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Chapter 488 Dissatisfied

Chapter 488 Dissatisfied

Fan Che didn't believe it, and said, "How is it possible? The artistic features of "A Dream of Red Mansions" are very clear in my mind, and I can memorize them all."

Dong Xianling said: "Which one of you brought out the artistic features of "Dream of Red Mansions", let me have a look?"

Only five students raised their hands, and the other five students were thinking hard. Dong Xianling looked at it and said, "Only five people have found the answer, and there are five people, including Zhao Hang, who have not found the answer. Do you know why?" ?"

Zhao Hang was confused: "Is there no such item in our knowledge reserve?"

Dong Xianling shook his head and said, "It's not that there is no, it's that you haven't found it yet. Students, who has a better way to quickly find the answer to the artistic features of "A Dream of Red Mansions"?"

Zhang Shifen stood up and said, "Teacher Dong, I know. In the upper left corner of the big screen, there is a magnifying glass. Use your mind to open the magnifying glass. At the same time, you must think about the artistic features of "Dream of Red Mansions". I found the answer quickly.”

According to what Zhang Shifen said, Zhao Hang quickly found the answer and said, "Mr. Dong, I found it."

"Okay, then you will carry it on your back for everyone."

""Dream of Red Mansions" is a human novel with world influence, universally recognized as the pinnacle of Chinese classical novels, an encyclopedia of Chinese feudal society, and a master of traditional culture. The novel is based on Jia, Shi, Wang, and Xue. With the rise and fall of the family as the background, with..."

The artistic feature of "Dream of Red Mansions" is very long, almost a thousand words long, which is equivalent to a high school composition. It will take at least five hours to memorize the answer, but Zhao Hang doesn't need to spend it at all. All that time, those pills he took had the answer.

Zhao Hang enunciated clearly and his voice was particularly nice. After he finished reciting, the whole class applauded enthusiastically.

Dong Xianling asked questions about the achievements of "Journey to the West" and the artistic features of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Very good, I am very relieved of you, but I still want to say a few more words about tomorrow's exam. Tomorrow is a match between our Risun Normal University and Qingyun University. You represent Risun Normal University, if you lose, then the headmaster of our school will lose face, and it will also have a great impact on the next year's enrollment, so the task of this exam is arduous, I hope you can all go all out tomorrow. "

"Don't worry, Teacher Dong, we will definitely try our best to take the exam."

Dong Xianling continued: "When answering questions tomorrow, everyone must pay attention to these points. After seeing the test paper, don't rush to do it. You must read the questions clearly. After you read the questions clearly, you all know how to do it. Once you have found the answer, don’t rush to write it, and don’t read the wrong line. Therefore, after you finish answering the question, you have to check the answer again. Also, if there are some questions during the exam and you can’t find the answer, please Don’t panic, everyone, carefully read it in conjunction with the ancient literature history text. All the questions are inseparable from the article. There are notes at the bottom of the article. If you think carefully about it yourself, the answer will naturally come out."

Zhang Shifen said: "We have written down what Teacher Dong said."

"En!" Dong Xianling smiled sweetly, like a lotus flower after the rain, and said, "Okay, finally I want to tell you that tonight is our last class. In just three days I am very happy to be able to study with you during the time I have spent. I see great potential in you, because what you have learned in the past three days is more than the students in the undergraduate class of the Faculty of Arts. So, even if you graduate now, you are qualified for the jobs that undergraduates can do. Although you have excellent grades, I still hope that you will continue to study without arrogance or rashness in your future studies. Alright, today In the evening, I talked too much, if everyone has nothing to do, we will leave school."

Zhang Shifen stood up and said with a heavy heart: "Mr. Dong, will you teach us in the future?"

Dong Xianling said: "We only have three days of teacher-student relationship. This kind of relationship is also due to the challenge of Qingyun University. After three days, I will not be able to continue teaching you. However, if you have any questions, you can come to me at any time. I am willing." Help you answer."

Fan Che said with tears: "Mr. Dong, I am a bad student who doesn't like to study. Since I was a child, I was a fool in the eyes of my parents, and a mischievous student in the eyes of the teacher. In the hearts of girls, I am a person who is stupider than a pig. However, after three days of study, my calligraphy has made those who laugh at me admire me. If I tell them that I will memorize so many things, they will surely I won't look down on me anymore. I really hope that Mr. Dong can continue to be our teacher."

Zhao Hang also got up, looked at Dong Xianling with affectionate eyes, and said: "Mr. Dong, I am a very indifferent person. I feel very inferior. I am afraid to argue with others, especially afraid to talk to girls. Others think I am indifferent. Ruthless person, in fact, I am trying to cover up my inferiority complex. But since I have studied with Teacher Dong for three days, I feel that I have become a lot more cheerful. Last night when I was in the video with my mother, I said that my calligraphy is written It was very exciting. After watching it, she shed tears and said that she was very happy. Teacher Dong, it was you who made me come out of my inferiority complex. I hope you can continue to teach us."

Dong Xianling said helplessly: "Students, I think you all know that if you can gather here to study, it is completely temporary. I am also temporary. I cannot teach you forever."

Fan Dao said: "Mr. Dong, we all understand this. I actually tried it with a brush yesterday. My brush characters use calligraphy styles, and I can't write well at all. If Teacher Dong can give me a calligraphy pill, then we In the future, there will be more room for development in the society.”

Zhang Shifen also said: "Yes, Mr. Dong, this typeface cannot be used to write brush characters, so I tried it too."

Dong Xianling thought for a while and said, "I can understand your thoughts, but I also hope that the students can understand one thing. The content of our exam has nothing to do with calligraphy, this calligraphy..."

Zhao Hang looked at Dong Xianling expectantly, and said, "Mr. Dong, if you can teach me calligraphy, my parents will be even happier."

The thin and tall boy who hadn't spoken all this time stood up and said, "I think everyone should be content. Don't make things difficult for Teacher Dong."

(End of this chapter)

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