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Chapter 75 Going Out

Chapter 75 Going Out

"Nonsense, of course I have the key. Guo Qishuai, you think you are smart, but you made such a low-level mistake."

"Young Master Ren, quickly unlock the lock, unlock it, and I'll show you."

Ren Zhipeng used the light of his mobile phone to open the lock with the key.

The key is the key to the lock, but Ren Zhipeng can't put the key in anyway.

At the beginning, Ren Zhipeng thought that the angle was wrong, or that the key was not placed properly. However, after more than ten minutes of trying, the lock still did not open.

Xiao Gao couldn't help but asked, "Master Ren, why don't you let me try?"

Ren Zhipeng gave up his seat a little, gave the key to Xiao Gao, and said, "Try it. It's really weird. When I was on the top, I could still open the lock, but now the keyhole can't work."

Xiao Gao tried more than ten times, but could not open the lock.

Xiao Zhang laughed at him and said, "Give me the key, the mallet, you can't even open a lock."

When Xiao Zhang said "stick", Ren Zhipeng's face turned ugly.

Xiao Zhang's hands felt sore, and a layer of skin peeled off, he said, "Master, this lock hole doesn't seem to match the key."

"Impossible, I opened it with my own hands, and the key is indeed this one."

Xiao Gao pondered: "Could it be Guo Qishuai who changed your keys?"

Ren Zhipeng shook his head and said: "Absolutely impossible. Look, there is a diamond pattern on this key, which cannot be imitated by others."

Xiao Gao looked at the lock and said, "The key is fine, the problem lies in the lock."

Ren Zhipeng said: "What do you mean? Did Guo Qishuai change the lock?"

"The lock is still the same lock."

"The lock is that lock, and the key is that key, so why don't you say that this key can't open that lock?"

Xiao Gao said: "The key is fine, but the lock is faulty. The big lock was crushed, and now the key cannot be put in."

"Let me see." Ren Zhipeng felt that it was impossible for Guo Qishuai to have such great strength to crush the lock.

However, after seeing it, he had to believe it and said, "Guo Qishui actually has such great power? He really crushed this lock."

"Young Master Ren, what should we do now? Will we starve to death inside?"

"I tricked Guo Qishuai here behind my dad's back. It's very hidden here. No one will hear you even if you scream loudly. The mobile phone signal is also blocked. If my dad can't find it here, we may really be starved." die."

"Ah, Young Master Ren, think of a way, how to get out?"

"How to get out? I can only wait until my dad sends someone to find this place."

"Ah? What if we are all dead when your father finds us?"

"Dead? Impossible, you three go to the side, I can't take it anymore."

"We're out of places and I'm out of breath."

"Let me tell you, if anyone dares to shit and pee in it again, I'll kill him after he gets out."

"Oh no, I can't hold it anymore..."


"Who is it? Why does it smell so bad?"

"I'm going out, I can't stand it!"


After Guo Qishuai returned to the ward, the doctor was checking his father's condition.

An older attending doctor looked at the examination report with a heavy expression on his face. He looked at Dong Xiuyun and said, "The patient's condition is very bad. From yesterday to now, the patient's fever has not subsided, and his lungs are also infected. The situation, when this operation can be performed, I can't make a conclusion here."

Dong Xiuyun turned pale with fright and said, "Ah? What should we do? What if the operation is delayed?"

"Of course, the sooner this kind of surgery is, the better. As time goes on, the chance of recovery will decrease. Let's give him some anti-inflammatory injections for three days and see."

After the attending doctor left, Dong Xiuyun saw Guo Qishuai, couldn't help but shed tears, and said, "Shuai, what should we do? Your father's illness is getting worse, his fever has not subsided, and his infection has also worsened." gone."

"Mom, don't worry, I'll go over and take a look."

Guo Qishuai looked at the test sheet, thinking that it seemed that he could only give his father the Wanling Life Pill.

Originally, Guo Qishuai wanted to feed his father after the operation, but now he can't care so much.

Guo Qishui took out the All-purpose Life Pill from his phone and looked at it, and said in shock: "What's going on? Why did the All-purpose Life Pill turn black?"

Guo Qishui saw a line of words below the All-So-Family Life Pill: The All-Life Life-Elixir is valid for one year in heaven, but only twelve hours on earth.

"What a fool, why didn't you say it earlier? It's been an hour overdue now."

The black pill must not be eaten, so Guo Qishuai hurriedly called Lin Shitong of Shitong Express and asked him to throw away the Wanling Life Pill. The medicine has expired, and Guo Qishuai will return all the money he spent.

Lin Shitong said that after he bought the Wanling life pill, he gave it to his father. Now his father is very healthy. He also said that he would find time to thank Guo Qishuai.

Guo Qishuai was very happy when he heard this.

However, Su Hai still has two Ten Thousand Spirit Life Pills, he must tell Su Hai about it.

It's better to talk to Zhao Qiaoling than to find Su Hai, and ask Zhao Qiaoling to convey Guo Qishuai's meaning.

After Guo Qishuai got through to Zhao Qiaoling, Zhao Qiaoling happily said to Guo Qishuai: "Hey, Guo Qishuai, I have something to tell you. Your Wanling Life Pill is very effective. After taking it, I feel very comfortable all over my body." , Suber ate one, and he can walk like flying now, I took one just now and gave it to my grandma, I think my grandma will be able to live like a healthy person soon.”

"What? You gave that pill to your grandma?"

"What? Is there any problem? Judging by your tone of voice, I can trust your medicine. "

"No, Qiaoling, the ten thousand life pill has expired. When you gave it to your grandma, did it turn black?"

Zhao Qiaoling said nervously: "It has indeed turned black, I thought it was a normal phenomenon."

"Come on, tell your grandma to spit out the medicine, or something will really happen."

"Spit it out? My grandma is over 70 years old. After a stroke, she has been paralyzed for ten years. Her body is already weak. Now you want my grandma to spit out those medicines. Isn't it killing him?"

"If you don't vomit, you will die, Qiaoling, listen to me, hurry up, or it will be too late."

Zhao Qiaoling was also frightened, and hurriedly sent someone to induce vomiting for his grandma.

Guo Qishuai has a little hair, thinking, how could this happen?Taishang Laojun, you really hurt me. If I kill Zhao Qiaoling's grandma, how can I go after her in the future?
Dong Xiuyun saw that Guo Qishuai's complexion was particularly bad, so she came over and asked with concern: "Shuai, what's wrong with you? Why is your complexion so bad?"

Guo Qishuai pretended to be calm and said, "Mom, I'm fine, I'm just worried about my dad's illness."

"The doctor said to take injections for another three days to see the situation. Are you out of money, or we can change to the general ward. The doctor just said that there is a place in the general ward."

(End of this chapter)

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