Chapter 853 Raid
To say that the most frightening thing to watch from the side is digging the earth. He never imagined that an assassin-like boss would inflict [-] points of damage casually with one blow, and Fang Tian's damage was even more terrifying. With [-] damage, he feels that he is no longer playing with players of the same level. If the boss cuts him, he will almost be useless after this knife.

Digging the earth, thinking about it, he quickly leaned over to Chris, seeking protection. He felt that his heart was hurt by [-] points. How could he be considered an elite player in the team before, but why did he become a being who was hit by someone in a second?

Fang Tian's eyes kept looking around, since he couldn't detect the existence of the other party with the naked eye and ordinary perception, then use Nian!Fang Tian closed his eyes and entered the state of immersion in the six senses.

'Mind' spreads out to the surroundings through 'Zhou', and receives feedback information through 'Expansion' and 'Circle'.

Got it!

Fang Tian suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the corner on the side.

Almost the moment he opened his eyes, Fang Tian disappeared in place.


The swung knife pierced the void, and at the same time, a knife sound sounded from the void.

Kamo was forced to put his hands on his chest in a fork shape, raised his knife for defense, and revealed his figure from the void.

In an instant, Fang Tian disappeared in place again, reappeared behind Kamo, and stabbed him for the second time.

Kamo once again accurately predicted Fang Tian's whereabouts, and swung his right hand backwards for the second time to block.

Unexpectedly, Kamo didn't completely block Fang Tian's attack this time, the force carried by Fang Tian's dagger was extremely strong, and the dagger pushed forward fiercely, Kamo couldn't hold the dagger in his palm, and Fang Tian Knock it open.


The dagger drew a bloodstain on Kamo's back, followed by a huge red number that burst open.


"Critical attack!"


The backstab was stiff for a moment, and then he dug the earth and vaguely saw a burst of blood on Fang Tian's body. He could no longer see Fang Tian's hand movement clearly, and the damage like snowflakes floated from Kamo's back. The numbers are in the tens of thousands.

"Critical attack!"


"Critical attack!"


"Critical attack!"


Kamo's thick blood tank was emptied in an instant, forming a white light in the air, which shattered and scattered white light all over the ground, with some red light scattered in the middle.

Digging Earth swallowed, and stared at Fang Tian in a daze.Now that digging the earth, I'm a little unsure of what I saw just now. Can Fang Tian's every attack be worth a round of salvo output by a team?Did he really not hang up?

Just as he was digging the earth and thinking wildly, Fang Tian stretched out his hand, and the red light that burst out after the boss died on the ground entered his backpack.

After a cursory glance, what the boss exploded was not good, and the two sets of equipment belonged to mages and warriors, so they had no effect on him.

Chris's expression changed a few times, and then he pushed the digging earth, who was still in a daze, "Don't be dazed, don't you want to pick up equipment now?"

"Oh! Pick up equipment! Pick up equipment!"

It was only then that Digging Earth came to his senses, and ran over to the piece of equipment while talking over and over again.

It may be that Kamo has not been killed for a long time, and a large group of equipment exploded after his death. The two red lights are special high-level equipment marked by the system, and the rest of the white lights are also full of valuable items. Things like skill books or special materials.

Looking at Fang Tian who was paying attention to Hesna's state again, Chris frowned. He saw it clearly just now. The reason why Fang Tian was able to cause such a large damage just now was not only the strength of his own basic attributes, but also The biggest point is mindfulness.

Dragon style - proposed.


The knife gang simulated by Nian is attached to the dagger, condensed into an extremely thin point.

The stronger and more concentrated the mind is at one point, the greater the damage it can cause, but don't think that this is a very simple matter. In the battle, you must also control the mind to concentrate on the blade. This itself is an extremely difficult thing to do. Few people can maintain this state throughout the entire battle. If you really want to do this, you need not only enough thoughts in your body, but also control over the thoughts Ability to reach an extreme level.

There is also the final continuous burst, which is Tiger-Ran, a short-term burst of whole body strength, which is achieved by burning.

Chris still clearly remembers the time when he fought Fang Tian two years ago. Compared with two years ago, he has completely changed. Maybe his own mind ability has not improved much, but for this body of his own He can fully grasp the power and exert [-]% of its power. He has fully grasped the technical things. If he has to describe it, he has been completely reborn.

Chris couldn't help clenching his fists, secretly frightened, he thought to himself, it took only two years to achieve this, Lisa, the person you are optimistic about is indeed extraordinary.

Seeing Fang Tian and Hesna approaching, Chris took a deep breath and temporarily expelled what he was thinking just now from his mind.

Fang Tian came back with Hesna. Kamo's previous knife had a curse effect, and Hesna's holy light system would still be partially affected. He wanted to take a break and wait until the duration of the curse disappeared.

Hesna looked towards the portal leading to the next floor, with worry in her eyes, and she said, "I can feel that the deeper you go, the stronger the power of darkness becomes."

Chris looked at Fang Tian and said, "Then shall we wait here, or shall we go in and have a look first?"

Fang Tian thought for a while, and said: "No hurry, you guys wait here, I will enter the teleportation array to see the situation, and I can back out if I am in danger."

"That's a good idea! It's better to wait a little longer. I've already sent a substitute team over. They can come and bring back all the loot!" Over there digging the earth and sorting out the loot, Kamo exploded after his death. A lot of equipment, his backpack is only so big, how to choose has become a happy trouble.

Chris had no objection, he lazily sat down along the wall, "Tch, since you are so confident, you should be careful."

Fang Tian and Hesna exchanged glances, and then stepped into the teleportation array.

There was a flash of light on the teleportation array, and Fang Tian appeared on the fourth floor of the Ice and Snow Goddess Temple.

The fourth floor, like the second floor, is a frozen cave, similar to a small labyrinth. There are generally no bosses in this type of terrain, Fang Tian relaxed a little.

Not far away, two large white ape-like creatures spotted Fang Tian at the same time, and ran towards Fang Tian with big strides.

It was an ice giant, a Tier [-] creature that often appeared in the snowy area, with high defense and attack power, and some warrior skills. Its weakness was that it would double the damage from fire-type skills.

It's just that the ice and snow giants here are different from the outside world. They have a dark aura that is visible to the naked eye.

(End of this chapter)

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