city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 9 I Want To Try

Chapter 9 I Want To Try
Liu He also stood up from his seat, and said calmly, "Four to zero, it's the last round."

It felt like doing a trivial thing, taking out an easy opponent.

Tang Qian pouted, full of displeasure, and the group of physics students behind her also looked downcast.

"Yeah! I won!"

Seeing the defeat of the big devil Tang Qian, the group of chemistry class finally felt proud.

Luo Jianbin approached cautiously, "Boss Tang, what should I do?" "What else can I do? I'd like to gamble and lose!" Luo Jianbin made fun of himself and quietly went to the physics class to collect some money.

"Hey, you have the last game left, do you want to fight?"

"Fight! Why don't you fight!"

Of course, Tang Qian wouldn't give up if she loses. If word spread that the physics class was scared of being beaten by the chemistry class, wouldn't it be more embarrassing if she didn't dare to compare?
Tang Qian turned her head to look at the physics class cheerleaders who were frowning and collecting money, "Which one of you will go?"

Everyone look at me, I look at you, no one stood up, it seems that no one wants to go up and be abused by that guy.

"You scumbags, you scumbags say that you scumbags still don't admit it. It's good to be able to play against such a powerful opponent and increase your strength. How can your strength improve if you keep playing with scumbags?" Tang Qian encouraged those students to go up to the battle, but still Still no one wants to go up.

I was really afraid of something. The group of people in the chemistry class got impatient and shouted: "Hey, Captain Tang! Have you discussed it? Are you afraid?"

"Scared!" Tang Qian uttered a rare swear word, and her eyes swept over the faces of everyone in the physics class again.

Touched by Tang Qian's sharp eyes, the group of boys actually lowered their heads one by one. If they were abused normally, they would be abused, but now they are on the big screen in front of so many people. When he was released, everyone felt a little sorry to lose this person.

Luo Jianbin also scolded himself for being an idiot, why did he just twitch his head and let the boss turn on the big screen?

Finally, Tang Qian's eyes shifted to Fang Tian.

"Fang Tian, ​​you've played this game too, right? Do you want to go up and fight him?" "Me? Fight? Is that okay?" Fang Tian pointed to his nose.Being able to play against such a master is like a dream. It would be a lie to say that you don't want to.But……

Although there is a clause about not being able to expose oneself in the mission description, Zhou Qian and the others are already so strong, compared to them, they look like a toddler, so why are they afraid of exposing their strength?Why would anyone mind if they have such a little bit of strength?
In this case, I am afraid that he will be suspected if he has no strength at all.

"I want to try." Fang Tian nodded, then turned around and pointed to the silly helmet on Tang Qian's table, "But can I not use that thing?"

Hearing these words, everyone in the physics class was taken aback, and then they all burst into laughter.

"Hahaha! Friends, it's wrong to fight!" Luo Jianbin laughed and patted Fang Tian on the shoulder, "Although our chemistry class and physics class often compete, they are both science classes. Well, our common enemy is Liberal arts classes haven't reached the level of gang fights yet."

The students around all nodded in agreement. Every time they face the liberal arts class, they will integrate resources to shoot the strongest team, so most of them are very familiar with each other, and the competition is just to add some seasoning to the daily game.

"Go, go, don't play the emotional card for us!" Hearing these words, everyone in the chemistry class over there also began to clamor, "One yard counts for one yard. If you lose the last sentence today, the Internet fee will still be your physical fee." Ban pay."

Fang Tian didn't care if there were conflicts between the physics class and the chemistry class, but why did he have to use this kind of helmet when fighting?

Fang Tian was a little puzzled, he found that he seemed to have overlooked something important, he whispered: "But I have never used this thing before."

"Don't be ridiculous." Tang Qian picked up a helmet and stuffed it on Fang Tian's head, "Get started, remember we slipped out, and we have to go to the supermarket after the end..."

The moment he put on the helmet, Fang Tian suddenly felt a slight tingling in his scalp, and then his eyes were pitch black.

All perception began to fade at this moment.

This feeling?Oops!Fang Tian's heart skipped a beat, could it be that he is going to re-enter that world?
However, the next moment, the five senses quickly recovered, and the scene in front of him suddenly began to change.

Fang Tian found himself suspended in mid-air, standing in front of him was an endless sea of ​​white clouds.

The sound of ideas synthesized in the ear began to sound.

"The wave collection is complete..."

"Verify player information..."


"Warning: Mismatch detected."

"Warning: An abnormal way to enter the game has been detected."

"Turning on the auto-recovery procedure..."

"Warning: Starting data integration..."

"The integration is complete."

The cloud in front of Fang Tian's eyes was cleared, and he found that there were three options in front of him, one was the game mode, the other was the battle mode, and the last one was the setting.

Before he had time to observe carefully, a small bubble suddenly popped up in the lower right corner of his line of sight.

"What is this?" Fang Tian thought about it, and the air in the lower right corner reacted immediately, and suddenly became bigger, filling his eyes.

"The player's savage sigh (remark: Liu He) challenges you (Peak Mode), please confirm whether you accept it."

Is this Liu He's challenge?Fang Tian didn't know how to explain everything that happened in front of him. Facing this unfamiliar interface, he just clicked OK blankly.

"accept the challenge."

In the next second, a huge silver gate appeared in front of him.

"Please choose a career."

"Occupation? What is it?"

The game instructions immediately came to my ears.

"Explanation: The game professions are mainly divided into basic categories such as warrior, mage, priest, assassin, etc. In the battle mode, you can choose a profession, and the consumption of learning the skill points of this profession is reduced by 90%."

"Please choose a career."

Fang Tian chose the assassin.

The silvery door glowed with silver light, and the door opened slowly.

The dazzling light made Fang Tianxia close his eyes consciously.

After the light dissipated, Fang Tian opened his eyes again, and thousands of tiny squares appeared within his reach.

If you look closely, most of the squares are blank, but there are actually small characters on some squares.

It says skills! ?

Fang Tian was a little stunned, he began to realize that things were different, his eyes were attracted by each skill, and he couldn't move away for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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