Chapter 471 Go!
In just a moment, many players walked towards the boss of Medusa.

This boss is not the snake girl Medusa, but the spider girl.The body of a spider, the face of a man.It is a very characteristic boss.Judging from her face, she was definitely an ancient beauty.But look at the body, giant spider.

It feels very twisted.

This is a peculiar aesthetic, players like it, and some don't like it.

Xu Ruofei brought everyone here quickly.

"What should we do next?" Many players were confused, although Xu Ruofei explained what kind of gameplay non-alignment is.But I don't know exactly how to do it.

Xu Ruofei glanced at Arian Heard: "Next, you all follow my command. And at the moment when the boss is bloody, because everyone is not an alliance. One fights based on ability, and everyone follows my command before the next one!"

"Okay! That means everyone cooperates, and everyone fights for the remaining blood, right?"

"That sounds like what I mean!"

"What about us in the future? Do we also need to command? Doesn't this mean that it is almost the same as forming an alliance?"

The player looks at the famous mercenary group FZ mercenaries, crusaders, blind spots, and Bibles that are fighting fiercely for the boss ahead, and unconsciously retreats a little.Alignment means cooperation, and non-alignment means non-cooperation.

But the current non-alignment is not pure, at least in the early stage, we must listen to Xu Ruofei's command.

So this is just an alliance in disguise.

Some players feel this way.

Seeing this, Xu Ruofei knew that many people were unclear about this concept: "No! We are indeed fighting for the boss without forming an alliance. The reason why everyone listens to my command in the early stage is because the small group cannot attack at all. But once I have command and control, The original balance of power will be broken.”

"Simply understand, this time we successfully snatched it successfully. Then in the future, everyone can use the method of melee snatching to snatch the boss individually. Don't worry about big groups!"

After Xu Ruofei finished speaking, he looked at everyone.

Everyone looked in disbelief.

Can it really be done?
Can scattered small regiments under command overcome these large regiments?

Or to be more precise, can a small group snatch things from a large group if they are properly commanded?
Thinking of this, everyone gasped.If it is really possible to win the many with the few, and the strong with the weak, then all the players in the scattered mercenary group will be more confident.However, most players still don't believe that Xu Ruofei can defeat everyone with a weak team.

In fact, Xu Ruofei knew it very well.Apart from equipment and technical reasons, there is another reason for the gap between players!

Same gear, a confident player and an unconfident player.

Both are 1, one is -1, and the other is +1, the comparability between the two parties is naturally clear.

Xu Ruofei didn't just break the division of the fourth gear and the third gear.Instead, let your regiment get a logical and sharp change.

"Left! The knights outflank the FZ mercenaries!"

"Right! The mage will change to the poisonous snake! And the warrior will switch the blade skills to protect the mage!"

"Gunpowder attacks from the flank."

"The rest of the people are coming with me!"

While directing, Xu Ruofei called the members of the group to gather!
Seraphim: Assemble!Grab the boss!

For whom to find love: We are now in Sandstorm Medusa, the map location of Medusa!Come on!
Small Fish Skeleton: The team leader brought the players who brought the Empire Slaughter City here.Come with you.The group leader is about to start the show!
Bing Lingxue'er: o(∩_∩)o this girl! It's all my fault cause pride!

Master never say never: what is the upstairs talking about, forgive me for being a scumbag, I don't understand.

Chisara: The translation is, that girl.I let her pass by.

Speed ​​Secret: You're not talking about the "this girl" song, are you?The original song was not popular. I remember it was a middle school student with the worst English in the class.To confess to the girl I like.Practiced for a week.Then sing the song confession in class.It detonated instantly in the app, and it was on fire.The girl responded.If two people don't have a partner after college, they will be together.

Swordsman's Undead: Let's gather together.Get ready to fight!Now is not the time for love.

Mai Mxuan: The weak seize the strong, the first example!Come to assist a wave!
Xu Ruofei switched the puppet hero!Opens the Moon Gate teleport call.

In just a moment, a large number of members of the mercenary group arrived one after another.

Next to the player's ID is written:

Rise Dynasty!

Seventh Sister didn't call anyone, because if she did, it would break Xu Ruofei's plan.

All players followed Xu Ruofei's instructions and attacked each other!

The player who was fighting the Medusa boss Blind Spot Mercenary Group was taken aback: "Why are there so many people here all of a sudden?"

"Nah! These seem to be people from a small group!"

"You're so courageous! Xiao Tuan dares to snatch our boss!"

"Everyone, be careful, a small group is a powerful fighting force when gathered together. Resist! I'll call other players in the group to come over!"

In addition to blind spots, the Crusaders also reacted.

They called the people in the group to come.

Generally, all the members are not dispatched to fight the boss. One is that the players participate voluntarily.No one can force it, and second, the other players have other things to do as well.Not necessarily every time you call the boss will come.

But most players will come.

"Resist!" The tribe's face darkened.

"This boss has always been fought by our big groups. These small groups actually want to share a piece of cake, and they are courting death!"

The head of the high-profile mercenary group looked a little unnatural: "Yaya, stop them! This Medusa belongs to us!"

Xu Ruofei commanded: "They want to stop us! Knights! Open the heavy pressure! Let's rush in!"


Many players responded to the shout!

"Come on!!!"

"Whoever dares to block me, I will smash him to death with 24K pork belly!"

"I've used the Martial God's big move! Suck you all out!"

The surroundings were filled with huge battle sounds, and players launched attacks one after another.

Xu Ruofei paid attention to the situation, the strength of the big group should not be underestimated.It is difficult for the personnel arranged by oneself to press into the range of the boss.Frowning: "Knight, give up the left side, and move closer to the gunpowder! Two-way forceful attack!"

Arian Hurd: "20 of you follow me and attack from behind!"

Many players are a little excited, and now it seems that Xiaotuan seems to have some fighting ability.At least under the command, they have been able to compete with some old groups.This is not about quantity, but about formation position.

"Back off!"

Xu Ruofei drank heavily.

All players distance themselves!

"Quickly counterattack!"

Xu Ruofei announced immediately!
Xu Ruofei controlled the rhythm of all players by using the forward and backward moves.

The leader of the blind spot is also fighting, wearing a suit of enhanced equipment and a governor's costume, with a gloomy expression: "It's the seraphim who is in command! He wants to snatch our boss! Everyone, let me kill their commander!"

"Okay! Captain!"


"Come on!"

Xu Ruofei rolled his eyes: "You want to kill me? Huh, it depends on whether you have the ability! Rising Dynasty! Go!"

(End of this chapter)

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