Chapter 803 Raid
The hostile empire players would not let him sit down so easily. While working hard and continuously investing money to complete the mission, he also needed to be constantly alert to the troubles the players brought him.

There are still two weeks at most, so we must make it through!
Through the window, Fei Ye looked into the distance, for some reason, this evening, his mood was restless, as if something was about to happen.

"Drip drip..."

Something seems to have happened in the team channel.

"Boss, it's bad, someone broke into the lava cave!"

Fei Ye suddenly raised his heart, "Who? Which guild? How many people have they come?"

"Yes... just one person..."

Feiye was taken aback, "Only one person?"

"No, there is another npc following. Boss, hurry up and bring someone over to support him. I heard that that person is very powerful. He has very high physical defense and doesn't take magic attacks!"

Do not eat magic attack, high physical defense?

Feiye's pupils shrank sharply.

what happened?

Could it be that that person entered the game through a special technique.

"Boss, he just broke through the foot of the mountain and ran towards the lava cave. After hearing the news, Hei Yu immediately led people to stop him."

Feiye suppressed the strong uneasiness in his heart and yelled at the other end of the communication, "Tell Heiyu, the other party is definitely not an ordinary person, try to delay him as much as possible! I will immediately send someone to help! Delay it! time!"

Entrance to lava cave.

Hei Yu has already received the news that a player has broken in, and he stands here with the three player teams behind him, ready to go.

"Listen to me!" Facing the players behind him, Heiyu spoke solemnly, "I just received the news that a player rushed over with a high-level elite npc, a saint An NPC of the light system, she is very powerful."

The eyes of the players following Heiyu showed a look of surprise. At this stage, it is rare to hear that there are players who can control the NPC and directly join the struggle among the players.

"Hmph! cheer me up, it's just an NPC who came to give us equipment! Just fight in the normal boss mode! Got it!" Hei Yu said emphatically and snorted, Continued, "The leader said, this time the mission is completed, all the points for participating in the operation will be tripled!"


As soon as they heard that the points were tripled, the morale of the players was immediately lifted, and each one of them was gearing up for a big fight.

They just learned about a powerful npc from the player, and directly ignored the weird player following them.

"Captain Black Feather! They are coming!"

In the dark night, the long sword of holy light in Hesna's hand was extremely bright, and she quickly rushed towards the entrance of the lava cave ahead.

The players at the door raised their vigilance one by one, and locked their eyes on Hesna.

"Sure enough, it's coming towards the lava cave!" Hei Yu's face was not very good, he gritted his teeth, "Go! T push me up! Don't let him approach the lava cave!"

With an order, the three player teams responded immediately, and several prepared warrior players flashed out from the side, and each charged towards Hesna. The paladins were also in protective positions, guarding the Around.

"Bang! Bang!"

Hesna was extremely powerful, she dodged two attacks in succession, and at the same time turned around with an ordinary slash.


The long sword slashed across the giant shield in front of the giant shield warrior, and a huge damage figure appeared, and the player lost more than half of his HP. He was shocked at the time, because the defensive action with a full completion rate can lose so much HP ! ?

He immediately turned his head and shouted: "Be careful! The boss's attack is extremely high! Give me blood!"

The priest has been staring at the blood volume of the anti-war fighters. Before he could finish speaking, several healing spells fell on his head, replenishing the blood volume he just lost in an instant.

Hesna frowned slightly. After all the enemy soldiers charged up, she immediately fell into a hard fight. She dodged two charge attacks from the players, but she couldn't hold back the large number of players, and was still stunned by the players. state, the movement speed is one of the slowest.

This delay gave the Star Guild a chance, and the warriors and paladins took their positions one after another, perfectly stuck Hesna's position, and surrounded her in the center.

"Surrounded! Well done!"

Another player shouted, "Boss has a shield of holy light! Continuous output! Mage releases resistance magic!"

Under the moonlight, Hei Yu stood by and watched the scene coldly. This NPC is very strong, and she hasn't used any skills yet. The high output alone puts the team at a disadvantage.

But so what?

Hei Yu is not flustered at all, she has already entangled her, and soon there will be several other elite groups from the team rushing over, when the time comes, she will still...

At this moment, Black Feather's heart suddenly jumped.

He suddenly discovered that the head portrait of a priest in the team turned dark all of a sudden.

"what happened!?"

Hei Yu hadn't really reacted yet, and was trying to look around the battlefield to find the location where the priest fell. At this moment, another priest in the team turned into a white light and fell down.

How did he die?

Hei Yu didn't see clearly what happened just now, but saw a silver light light up, and the priest was killed almost instantly. Could this be the special skill of the boss?
Black Feather reflexively opened the game record.

"Player: I am not a healer, I was killed by player Fang Tian."

Fang Tian!

When seeing these two words, Kuroba's pupils suddenly constricted several times.

How could it be him?Isn't he already wanted by the federal government? ?Isn't there a rumor that he is dead?Why does he still appear here! ?

At that moment, Hei Yu's mind recalled the last time they assembled two teams to kill Fang Tian.

He clearly remembered President Feiye's evaluation of Fang Tian, ​​the two sides were no longer players at the same level!
After reacting, Heiyu suddenly raised his head and said loudly, "Hunter! Release the flares!"

After the only hunter in the team heard the order from Heiyu, although he was puzzled, he released the flare immediately.


The flare exploded in the air like a cloud of fireworks, illuminating the entire outside of the cave.

Fang Tian in the crowd revealed an extremely faint shadow.

Has it been discovered?
Fang Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, but the movements of his hands were a little faster.

With the blessing of the Hell Origin Insect skills, Fang Tian can exert less than 50% of the power on this body, but it is already enough for these players.

(End of this chapter)

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