city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 645 Petrified Skin

Chapter 645 Petrified Skin
Without any hesitation, after using the short-term sprint of decisive cut to speed up his approach, the fat man used his big move from the very beginning.

"Sword Skill * Falling Snow"

In an instant, the long sword in Fatty's hand turned into a white awn, and what came out of the white awn were hundreds of bursts of short sword aura, each sharp sword aura could cut down a large amount of the enemy's HP.

Fatty is desperate.

Under the blessing of Nian, the fat man swung at least three hundred sword qi in this blow.

This move can be said to be a fat guy who eats, a famous stunt, and it is easy to kill an elite of the same level with one move. The only disadvantage is that there is a short preparation time before the release of this move, and The attack distance is extremely short and consumes a lot.

"Hey! All hits!"

The fat man was secretly delighted, but he was taken aback when he saw the layer of fine damage numbers popping out of the orc Kesoruk's head.







All the numbers are all double digits, and they haven't even broken through the [-] damage mark.


Still in shock and doubt, Kaisoluk roared again, picked up the ax and slashed backwards.

Fatty's pupils constricted suddenly, and after the big move, the stiff state in mid-air made it difficult for him to get out of the evasive action. All he could do was raise the long sword in front of him to reduce the damage as much as possible.


At the moment of the smash, a giant lizard appeared from nowhere and jumped up from the side to meet the giant axe.


The monitor lizard collided with the giant ax in the air, and it was smashed into a ball of flesh without any accident.

The blow was blocked.

The death of the giant lizard bought time for the fat man to escape from the range of the giant axe.

After landing, the fat man was horrified. If Seven Sins hadn't used the summoned object to help him block this move in time, his end would have been similar to that giant lizard.

As soon as the stiff time passed, the fat man quickly backed away.

Character: Orc Warrior-Kaiser Rook
Equal rank: ? ? ?
grade:? ? ?
Explanation: The warriors of the orc tribe trained with the chief's son since childhood. When they grew up, they received the infusion of shamanic power. They were valued by the great chief and guarded the safety of the orcs' secret castle.

Skill: Permanent petrified skin (LV: 30)

Skill description: Infused with shaman power, Keesoruk accepts the blessing of the ancestor totem, obtains the state of permanent petrified skin, reduces all physical attacks by 30% damage, and reduces all physical damage by 350 points after calculation damage, there will be a 3% probability of invalidating the damage when receiving a magic attack (arcane).

Skills: Two-handed ax mastery (LV: MAX).

Skill Description: Years of training has enabled Kesoruk to wield a giant two-handed ax with one hand. If he wields the giant ax with two hands, the attack speed of the ax can be increased by 50%, and the power of the ax can be increased by 100%.

Skill: Running (LV: 5).

Skill description: Increase the movement speed by an additional 10% within 50 seconds.

Skill: Unyielding fighting spirit (LV: 20) (passive trigger).

Skill description: Infused with shamanic power, Kaisoluk will gain an additional 5% strength attribute, 5% attack speed, 5% movement speed, and 5% all attribute resistance after each attack.

Additional instructions: The duration is 10 seconds, and the maximum number of stacks is 5.
Skill:? ? ?

Description: You need to upgrade your Scouting skill level.

Lines of information flashed in Fang Tian's eyes.

Little information was obtained, and the opponent's level was very high.

Fatty's attack is about 1000 each time. Under the high level of damage reduction, this number is nearly doubled, and it is about 500+. It is precisely because of the imba skill of petrified skin that weakens 30% of the damage before forcibly Offset 350 points of fixed damage, which almost withstood all the physical damage of the fat man.

With the superposition of the two, it's no wonder that Fatty's ult just hit a number of around 20.

With a powerful enemy at his side, the blood in Fang Tian's body couldn't stop flowing.

Fang Tian had a feeling that there was a power accumulating in his body, waiting to erupt. This gave Fang Tian a strange illusion. If he wanted to, he could even use his thoughts endlessly to destroy the guy in front of him.

But the rationality of existence told Fang Tian that this feeling was fake, it was the negative effect of Katimla, and he had to keep calm.

The thoughts in his body were quickly mobilized, Fang Tian bullied himself and went around behind the orc.









Fang Tian frowned, under the effect of petrified skin, his damage was completely reduced!

In the case of damage reduction to 0, the critical strike effect cannot be triggered at all!

Fang Tian has already clearly realized that unless his own weapon's armor-piercing effect is triggered, he cannot face the boss in front of him at all.

What's even more troublesome is that even if the damage is 0, it is still considered an attack, triggering Kaisoluk's passive skill Unyielding Fighting Will, and Kaisoluk's attributes will be strengthened again.


Compared with his huge stature, the orc Kesoruk moved extremely nimbly, turned around and swung his giant ax backward.

The sharp blade almost pierced the air, and went straight to Fang Tian's face.


Fang Tian also activated the second level of 'Burning' and swept back. At the same time, the fat man in front of him quickly followed up and launched a frontal attack to contain Kaisoluk and reduce Kaisoluk's health.

Not far away, several people wearing silver-gray masks were watching the fierce battle.

"Sorry, team leader, I was careless to bother you so late to let you go online. I didn't expect them to have the ability to break the shackles of nightmares."

"Don't care about your business, it's my order. Theoretically speaking, they can't break through the limit value, most likely they used special means." Ni Kun looked at the battlefield from afar, and casually removed the topic, Said: "That young man looks very good, Er Chao Ran has persisted for 10 seconds."

"Well, he is our main focus. He just came into contact with Nian half a year ago. He should have special equipment and props."

Nichkhun nodded and fell silent again.

"Leader, are we not going up?"

"No, the shackles of the nightmare will not work for them. If we go, we will just kill them and hand them over to these orcs. After all, our reputation is already bad enough."

The young man beside him smiled helplessly.

"Alright, the people who were sent out to protect their position before can be taken back." Nichkhun paused, then continued, "Jie, I just came back from a meeting at the headquarters."

The young man called Jie was stunned.

It was so late, what would require an overnight meeting?
"Yiyue is about to move again."

"Ah?" Jie asked subconsciously, "What action?"

"I don't know, the news said that their first round of infiltration investigation has been completed." Ni Kun glanced coldly at the battle on the field, and said in a low voice: "They will take action soon, we need to be vigilant, the above The first-level alert has been issued, all staff have canceled their vacations, and the headquarters is on standby."

(End of this chapter)

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