Chapter 556 Open

What Kara held tightly in his hand was an ancient scroll.

Carla said loudly: "As I said before, I, Carla, will definitely live up to everyone's expectations and lead our elves to glory."

Amidst the cheers of the elves, Kara slowly walked up to the seal in front of her.

All the elves made way for Carla.

"Wait a moment!"

Princess Anya yelled anxiously. She really didn't expect that her words would sharply improve Kara's reputation among the elves. She took a step forward and said loudly: "Elder, please Listen to me, what is sealed underneath is not the passage of the undead, but the undead monarch from the Nether Abyss!"

The Great Elder frowned. The Great Elder did not dare to underestimate the matter of the seal of the undead. He couldn't help asking, "What did you say?"

"Great Elder!" Princess Anya hurriedly stepped forward. Now that things have happened, she can't back down in the slightest. "What Anya said is true. After Anya's investigation, it is not the passage of the undead that is hidden under the seal. Instead, it sealed an evil existence, the undead monarch of another world."

"Hahahaha!" Before the Great Elder could answer, Kara, who had advanced to the normal level, laughed loudly, "I thought you were going to say something, I thought you were going to question the item in my hand that broke the seal of the undead, I didn't expect it to be such a low-level reason, don't you think the ancient books of our elves are wrong!"

Anya didn't answer Kara's words, but looked at the elder with an almost begging look, "Elder, this matter has nothing to do with forming an alliance. Anya will never spread rumors about this matter."

After finally getting to this point, how could Kara make Princess Anya fulfill her wish, not to mention that he has a prejudice against human beings, and he is almost sure that Princess Anya is cheating.

And that reason made Kara even more ridiculous.

The passage of the undead underground in the sealed place is recorded in the classics, so how could it be wrong! ?

"Okay." The Great Elder waved his hand, "We appreciate Princess Anya's kindness. These are just rumors and should not be taken seriously. Please watch the princess quietly."

Princess Anya bit her lip tightly. She wanted to say something else, but Fang Tian gently held her back.

Fang Tian shook his head towards Princess Anya, and gestured to Kara not far away with his eyes.

Turning her head, Princess Anya saw Kara's extremely malicious eyes.

"Human! What is your intention to hinder me from destroying the passage of the undead! For the sake of the great elder, I will let you continue to stand here. If I hear another word, I will put you in prison now !"

Under Kara's cold shout, almost all the elves cast warning glances at Anya and the others, and some elves even concentrated their energy on Fang Tian and the others.

Fang Tian has no doubts, as long as Kara gives an order, all the elves here will obey the order without hesitation and attack them.

Princess Anya bit her lips tightly, took a deep breath, and took half a step back.

Hesna whispered: "What should I do? Kara has lost her mind, and the elves don't listen to our advice at all."

"Let's just wait and see what happens, maybe there is a turning point." Princess Anya was also helpless, she couldn't persuade the elves to change their minds, let alone produce actual evidence to prove it.

While Fang Tian frowned, he suddenly felt a chill behind him. He suddenly turned his head and looked at the elf attendants not far behind.

That peeping gaze came from the elf boy standing among the elves.

The elf boy smiled at Fang Tian, ​​and disappeared among the attendants.

It's strange, seeing his face is a little familiar, it seems that he has seen it before, but he can't remember it for a while.

In doubt, Kara was already heading towards the sealed door in the middle of the square, holding up the scroll in his palm.

What is even more astonishing is that all the undead around Kara seemed to be affected by a special force, without exception, they retreated backwards. Even the strong black death breath could not get close to the scroll for half a minute. Carla carves a way forward.

This weird scene inspired the elves even more!

Seeing this scene, Kara felt even more determined. At first, he still had a little doubt about the elf behind the mask, but now, this little doubt disappeared with the performance of this scroll.

Step by step forward, Kara approached the last sealed door.

The black sealed door unexpectedly had a weird reaction, and the four seals on the entire seventh floor were all flashing with red light.

Seeing this scene, Fang Tian frowned even deeper. The strange light was obviously because the formation was touched and produced a special change.

And that change came from the weird scroll in Kara's hand.

In fact, Fang Tian has never heard of the artifact of the Sealed Scroll, but everything in front of him tells Fang Tian that the Sealed Scroll is really useful, and it is effective for the Sealed Gate!
Kara stood in front of the sealed door, turned her head, looked at the elder, and bowed slightly.

The Great Elder remained silent and just nodded slightly towards Kara.

A smile appeared on the corner of Kara's mouth, and she took out a golden sphere from her bosom.

The sphere is not big, and can be easily held in the palm of one hand.

When Fang Tian saw the sphere, Fang Tian couldn't help squinting his eyes.

He could see clearly that Kara held a golden eyeball, which not only reminded him of the artifact on the church prayer in the first place.

Necessary to activate the last sealed door, the gazer of the evil eye.

Kara held the gazer of the evil eye and slowly approached the final sealed door.

As the seal slowly approached, the gate of the seal gradually emitted a fiery light.

Everyone's hearts are lifted in the air, and everyone is waiting for the scene after the seal is opened.

Under the seal, the passage leading to the undead.

The brilliance flickered on the sealed door.

The originally closed eyeballs above the ball opened slowly, looking directly at the sealed door in front of them.

In an instant, the brilliance that was flowing and flickering on the black sealed door was actually absorbed and swallowed by the opened eyeballs.

Kara looked at the scene in front of her excitedly, and was about to stretch out her hand to push open the sealed door.


In the next second, there was a violent explosion centered on the sealed gate.

The breath of death formed a ripple visible to the naked eye along with the huge explosion, and spread rapidly to the surroundings.

No one expected that the breath of death gathered behind the sealed door was so strong that it exploded so violently the moment it was opened.

(End of this chapter)

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