fang Tian also saw Shen Luoluo's figure in it.

Return your gaze to the battlefield.

The cannon fodder troops of the undead approached the city wall at an extremely slow speed. After a brief cooling down, the magic crystal cannon fired another round of salvo. Thousands of low-level undead fell under this round of salvo. A lot of undead came from behind, boundless, the effect of the magic crystal cannon looked outstanding, but this could only delay the attack of the undead.

Seeing that some undead skeletons walking in the front were approaching the bottom of the city wall, the commander ordered again: "Crossbow arrows! Scatter and shoot!"

After receiving the order, the elite sword guards who had been waiting on the city wall for a long time took out their crossbows and shot at the scattered skeletons under the city wall.

At the same time, the Star Guild also joined the battle. The mages threw spells at the skeletons gathered in the distance, and the remaining warrior professions used the bows and arrows they had just received to shoot at the city wall at will.

The damage they can cause without learning shooting skills is very low, but it is better than nothing.

The audience before the live broadcast looked at the pictures on the live broadcast with great interest. It is rare to see this kind of siege scene in the game, and it feels like watching a movie.

The hollow skeleton of the skeleton has the effect of reducing the damage of bows and arrows. Under the rain of arrows, the first and second batch of skeletons and zombies have already come to the bottom of the city wall under the attack, and then began to climb up. The speed was not fast. They slowed down again.

Due to the angle of the magic crystal cannon, they can only attack long-distance units. Once they get too close, the magic crystal cannon will lose the ability to attack.

There is no good way for these undead creatures trying to climb the city wall. The soldiers above the city wall can only solve them with magic and bows and arrows.

But such efficiency is not high.

Ten minutes later, the first skeleton successfully boarded the tower, and the two elite sword guards who had been prepared by the side rushed up immediately, raised the long sword in their hands, and chopped the skeleton into pieces.

In front of the live broadcast, the three narrators had their own thoughts, Qingqing kept praying in her heart, success or failure depends on one action, if the pre-arranged plan can be successful, the difficulty of this dungeon will drop by a notch.

Dirty Rat wished that the Star Guild would lose this game sooner.

Looking at the endless tide of corpses, Dirty Mouse licked his lips and said, "Old ghost, how long do you think they can hold here?"

"It should be soon. Now it's just the zombies and skeletons of the initial difficulty. It's not a big problem to resist these things. It's just a matter of how much it consumes. If they wait for the second batch of wraiths to attack, they will suffer." The old man The ghost noticed some weird changes on the field, and couldn't help thinking: "But it's a bit strange, have you noticed that the attack speed of the undead seems to have slowed down a lot this time?"

"Did it slow down a lot? Didn't it?" Looking at the battlefield, Dirty Mouse was a little uncertain.

"No, it must have slowed down a lot." The old ghost insisted on his point of view, and said, "You see, when the first batch of skeletons and zombies attacked by the undead, the people on the city wall were already invaded by skeletons on a large scale. , when the second batch of vengeful spirits appear, the human army will soon be in a desperate situation."

Dirty Rat explained: "Well, because Wraiths don't take normal physical attacks, only mage's damage can cause them full damage, so the general team will choose to retreat when they hit Wraiths."

"No, that's not what I'm talking about. Didn't you notice that the first wave of undead attack is almost over, but there were only some small disturbances on the city wall, and they were quickly resolved."

"Huh?" After what the old ghost said, Dirty Rat also re-observed the situation on the field, and said thoughtfully: "It seems to be true, why did this happen?"

The old ghost said: "Have you noticed that the magic crystal cannon on the city wall seems to be stronger than before?"

"Stronger?" Dirty Mouse looked at Qingqing and said, "Indeed, it seems that... the frequency of the artillery is faster than before, Qingqing, how did you do it?"

Qingqing also didn't understand what happened, but in front of the audience all over the world, Qingqing still showed a mysterious smile, "This is our internal secret, and it is not convenient to disclose it to everyone for the time being."

The Dirty Rat curled its lips in disdain, "But even so, they can't stop the attack of the wraiths, and they still have to evacuate."

Not only the people who were watching the live broadcast, but also the Star Guild, which was fighting the undead, could clearly feel the difference today. Facing the attack of the skeletons this time, they were under little pressure, not as much as before, but they all Don't understand why this is happening.

Especially Shen Luoluo who was in charge of output, in her opinion, this undead attack was not as crazy as before.

Isn't this great news! ?

From the beginning to the end, Fei Ye watched all the changes on the scene. He kept observing, and finally he found the reason for the changes. On the edge of the city wall, the original damaged mechanical magic crystal cannons could be used again. Why did they happen? this change?

Is it fixed?
The siege of the undead is still going on, and the second wave of attacks from the wraiths will come soon.

A white wraith rises from the horizon like a white mist.

The real test is coming. Feiye glanced around at the members of the Star Guild standing on the city wall. Whether the plan can be successful and how far it can go depends on their performance.

"It's a wraith!"

Seeing the layer of dreamlike white mist, the soldiers on the city wall became terrified one by one.

The commander was also horrified, and he commanded loudly on the city wall: "Stop them quickly! Use the magic cannon to attack! Leave those zombie skeletons alone, don't let the wraiths come up!"

The Empire has very few mage troops, only a few dozen here and there. Such a number cannot cause too much damage to the wraiths.

The magic crystal cannon is a special level of energy attack, and it can also have an attack effect on wraiths. This may be the best news for the human empire.

The action speed of the wraiths is much faster than that of zombies and skeletons. Under the huge output of the magic crystal cannon, most of the wraiths are consumed, but there are still many wraiths that escaped from the range of the magic crystal cannon. under the city wall.

Then, unlike the slow-climbing skeleton zombies, the wraith just left the ground with both feet and floated up the city wall. Compared with those zombie skeletons, the speed of the wraith climbing the city wall was more than doubled.

(End of this chapter)

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