city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 796 Happy Leveling

Chapter 796 Happy Leveling

Two minutes later, when Enzerita arrived here again with a livid face, where were Fang Tian and Hesna?

Enzerita's face was tense. She discovered that these two humans were targeting her. Although she had a large number of troops in her hands, she couldn't make an effective counterattack under such circumstances.

More than ten minutes later, Hesna and Fang Tian, ​​who had recovered, made a comeback and once again cut off the low-level creatures in the second half of the undead from the middle.

After going back and forth several times, Fang Tian's reputation value increased by several thousand, and the Hell Origin Worm lived up to expectations and was upgraded by two levels.

Enzerita was completely irritated by this shameless tactic, and these two human bugs annoyed her endlessly, but she received the mission from Lord Sisai to recruit these low-level troops. Under this situation, she How to complete the task?

Originally, Fang Tian chased behind only to delay Enzerita's footsteps, buy time for Hesna's Holy Light Shield CD to recover, and was ready to wait until the skill CD was recovered before consuming a wave of undead Lich, now this kind of Under the circumstances, Fang Tian was not in a hurry to find the undead heroine, but chose to happily level up the Hell Origin Worm in the rear.

After all, hell-originated insects are not so efficient in other places. For hell-originated insects at this stage, leveling is too slow. After finally finding this opportunity, Fang Tian will naturally not let it go easily.

In the beginning, the heroine Enzerita was indeed dazzled by anger, and every time she was attacked, she chased after her again and again, and then ran to nothing.

"Despicable human!"

After being teased again and again, Enzerita was finally out of anger. After she calmed down, she suddenly felt a chill rising from her back.

Seeing that the number of teams has been reduced again and again, it will take at least four hours to return to the main city. At this speed, I am afraid that by the time she really returns to the main city, the undead team behind her will have been slaughtered. Two clean.

When it is broken, it is broken. Enzerita is a commander with sufficient experience. She immediately decided to abandon the team behind her, let some of the skeletons concentrate on the road to intercept, then disbanded them, and evacuated with the rest of the high-level troops. .

This did have a very good effect. After throwing off a large group of low-level troops behind, the speed of the entire team was much faster, and they were no longer harassed by the two humans behind them.

Fleeing all the way back to the main city in a panic, Enzerita looked grim. She shouted at the guard at the door, "Report to Lord Si Sai immediately, and say that I have something important to report!"

On the other hand, Fang Tian was extremely disappointed. The skeletal zombies left by Enzerita were disbanded, and they were ordinary wild monsters wandering on the side of the road. Therefore, Fang Tian also lost his experience and reputation after killing them. Instead, it took them a lot of time to deal with these wandering skeletons blocking the middle of the road.

After this battle, Fang Tian suddenly had a strange feeling that it was a waste of time to clean up such evil temples, and the effect was not very good, so why not go to the Sai team on the battlefield to fight guerrilla warfare?

This can also weaken the strength of Si Sai's side, and more importantly, it can also take this opportunity to increase the level of hell-originated insects.

Fang Tian clearly knew that once the level of the hell-originated worm was raised, it meant that he could obtain higher attributes from the living infection skills, thereby enhancing his own strength.


Two days later, the main city of Burial Land.

Lord Si Sai's face was gloomy.

"Who can tell me where those two humans came from!?"

All twelve undead heroes under the lord were present, each of them lowered their heads, with extremely aggrieved expressions on their faces.

In the past two days, most heroes have encountered attacks from Fang Tian and Hesna. From the perspective of these undead heroes, the tactical behavior of these two people can be said to be extremely shameless!
They never fight head-on, but rely on mobility, staring at the low-level troops attacking behind or in front of the team, buzzing around like a fly, making people so annoying that they can't wait to tear them apart. But helpless.

Since these two humans appeared on the battlefield for the first time, the heroes who go out to recruit or patrol now rarely choose to take those trails. They all take the wide avenues. Only in this way can they cover a large number of undead force.

Even Fang Tian himself didn't expect that he destroyed Si Sai's conscription by accident, which caused the replenishment of Si Sai's younger generation to fail to keep up with him at the first time, and suffered a big loss on the frontal battlefield .

Si Sai had a splitting headache because of this, and he even tried to track down the two humans with all the undead knights himself, but at this moment, the two humans seemed to have disappeared, not even a ghost could be found.

Once Si Sai led the undead knights back to the main city, the two humans continued to appear again, constantly disrupting the recruitment and scouting operations of Boneyard.

In the silence, an elegant undead said, "Master Si Sai, I have been under your command and taken care of by you. Why not leave this matter to me. We vampires also want to do our part for this."

Everyone couldn't help turning their attention to Alex.

Alex, the undead hero, is a noble vampire duke.

At first glance, there was not much difference between him and the other undead sitting at the table, except that his complexion was the palest.

In fact, only his team has the mobile creature of the undead system, the vampire.

Of course, in terms of mobility, death knights are better than them, but after all, there are not many death knights, and it is difficult to form a large scale.

Si Sai cheered up and said, "Okay! Alex, I will leave this matter to you, and I must catch the two humans here!"

A confident smile appeared on the vampire's face, "Of course, my lord."


After Fang Tian and Hesna attacked for two consecutive days, they found that the number of undead going out began to decrease.

So I went back to the original tactical intention, and started to clean up those skeleton temples when I was free, and then went out for a circle after processing to see if there were any undead troops passing by.

All the goals are to help the Hell Origin Worm upgrade.

Every time it passes 10 levels, the skill level of the hell-originated insect will increase. Compared with Fang Tian, ​​the greater the strength it can obtain after strengthening, the greater it will be.

(End of this chapter)

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