Chapter 532 Kara
When the elf boy spoke, he had an air of calm and prestige, and the two guards suddenly became shorter, and they both lowered their heads and did not speak.

"Who asked you to come!" The elf boy asked loudly: "You don't even say anything, do you want me to take you to the ancestor altar?"

One of the guards whispered: "It's Lord Kara, he asked us to take Princess Anya and all the entourage there."

Oops!It's Kara!

It's Kara of the Elven Council!

When he heard the name Kara, Fang Tian immediately screamed something bad in his heart.

According to the news from the Assassin's Guild just now, Kara, the younger generation of the Elf Council, firmly opposes this alliance, and now suddenly invites Princess Anya to go, and even uses the name of the third elder...

Fang Tian quickly realized that Kara might be harmful to Princess Anya!
The most important thing is that Princess Anya doesn't know these messy things inside the elves.

Fang Tian pulled the guard beside him and asked forcefully, "Where are Princess Anya and Hesna?"

The guard's heart trembled suddenly, and from Fang Tian's eyes, he felt a faint killing intent, " the Elven Council Hall."

The elf boy asked: "Kara took Princess Anya back to the elf council hall privately, what do you want to do?"

The guard bit the bullet and argued: "Princess Anya is a distinguished guest of the elves, and Kara is the most member of the elf council. Isn't it okay to invite Princess Anya to a dinner party?"

"It's really just a dinner party? Then you still need to use the banner of the third elder?"

The elf guard stopped talking for a moment.

Fang Tian looked calm. He looked at the elf guard, "Kara is also in the elf council hall? Take me there."

The elf boy was slightly startled, then stepped forward to stop him: "You want to go now? Why don't you give me some time?"

Fang Tian took a look at the elf boy. Although he didn't know who this boy was, it seemed that he should be on the side of the elders' house.

"No need, if something happens to Princess Anya, then everything will be meaningless." After finishing speaking, Fang Tian left the compound and walked forward.

The elf boy's expression changed, and he immediately followed Fang Tian.The elf boy was full of doubts, Kara is an idiot!What the hell is he doing! ?

The elf boy who suddenly appeared and saw through Kara's trick turned out to be the grandson of the third elder, Neos.

Fang Tian was a little lucky. If it weren't for the appearance of this young man, he would have been in a very passive situation. The complexity of this task was far beyond Fang Tian's expectation. Unknowingly, Princess Anya's team was trapped inside the elves. struggle.

After the incident happened, Neos immediately sent someone to notify the three elders. At the same time, he urgently summoned more than a dozen elf guards belonging to the Elders' House and rushed to the elf council hall with Fang Tian.

Outside the door of the Elf Council Hall, the guard was stunned when he saw a group of men approaching the council hall. After looking at the door for so many years, this was the first time he saw someone rushing into the Elf Council Hall. The strangest thing was that the man walking in the end was The one in front turned out to be a human being.

Seeing that this human being was about to rush into the parliament, the guard immediately blocked him, "Several..."

Before the guard could finish speaking, the figure of Fang Tian in front of him disappeared and appeared behind them.

Fang Tian didn't bother to pay attention to him, and pushed the door open.

"No need to record!"

Neos waved his hand and followed immediately, feeling very uneasy in his heart.

He seldom dealt with this kind of affairs, and the Third Elder happened to be away now. If the human envoy and Kara had a direct conflict, this situation would be extremely unwilling to see.

They are in great need of supplies from humans.

Inside the Elf Council.

In the hall, Kara sat on a high platform and was presiding over a meeting to discuss the details of retreating with the elves. The outside guards hurried in and whispered something in Kara's ear.

Cara's face suddenly sank.

Just as he was about to speak, the door of the parliament hall was pushed open with a bang.

All the elves in the room looked at the door at the same time.

When they saw a human standing at the door of the room, everyone's eyes were sullen.

The council hall of the elves is a sacred place for the elves, and it is unacceptable for them to be so rudely broken into by a human, not to mention that the young people here don't have much affection for humans.

I have to say that Kara is a very charismatic elf, making people feel convinced at first sight.

Fang Tian raised his head, looked at the person at the main table, and asked, "Are you Kara?"

Kara raised her head proudly and looked at Fang Tian, ​​without any interest in answering Fang Tian's question, she just said: "I don't care who you are, as long as you break into the elf council hall without authorization, you will be punished with death! Take down this human being! Life and death don't matter. !"

Kara's words had absolute prestige in the council. As soon as the words fell, the guards on the left and right drew out long arrows behind their backs at the same time, and aimed at Fang Tian and shot them out.

Several long arrows approached Fang Tian.

Fang Tian stomped on his feet.


Under the blessing of Yiqi Ran, Fang Tian's speed suddenly increased.

Several arrows landed in the open space behind Fang Tian. Fang Tian held a dagger in one hand and headed towards Kara on the main seat.

At this time, the third elder's grandson, Neos, and his party just barely arrived.

In Fang Tian's training, assassins seldom adopt this kind of direct attack. In the words of the master, this attack method is extremely stupid.

But now Fang Tian doesn't have any good choices.

The opponent's blatant attack directly put Fang Tian into an awkward situation. Only by attacking and showing his strength can he gain a better right to speak.


Two elven sword guards appeared on the left and right sides, one on the left and one on the right, blocking Fang Tian's advance path, and used cross-cutting and broken blade blows respectively.


Seeing such an explosion scene as soon as he came in, Neos couldn't help but roared.

Neos may still have some rights in the Elder's House, but this is the Elf Council, which is controlled by Kara.

The two elf sword guards didn't give Neoos any face at all, and they swung their swords out without even hesitation. Perhaps only the third elder could let them take care of it a little bit. Among the younger generation, they only obeyed Kara's orders.

However, to the surprise of the two elf sword guards, Fang Tian in mid-air accelerated in vain again, and his whole body turned into a phantom in mid-air, and quickly shot forward.

Second stage, burning.

The attacks of the two elf sword guards landed in the air, hitting the air.

Fang Tian's speed also caused Kara, who was sitting firmly on the main seat, to change slightly.

These ordinary guards couldn't stop Fang Tian at all. Among the younger generation of elves, there were only a handful of people with Fang Tian's strength.

The sharp tip of the knife was forced away from Kara's neck. Except for a slight change in Kara's face, she was still sitting firmly on the main seat.

(End of this chapter)

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