city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 893 Mine Area

Chapter 893 Mine Area
"That's true, you won't get merit points for killing them." Chris still has some understanding of the underground, and he continued: "These cavemen are the creatures at the bottom of the underground, and you have seen their combat power just now, don't you You'd be wasting merit points on this, right?"

Fang Tian hummed slightly and nodded.

Sure enough, after approaching the cavemen's lair, the cavemen only showed vigilant expressions, but did not attack.

But since passing by, Fang Tian doesn't mind trying to go up and talk to them, if possible.

Unexpectedly, Fang Tian encountered a problem of language barriers. These cavemen seem to be unable to speak human languages.

"Okay, I'll do it instead." Chris seemed to be proficient in the underground language, and he walked up to talk to the caveman guards skillfully, but he seemed a little less interested when he went.

However, this conversation lasted for several minutes.

Backed away again, this time, Chris seemed happy.

"What did they say?"

Seeing that Chris had talked with them for so long, Hesna couldn't help being a little curious.

"Cavemen have a natural fear and aversion to us humans from the surface, so we need to recruit cavemen from here. It costs extra, about 300 merit points to recruit a caveman for three days of allegiance, and the time expires. If the person is not dead, we will get half of the merit points back."

Fang Tian frowned imperceptibly, 300 merit points in exchange for a caveman is really not worth it.

Chris paused as he spoke, then pointed to the location over there, "In addition, I got a piece of good news from them. According to what they said, there was an underground collapse at that location two months ago. Afterwards, two extremely rich mines of gold, sulfur and magic crystals were discovered. Those two mines have now been occupied by Dirousel's army. Their men successfully cleared the collapsed road half a month ago. Mining has just started for a few days."

"So? What do you want to say?" Fang Tian didn't quite understand what Chris meant.

"Don't you understand?" Chris covered his forehead with an idiot expression, "Magic crystals are extremely rare ores for dungeons, and black dragons need magic crystals to recruit the highest-level creatures in dungeons." For every dungeon city and lord, magic crystals are always an indispensable resource, and I believe that Raman will exchange a large amount of merit points for these resources."

Having said that, Fang Tian seems to recall some things about the magic crystal, and he understands a little bit, "If we occupy the mine and take the magic crystal from it, we can exchange it for merit points..."

"Yes! I haven't finished yet." Chris then licked his lips, with a gleam of excitement in his eyes, "About gold and brimstone, this is the devil's favorite thing in hell."

Fang Tian glanced at Chris curiously, "What do you mean?"

"It seems that you really don't know anything, didn't Master Lisa tell you anything?" Chris shook his head, he suddenly opened his eyes, and stared at Fang Tian with a strange look, "As a devil Your successor, you should have the same ability as Lisa-sama, right?"

ability! ?What is he referring to?
Fang Tian was startled suddenly, he stared at Chris fiercely, he vaguely recalled some pictures he had seen in the Holy Cross Church hall before.

about that baby.


"Don't use this inferior illusion in front of me! The devil's servant!" Hesna pointed her sword at Chris, "Don't let me see it again."

"Tch, so nervous, why don't you just say it..." Chris held his head, and quickly changed the topic, "In short, this is all for our mission considerations, and you will naturally know what I said when you get there. what does it mean."

Chris said and looked at Hesna again, "Anyway, Dilussel attaches great importance to that mine, so there will definitely be a large number of underground city soldiers guarding the mine. If we destroy it, we should be able to get a lot of money." That’s a lot of merit, right? Also, I’m not a servant of the devil, and to be honest, I don’t have much of a fondness for creatures like the devil.”

Fang Tian retracted his gaze and began to think. For now, the mining area is indeed a good target for meritorious deeds. As for what Chris is up to, and what special meaning the words he said before, Fang Tian can’t figure it out. Got it.

In just a moment, Fang Tian made a decision.

"Let's go to the mining area."


While Fang Tian was going to the mining area, Connell, the archbishop of the Church of the Holy Cross, came to the church headquarters under the jurisdiction of the West District of the Church of the Holy Cross.

Connell followed Fang Tian's aura before and came to Notanos, and then, in Notanos, Fang Tian's aura suddenly disappeared.

After using the big prophecy to perceive, Cornell discovered that Fang Tian's breath appeared in the underground world.

Could it be that Fang Tian had some special deal with the dungeon again?

Regarding this point, Connell was a little confused. After all, in the previous series of materials, Fang Tian had no connection with the dungeon.

After some thought, Conil had to turn back from Notanos, return to the Holy Cross Church's stronghold in the Western District, and seek help from the Holy Cross Church in the Western District. Although Tula and Neores were very difficult to deal with, But the good news is that Tula should still be at the Holy Cross Church headquarters now. He has the highest holy mandate of the Holy Cross Church, and he is confident that the Holy Cross Church members who remain in the western stronghold will obey his orders.

"Archbishop Cornell."

At the headquarters of the Church of the Holy Cross in the West District, Cornell, as the envoy sent from the headquarters, possesses extremely high authority, and members of the Church of the Holy Cross immediately came out to greet him.

Cornell nodded and continued: "I came here suddenly, I have no intention of interfering in any affairs of the Western Church, I came to pursue Fang Tian's affairs, time is tight, I received an order directly from the Pope, You need to enter the underground world immediately, so prepare quickly, the sooner the better."

At this time, all the believers showed a rather awkward look on their faces.

"What? What's the problem?" Connell felt that something was wrong, and frowned again.

"The passage to the underground does exist...but..."

"but what?"

"To be honest with the Archbishop, there was an agreement between the Archbishop of Tula and the underground city, and the Church of the Holy Cross will not enter the underground city without authorization."

"Now is a special period. I will explain this to Archbishop Tula later. Prepare immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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