city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 926 Preselection

Chapter 926 Preselection

Fang Tian glanced at him, but he didn't think it was super profitable. Summoning seventh-level creatures required a huge amount of energy, and sacrificing ordinary items would probably not get any contribution at all.

"Hurry up and see if you have any valuables that can be used as sacrifices. You can only stay here for a maximum of 24 hours each time. When the time comes, you will be forcibly evicted. You don't have much time."

Fang Tian glanced at the backpack, then stepped forward, reached out and touched the black dragon statue, a red frame soon appeared above it.

"Reminder: Resources required for recruiting black dragons: enchanted crystal - 2500, magic brimstone - 500, high-grade mithril - 500, glazed mercury - 800, gems of various colors (a total of seven types) - 100."

"Hint: Players can sacrifice items to the Black Dragon Clan to obtain the corresponding Black Dragon Clan contribution."

The resources needed to recruit the seventh-order creature, the black dragon, are indeed not what Fang Tian can afford now. With such conditions, even if the local rich brother comes, he will consume most of his wealth.Fang Tian didn't want to recruit the black dragon anymore. He tried to throw in some equipment materials he got in his backpack, but what he got was only 5-10 points of contribution, which was far from the recruiting points of [-] points. many.

"Hey, is that okay? Your family has more than that, right? When you went to the Church of the Holy Cross to kill the Pope last time, you didn't take out anything from it?" Aldo leaned forward, with a look of disgust in his tone mean.

Fang Tian glanced at Aldo, the last time he killed the Pope was just to get the rune fragments of the temple, Fang Tian didn't pay attention to other things at all.

What made Fang Tian feel a little headache was that throwing all the sundries in the backpack into it would only reach less than 800 contribution points, and he couldn't even summon the black dragon. Fang Tian checked the backpack back and forth to see What else is there to sell.

"Hey, friend, if you're short on money, our Assassin's Guild can provide you with a good loan." Aldo smiled. At this time, another purpose of his bringing Fang Tian in has been clearly written in the On his face, "How about it? Think about it? I can provide you with a lot of contribution items, guaranteeing at least 5 contribution points. Correspondingly, you only need to..."

Fang Tian automatically blocked what Aldo said, the loan from the Assassin's Guild was not so easy to get, suddenly, something attracted Fang Tian's attention.

Item: Kern's Holy Cross Cube (broken) (needs to be repaired before use).

This is the artifact that exploded from the two archbishops of the Church of the Holy Cross after killing them last time. However, due to the damaged state, Fang Tian has been unable to use it.

This prop is indeed very powerful. Before that, Fang Tian wanted to try to repair the Holy Cross Cube, but after such a long time, Fang Tian did not find a way to repair the cube. This kind of prop passed down by the Church of the Holy Cross is extremely powerful. It is possible that it will only be possible to fix it through missions related to the Church of the Holy Cross.

In view of his current relationship with the Holy Cross Church, Fang Tian felt that he would definitely not be able to use it in a short time.

That being the case, it is better to sacrifice him now and convert it into the current contribution. After all, it is an artifact, and it should be able to get a lot of contribution.

Thinking of this, Fang Tian put Kern Duo's Holy Cross Cube into the small red frame and sacrificed it.

Suddenly, a burst of golden light burst from the statue of the black dragon, and even the whole statue of the black dragon vibrated slightly.

Aldo, who was talking halfway through the talk, was going to fool Fang Tian into borrowing money, his expression froze, and then he changed drastically. He stared back at Fang Tian, ​​his expression trembling in disbelief, "You... you actually offered Sacrificial artifact!?"

Fang Tian's expression was indifferent, and then the game prompt came.

"Reminder: The player successfully sacrificed Kernduo's Holy Cross Cube and was recognized by the Black Dragon Clan. The player will receive 10W contribution points and an additional 1000 Black Dragon Clan friendship points."

10W points, enough!
With it, you will have the power to fight against external angels.

"Damn it! Why didn't you say earlier that you have an artifact, and we can buy it at a price you are satisfied with..." Aldo looked remorseful, and came over unwillingly, "Can you tell me something about that artifact? Information about an artifact?"

Fang Tian ignored him, and quickly walked to the statue of the black dragon on the left, reaching out to touch the statue.

Rows of missions were refreshed. Fang Tian took a rough look. The missions issued by the Black Dragon Clan were all kinds of strange. Some needed to find a suitable pillow, some needed to obtain a special material whose name had never been used, and some needed Find a dragon's lair suitable for burial after death...

Of course, there are also reliable ones. For example, some creatures are disrespectful to the Black Dragon Clan, hoping to wipe out their Clan.

There are so many things, Fang Tian found that none of them seemed to be something he had the confidence to complete.

Suddenly, Fang Tian found one of the very conspicuous tasks.

Task - Find the Black Dragon Queen.

Even the Black Dragon Clan is looking for the Black Dragon Queen?

"Hey." Aldo stretched out his hand and patted Fang Tian, ​​"For so many years, all the tasks here have been done if possible, so don't have too much hope in it, we will divide up after we go out. Something, I don’t want to get involved with the people of the Holy Cross Church, there is another thing I need to tell you, and this is also the real purpose of my coming to you this time.”

Fang Tian looked back at Aldo, "What's the matter?"

"Internal recruitment of the Assassin's Guild, you are on the preliminary list."

Fang Tian narrowed his eyes.

"You don't need to give me an answer so quickly." Aldo shrugged. "If you are willing to join the Assassin's Guild, tell us at the end of this month. You know how to find us."

Seeing that Fang Tian was silent, Aldo continued: "See you next time if you have a chance. By the way, I will give you a piece of advice. After you get out, don't do anything with the Church of the Holy Cross on the Holy Mountain. You have become a contractor of the Black Dragon Clan." , the Yalong tribe is naturally on your side. Once the Yalong tribe suffers casualties, it will affect the friendship of the Black Dragon tribe with you. It only takes a dozen of Yalong tribe to die or wound, and the friendship between you and the Black Dragon will turn into hatred..."

With that said, Aldo had already disappeared in front of Fang Tian first.

"Thank you for your advice."

Facing Aldo who had disappeared, Fang Tian whispered.

Internal members of the Assassin's Guild, this is a special title, and generally only recruit young people with potential under the age of 30. Once recruited, it means that Fang Tian has joined the Assassin's Guild and can enjoy the resources of the Guild.

Of course, all of this is not free. After joining, they must also complete a considerable number of commissions a year.

Fang Tian thought for a while, his time is very tight for the time being, and he put all his energy on the manufacture of the portal, is it worth wasting time on this assessment?
(End of this chapter)

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