city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 895 The Tauren Leader

Chapter 895 The Tauren Leader

The move Dark Shock caused a certain degree of damage to the muscles and could not be used continuously in a short period of time. There was also a short period of stiffness after use. Fang Tian's brain immediately made a judgment and stepped back after the stiffness.

Hesna, who had been in ambush for a long time, jumped out from behind the rock, swept her long sword forward, and a golden holy light flashed, sweeping out a patch of damage numbers on the tauren. These damage numbers are not high, but these damage numbers attracted Much of the tauren's hatred, they turned to attacking Hesna with a vicious dash.

The successive sprints knocked Hesna into a dizzy state, and soon, a group of tauren surrounded Hesna, constantly knocking her into continuous dizziness. Fortunately, the holy light shield absorbed a lot of damage.

Immediately afterwards, the hell three-headed dog summoned by Chris also roared and rushed towards the tauren.

Fang Tian was also continuously stunned by the remaining tauren, and the holy light shield on his body was smashed. When the stun was over, he saw that Hesna and the hell three-headed dogs had absorbed the first wave of the tauren charge. Injury, immediately raise the dagger to counterattack.

The black armor on the tauren is made of special ore from the underground world, which can absorb a lot of damage. Fang Tian needs several attacks to kill a tauren without using high-level burning.

The situation of Hesna over there is not very good either. When the output is limited, what she does is to continuously reduce the blood line of the tauren while taking damage.

After about a few minutes of killing, Fang Tian successfully wiped out nearly two teams of tauren. Chris's summoned objects had been wiped out in sevens and eighties, and Hesna's shield of holy light was also shattered, and she began to rub her hands. Cengceng dripped blood.

Seeing this situation, Fang Tian shouted loudly: "Hesna! Back off!"

The two cooperated tacitly, and Hesna immediately used her skill to swing the holy sword around, forcing the tauren back. At the same time, she tapped her toes on the ground and quickly pushed back.

The next moment, Fang Tian stepped forward, concentrated all his thoughts on his right hand, and punched forward.


The dark shock driven to the extreme by physical strength.

There was a loud bang like a knock on the periosteum, and the nearest tauren was knocked into a stunned state by the sound wave, and then flew out by the air wave, and the formation suddenly dispersed. After they recovered, Fang Tian and Hesna and Hesna have already run away.

With this distance, relying on the moving speed of Fang Tian and Hesna, it is almost impossible for the tauren to catch up with them.

The rest of the tauren stayed in place for a while, and finally chose to retreat and go back to guard the mine.

Chris was already waiting in the distance. He was very smart, but he didn't dare to put the scorched hell beast to death in such a place. If he really summoned the scorched hell beast, he would probably be hacked to death by these savage tauren When he saw that all the three-headed hellhounds he had summoned were dead, he immediately stepped back and waited for Fang Tian to come back from a distance.

This time the battle only consumed less than two teams of tauren, with a lot of combat achievements, but Hesna was a bit exhausted.

For Hesna, her blood volume did not drop much, and the power of the Holy Light was replenished very quickly. After more than 20 minutes of rest, Hesna returned to [-]% of the level of her heyday, and the full Holy Light Shield was restored. One rise.

"Continue." Fang Tian nodded to Hesna, the mantra that had been consumed before had been fully recovered, and they turned back again.

Tauren are fifth-level creatures. Even in the heavily guarded mining area, Lord Dilusel does not have so many tauren guards and cannot withstand Fang Tian's constant consumption.

As Fang Tian planned, he swiped back and forth several times in more than two hours. Due to the decrease in the number of tauren, Hesna persisted for a longer time each time, and the tauren guards outside the mine were also gone. Consumed seven seven eight eight.

This time, Fang Tian was ready when he sneaked in. He was going to kill all the guards in the mine at once, but just as he killed a tauren in seconds by sneaking, there was a roar in the mine.

"Damn humans! You disturbed Akuta Kunde's rest, I will twist your head off and put it on the sacrificial altar for sacrifice!"

Then, a giant tauren elite creature rushed out of the mine. His figure was as tall as a cave giant, and the giant ax on his body was several times larger than that of ordinary tauren.


Fang Tianxin said that sure enough, there were indeed elite guards here, and this special highly intelligent NPC seemed to have a high IQ and could also speak human language.

The tauren elite Akuta Kunde strode out of the cave, sprinting after Fang Tian, ​​and every time his huge body stepped on the ground, the ground would tremble slightly.

The huge size did not affect Akuta Kunde's speed at all, and that guy's charging speed was even faster than ordinary tauren.

Fang Tian didn't want to face this elite tauren while being fired by so many evil-eyed monsters, so he burst into flames and dodged backwards according to the original plan.

The floating speed of the evil-eyed monster was extremely slow, and at the same time, there were only seven or eight eight tauren left who followed Akuta Kunde. As before, fleeing from the mining area, Fang Tian stomped on the ground with his toes, and his body paused , turned around and punched back.


The huge sound wave knocked the chasing tauren into a repelled state.

However, in the next second, much to Fang Tian's surprise, Akuta Kunde was affected by the air wave, and after a pause, a red glow flashed across his body, and he continued to charge forward again.

This time the charge was faster and more swift than the previous one. The red light was the special skill of the elite tauren boss Akuta Kunde.

The momentary stiffness after releasing the dark shock made Fang Tian unable to dodge immediately.


The entire body of the elite tauren hit Fang Tian, ​​and the holy light shield covering Fang Tian made a cracking sound. A huge force knocked Fang Tian away five meters, and Fang Tian was knocked into a dazed state at the same time. .

The holy light shield absorbed a lot of damage for Fang Tian, ​​and the elite tauren's attack this time did not have the opponent's blood volume to cause damage.

In a daze, Akuta Kunde strode towards Fang Tian, ​​raised his heavy ax and slashed horizontally.





Three consecutive heavy slashes from the same angle cut off nearly one-third of Fang Tian's blood volume. After waking up from a stunned state, Fang Tian hit Akuta Kunde into a stunned state with a backhand gouge.

Hesna arrived quickly behind him, and the blessing of the holy light raised Fang Tian's blood volume, and the sword glow swept across the five or six tauren guards chasing after him.

"Leave the boss to me, you stop the others."

As soon as Fang Tian finished speaking, Akuta Kunde's body flashed red again, and immediately recovered from the dizziness, he swung his huge ax and slashed at Fang Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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