Chapter 808 Disgusting
The medicinal bath lasted for a long time. When Tony's face turned red, Lin allowed the others to turn off the flames, helped Tony out of the barrel, and dried him.

Tony's whole body turned red at this time, and it looked bloody red.

When everyone saw him suffer such a great crime, they all felt that he had done it himself.

If he hadn't been so talkative and mean-spirited at the beginning, he wouldn't have paid such a painful price for his behavior now. In the final analysis, it was all his problem.

Lin Tian looked at him from the side, and when he was almost done, he took out the jade needle and stuck it on his acupuncture point to help him detoxify.

After half an hour of acupuncture and moxibustion, Tony's residual poison was finally cleared up.

Then, Lin Tian gave him another detoxification pill.

It was the familiar disgusting smell again.

However, Tony just frowned and opened his mouth to eat.

After a while, Tony's stomach began to growl. He had an uncontrollable feeling and didn't know what was going on.

There was also some numbness in his throat. He endured it. He had just taken the medicine and vomited it out. Would Lin Tian be angry?

He glanced at Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian said casually, "Spit it out, don't hold back."

What I spit out is not medicine, but toxin, this idiot.

Klein repeated it in English, and Tony stopped holding back and vomited.

The whole room was filled with a sour smell, and people covered their mouths and noses one after another.

But Tony felt very comfortable. Lying on his back on the hospital bed, he felt much lighter all over his body.

Limbs also began to feel.

Tony clenched his fists, got up from the hospital bed, and shouted: "Oh, God, I feel alive again, I'm fine, I'm back to normal!"

Just now the doctor said that he would amputate his limbs, and he would spend his whole life paralyzed on the bed. He was almost scared to death. What is the difference between that and death.

Now that Lin Tian has brought him back to life, he is very grateful.

However, his attitude towards Lin Tian was so bad at the beginning. Thinking about it now, he really shouldn't have.

He looked at Lin Tian, ​​and sincerely spoke a bucket of bird language.

"Ah?" Lin Tian couldn't understand a word.

He learns everything very quickly, but he doesn't know English. He gets a headache when he hears other people speak English.

"Tony is thanking you and saying that he will remember your kindness and will repay you in the future. He was rude to you before, and I'm sorry." Klein said.

Oh, it turned out to be this.

Lin Tian glanced at Tony, this gringo is not completely hopeless.

He took out a pen and paper and wrote another prescription, handed it to the medical staff, and told them to let Tony take the medicine on time.

When they were about to leave, Tony's female companion, Alice, hurried back to the ward.

She looked anxious, her makeup was worn out, her clothes were dirty, and she was in a state of embarrassment. She was no longer the elegant and noble look before.

"Dr. Lin, I have done what you asked for. Can you now fulfill your promise and treat Klein?"

She was afraid that Lin Tian would refuse, and almost knelt down to beg him.

"I have treated her just now. I hope you can remember the lesson and learn to respect how to write these two words. Everyone is equal in the world. You are not superior to others, and others are not inferior. Being rich does not mean you are aristocratic." Lin Tian Taught her again.

Alice stood there in a daze, not knowing what to say.

When Lin Tian and the others had left, she turned her head slowly and saw that Tony on the hospital bed had changed a lot. He was a different person from just now. His face was reddish, his eyes were dazzling, and he was in good spirits. It seemed that he had really been cured. .

She happily ran over to hug her boyfriend and kissed him for a long time.

Lin Tian chatted with Klein again, and the two went to the restaurant to eat and drink, and returned home very late.

Klein is very good at drinking, but he is not in good health. Before meeting Lin Tian, ​​he could only refrain from drinking. After Lin Tian treated him, he could drink freely.

He and Lin Tian drank a lot of wine bottles, shouting: "God, Lin Tian, ​​thank you, thank you so much..."

Lin Tian just wanted to laugh.

Klein can drink too much, Lin Tian can only drink while under the wine table, forcing the wine out from his fingertips in order to maintain his sanity.

In fact, wine is not a good thing. Drinking too much makes people dizzy.

Fortunately, he can use his internal force to force out the alcohol, otherwise it would be impossible to drink so much with Klein.


Shen Mengxue was going on a business trip out of the province, and Lin Tian was with her.

Tiannan City is the capital city of Shannan Province, not far from Yanjing. The prosperity here is much better than that in the mainland.

After all, the dandies in the big families here seem to have much more taste than those in the mainland.

After all, this is a provincial capital city, and there are many more senior officials than in the mainland.

In Tiannan City, Dongsheng Clubhouse always gathers many people at sunset.

Because the location of Dongsheng Club is well-known in Tiannan City, although everyone knows it, but if you want to enter Dongsheng Club, you not only need to have status and fame, but also have money.

Although it is called a club, there are no deafening songs here, and there are no unspeakable businesses. The transactions here are all reasonable and compliant entertainment items.

The wines sold here are of excellent quality. No matter what kind of wine you need, as long as you can give the corresponding price, this place can meet your needs.

Therefore, people who come to Dongsheng clubhouse can only taste good wine, and the wine sold here is often of high value.

With drinks, hostesses are naturally indispensable. Although Dongsheng Club does not have any business, each of these hostesses is very pure. Their pure and clean bodies bring a unique taste to the entire club.

Some rich and powerful people have different tastes.

In fact, the rules of the clubhouse are not rigid. Although the hostess is clean, as long as they give enough money, they can also do other things. Who makes everyone like money?

At this time, in the top private room of Dongsheng Club, three young people were exchanging glasses of wine, but there was no graceful figure of the bartender in the club beside them.

It stands to reason that you can usually spend it in the top box of Dongsheng Club, and it is impossible to have no women around you.

"The Provincial General Chamber of Commerce is expected to hold a party in the next few days. I just took this opportunity to pick out beauties. I heard that every province and city will send many beauties."

Among the three drinking in the box, a young man with a scar on his face spoke out.

This person is the son of the chairman of Zhengyuan Group in Tiannan City. His name is Ling Li. Because of the scar on his face, everyone who has seen him is terrified.

A handsome young man in casual clothes beside him nodded quickly and said: "You are right, there are really many famous beauties at the party held by the chamber of commerce."

"Chang Le, you know the most news, you must know which beauties will appear." Ling Li focused his eyes on the young man with a handsome face.

The handsome man called Chang Le by Ling Li has an exceptionally strong family background. His mother owns a powerful Meihua Group in Tiannan City, and is also the vice president of the chamber of commerce, while his father is in Tiannan City. In China's entertainment industry, it occupies half of the country.

(End of this chapter)

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