Yijie Taobao store

Chapter 762 Find the lobby manager again.

Chapter 762 Find the lobby manager again.

Guo Qishuai said: "Of course there is no such regulation in the law, but what this person has done has already affected my reputation, so I have to investigate this matter clearly."

"Whether you want to find out that it's your business, you can call the police, but please leave my office now and don't affect my work."

Guo Qishuai glared at Manager Ren angrily, and said, "Are you really disrespecting me?"

Manager Ren smiled coldly and said, "Who do you think you are? Why should I give you face?"

Guo Qishuai smiled wryly: "Manager Ren, remember what you just said, and don't regret it when the time comes."

"Two little hairy kids, are you trying to threaten me? Get lost!"

He Jun and Guo Qishuai walked out of the gate of Zuixian Building in a rage, He Jun said: "Mr. Guo, this manager doesn't give us face at all, what should we do? Do we need to check the monitoring?"

"Surveillance must be checked, but we need to go back and think about countermeasures now."

After Guo Qishuaihui arrived at the Yunyuntong Cafe, he met Qin Yong and Guo Pingping in a private room.

Qin Yong saw that Guo Qishuai's face was not good, so he guessed something, and said: "Mr. Guo, the manager there won't let you watch the surveillance?"

He Jun sighed and said: "The lobby manager there didn't give any face, and said that we are not qualified to watch his surveillance. The most annoying thing is that he actually said that the two of us are yellow-haired boys, which is really unreasonable!"

After hearing this, Qin Yong said angrily: "This lobby manager is too crazy. Mr. Guo, what should we do now?"

Guo Qishuai said: "To deal with such a person, you have to use extreme measures."

Guo Pingping said: "Brother, why don't we exchange beauty lotion with him?"

Guo Qishuai said: "This kind of person is no longer worthy of being dealt with in this way. Qin Yong, you call Wanshitong Law Firm and tell me that I need all the information of the lobby manager of Zuixianlou Hotel, including his recent contacts. Some people, and what he did."

Qin Yong asked worriedly, "Mr. Guo, this fee..."

"I just want results, no matter how much it costs."

"Okay, Mr. Guo, I'll call now."

After Qin Yong made a phone call to Wanshitong Law Firm, the people from Wanshitong Law Firm said that there was no problem in checking the information of the lobby manager of Zuixianlou, but the fee was a bit more expensive, 1 yuan.

After Qin Yong told Guo Qishuai the quotation of Wanshitong Law Firm, Qin Yong felt that the quotation was a bit high, but Guo Qishuai said that 1 yuan was worth it, and he was willing to increase the price by 1 yuan, provided that the people from Wanshitong Law Firm were present After 4 hours, send him all the information of the lobby manager of Zuixianlou.

After Qin Yong told the people of Wanshitong Law Firm what Guo Qishuai meant, the people of Wanshitong Law Firm said that there was no problem, and they could send all the information of the lobby manager of Zuixianlou to him in 4 hours.

Guo Qishuai and others ordered a few more cups of coffee at the Express Cafe, and the four of them played poker for four hours.

Four hours later, Qin Yong received a call from Wanshitong Law Firm. They said that they had checked all the information about the manager of the lobby of Zuixianlou.

After Guo Qishuai received those materials, he also called Wanshitong Law Firm for the remaining 1 yuan.

After Guo Qishuai checked the information of the lobby manager of Zuixianlou, he found that the manager of the lobby of Zuixianlou was named Ren Jing, who lived in Honghongyun Community, Tongfu Road, and his wife, Sun Shangxiang, was the manager of the eighth branch of Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

After Qin Yong saw this, he was very excited. He pointed to Sun Shangxiang's name and said, "Mr. Guo, I really didn't expect that Sun Shangxiang is the manager of the 8th branch of Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd."

He Jun also smiled happily and said, "Mr. Guo, Ren Jing's monthly salary is 16, but Sun Shangxiang's monthly salary is 000. We can make some fuss about this Sun Shangxiang."

Qin Yong said: "I see this Sun Shangxiang, we have nothing to do with her. After all, he belongs to Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. How could those people from Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. listen to us?"

He Jundao: "Mr. Guo, don't you know people from Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd.? Do you think those people can talk?"

Guo Qishuai said: "I do have a friend who has a very important say in Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. I will go talk to him."

Qin Yong asked suspiciously: "Mr. Guo, does that person's words work?"

Guo Qishuai said: "It was this person who helped you become a store manager in Huarong. He can make you a store manager with a single sentence, and he can remove a store manager with a single sentence."

Qin Yong said: "If this is the case, then Sun Shangxiang is afraid to listen to that person. If this matter is so simple, then the information we bought for 2 yuan will be useless?"

Guo Pingping turned to the third page. She took a closer look and said, "I don't think it's necessary to use his wife's line. Just show this line to Ren Jing, and he will obediently take us to watch the surveillance."

Guo Qishuai also looked at Guo Pingping's fingers and said, "What else did Ren Jing do?"

Guo Pingping said: "Ren Jing actually had an affair with his secretary. There are still photos here, and Ren Jing's secretary even had an abortion for Ren Jing. There are also abortion records here, and even the name of the doctor in the consulting room of the hospital. Let Ren Jing see these things, and he will not admit it."

Qin Yong said: "My dear, this is really comprehensive, then this document has a [-]% chance of winning in court."

"I see how he dares to look like that."

Qin Yong said: "With this first-hand information, let alone watching surveillance, Ren Jing is willing to give 10 yuan if you ask him."

Guo Qishuai took the materials and brought He Jun to Ren Jing's office again.

Ren Jing looked at them, glared at them with disdain, and said, "Why is it you again? Didn't I tell you to get lost?"

Guo Qishuai sat down on the sofa unceremoniously, and said, "Manager Ren, do you sit comfortably as a manager?"

Ren Jing said angrily: "What are you talking about? Get out quickly, otherwise, I will call security."

Guo Qishuai said unceremoniously: "Manager Ren is indeed very angry. A person who is very angry can easily burn others, and at the same time he can burn himself to death."

"Today I finally know what it means for a newborn calf to be less afraid of tigers. I'll say it again, if you know what's going on, get out of here."

Seeing that Guo Qishuai and He Jun were not afraid at all, Ren Jing picked up the handset of the landline.

The phone number has been dialed.

Guo Qishuai showed him a photo of Lin Xiaoyan, and told him that he knew all the stories behind this photo, and if Ren Jing wanted those security guards to listen, he would be more than happy to say it.

(End of this chapter)

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