Yijie Taobao store

Chapter 556 Finding the Truth

Chapter 556 Finding the Truth
"Brother, I don't understand. The Jade Emperor wanted to kill you because those gods made a fool of themselves by farting. Why would they ask you for medicine to fart?"

"This is the thinking of us mortals. Immortals don't think so. They haven't given up for thousands of years, and their stomachs often feel uncomfortable. I let them fart. Naturally, they have to thank me. Even the Jade Emperor doesn't want to Really punish me. However, he has to put on a show, otherwise, he will not be able to manage other gods in the future."

"Brother, since the Jade Emperor has let you back, he won't bother you anymore, right?"

"I came back this time to investigate this matter thoroughly, and then find out the person who put laxatives in the burnt fairy grass, and bring him to the Jade Emperor."

Guo Pingping said nervously: "Brother, if you catch that man in front of the Jade Emperor, will the Jade Emperor kill him?"

"I don't know about this. I can't control that much, I have to save myself first. Little sister, go to that milk tea shop with my brother. I want to ask the boss there why he put medicine in the burning fairy grass."

Guo Qishuai and Guo Pingping asked Zheng Zhenshuang to drive to the red bean milk tea shop.

The owner of the red bean fragrant milk tea shop is a man in his 20s, named Lu Dongbin, and his wife is named Lin Xiuxiang, who is very beautiful.

After Guo Qishuai and Guo Pingping came to Lu Dongbin's milk tea shop, Lu Dongbin said excitedly: "Mr. Guo, how many cups of milk tea do you want to order this time?"

Guo Qishuai smiled and said, "I haven't finished the milk tea I ordered this morning. Boss Lu, I'm looking for you today because I have something to talk to you about."

"Mr. Guo, look, I still have so many customers here, do I still have to do business?"

"How much money can you make in half a day's business?"

"At least 3000 yuan."

"I'll give you 5000 yuan, you close the door, let's have a good chat."

"Are you really giving 5000?"

"I never lie."

After Lu Dongbin received the transfer of 5000 yuan, he walked up to Lin Xiuxiang, showed her the transfer record, laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth, and said, "What are you still doing? Close the shop quickly. Business is gone."

"Ouch! So many—"

Lin Xiuxiang smiled and said to those customers: "I'm sorry, our store has something to do this afternoon, so it's closed first, everyone, please come back tomorrow."

"How can you do this? I've been queuing for half an hour, and you're not doing business anymore?"

"Miss Boss, you have taken all my money, why don't you sell me something? Lose money, lose money."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, everyone, I'm really sorry, sir, I will give you back your money."

"I don't want your money back, I want milk tea."

"Sorry, sorry, sir, there is really no more milk tea."

"Then you have to pay me double the money."

"Okay, I can accept it." Lin Xiuxiang was very happy when she thought about the 5000 yuan.

After the milk tea shop closed, Lu Dongbin brought Lin Xiuxiang to Guo Qishui.

Guo Qishuai said: "Boss Lin, Mrs. Lin, please sit down, you are the masters of this place, please don't be polite."

After Lu Dongbin took Lin Xiuxiang's hand and sat down, he said, "Mr. Guo, this morning, I made you a thousand cups of roasted fairy grass. Does it taste okay?"

Guo Qishuai nodded and said: "The taste is not bad. My buyer is very happy, and the reward is 1 yuan. I know that this burnt fairy grass is made by Boss Lin, so I don't dare to spend the 1 yuan. The yuan was embezzled, so I sent 5000 yuan to Boss Lin."

Lu Dongbin still didn't know Guo Qishuai's intentions, and said, "Mr. Guo, the 5000 yuan is not too much, or too little. What kind of client is your client? How generous is it?"

"This client of mine is not only generous, but also has great ability. He is not short of the money."

Lu Dongbin said: "Mr. Guo, why do you want to give me 5000 yuan?"

Before Guo Qishuai opened his mouth, Lin Xiuxiang trimmed his nails and said, "My husband and I are still serious business people. If you want us to do illegal business, we will definitely not do it. So, before you say what you want, first Think carefully, if you yourself feel that your affairs cannot be exposed to the sun, then let it rot in your stomach. If you really say it, not only will we not be able to help you, but we will also send you to prison."

Guo Pingping took a sip of milk tea and said, "The lady boss said that, as if we are not serious people?"

Lin Xiuxiang asked suspiciously, "Are you?"

"Why aren't we?"

"A serious businessman will not be so generous. Your brother said that he gave the burnt fairy grass to his client. As a result, his client was happy, so he rewarded your brother 1 yuan at once. Am I right in saying that?"

Guo Pingping said: "That's what my brother said just now, what's the problem?"

"Yes, if your brother is a serious businessman, do you know what he would do?"

"You say, I listen."

"A normal businessman won't give us half of the 1 yuan rewarded by others. He will keep the money tightly, and he will be afraid that we will find out. Your brother took the initiative to give us the money, it must be Please ask us for something. However, the price of burning jelly grass is limited, and it is not worth your brother's 5000 yuan at all, so he must have something else to do."

Guo Qishuai nodded and said: "The lady boss is really smart. Yes, I do have other things I want to ask the lady boss. Since this matter is of great importance, I should be very angry, but instead of being angry, I returned 5000 yuan to your husband and wife , I think my behavior is very puzzling, but I think I am a person who does not follow the rules, so if you and your wife think that I have any unusual behavior, it is my normal behavior .”

Lin Xiuxiang said: "Ming people don't speak dark words, but tell you why you came."

"To be honest, there was a problem with the [-] cups of burning jelly grass this morning. The customer was very angry. The customer originally wanted to let the public officials solve it. I stopped this matter. I said, I will give the customer a satisfying answer."

"What? There is a problem with the thousand cups of roasted grass jelly? What's the problem?" Lin Xiuxiang was not in the mood to trim her nails anymore, and said: "Our husband and wife are most concerned about the quality of the product. If the thousand cups of roasted grass jelly If there is any problem, we are willing to compensate you ten times the price."

"Now it's not about compensation, it's about finding out the truth first. Are you sure you haven't tampered with the burning fairy grass?"

Lu Dongbin said: "How is this possible? Mr. Guo, I have no grievances with you, why should I tamper with your goods?"

"Then recall carefully, have you offended anyone recently?"

(End of this chapter)

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