Chapter 660 Mobile Town
The goblin looked up at Ola: "You"

"I'll tell you where you are." The goblin rolled his eyes.

Xika winked at Ola: "We need water. But you don't need to lead the way. We will let a person go, make sure you are not lying."

"If you lie, we have thousands of spells that can slowly torture you." While speaking, Sika cast a spell on the small stone next to him, and the stone gradually rose up.

Ola understood what Sika meant: "Say!"

While the goblin hesitated, Ola put the magic ant directly into the goblin's mouth.

"Ah! What are you doing!" After the goblin swallowed it, he looked at the people in horror.

Ola said: "Don't think of any bad ideas. I know your goblin nature very well. Tell me quickly."

She chants magic and gets the magic ants to bite her.

The goblin was sweating coldly from the pain.

"Stop it. I said one kilometer ahead, the road on the right. There is a natural underground cave."

"There's quite a bit of water in the cave."

"What else did you say?" Ola chanted magic again.

The goblin gasped heavily: "There are six handles from our people at the entrance of the cave."

Only then did Euler stop the magic.

She looked at Sika, and then at the members behind her: "They are too tired. Normally, there would be no problem at all. But now."

"Leave it to me." Sika understood her difficulty.

The previous team was absolutely fine, but after the ghoul incident, they are now short of water.There are not many people who can really display their combat effectiveness.

One reason for Euler is because of certain equipment on his body, as well as his past knight training experience.Giving her a physical advantage over many women.

Xika is already in the lava mountain, and now he is looking for Hall's figure.Picking up the water bottle given by Ola, Sika set off.

According to the location that the goblin said, he cleaned up the six goblins at the entrance of the cave.

Also a bit exhausting.


The sound of water droplets is very clear.

"Water" Sika's eyes lit up.

Drink a lot of water yourself, then grab a bottle and go.

After returning to the vicinity of Euler, Xika handed the bottle containing water to Euler: "Well, it's exactly as it said."

Euler looked excited and said repeatedly: "Thank you, thank you so much. Thank you for your help along the way."

"It's okay. Let's have a good partner." Xika also went well.

After drinking the water, everyone did not recover immediately.

The body needs a recovery period.

After asking the goblin where there is a safe habitat, the goblin told everyone.


Only the goblins can survive in this environment, and other races must not be able to bear it when they come here.

Goblin caves have several habitats.

Ola rolled her eyes and touched the necklace around her neck: "I have a way."

But she looked at the goblin, released the magic ant, and sealed the goblin's mouth.

Tie the goblin to the top of a dry tree and tie him to death.

before leaving.

Euler took out a pearl-like object: "Everyone eat one."

"Then we will enter the water source just now to rest and adjust." Ola said.

Euler uses a shape-changing bead, and after touching a dead goblin, everyone turns into a goblin.

In this way, in this cave, even if the goblin finds out, the problem will not be too big.

Things went much better than expected, and no goblins came here.This is a little strange, maybe the goblin is hiding something.

Everyone hurried on their way again and finally saw a town.

The town is surrounded by lava mountains, surrounded by a blue light.

"There is a town like this!?" Ola was very surprised. The goblin said before that no other race could adapt to the living environment here.

It doesn't seem right.

Xika also walked into the town, and as soon as he entered it, he found that the temperature was not too high.

On the contrary, there is a big contrast with the outside of the town.

"This is a mobile town!" Xika narrowed her eyes slightly.

Only then did Ola realize that there are towns here.

The so-called mobile town is a special magic jointly created by a sixth-order great magician, which can take a city away.This kind of ability is not possessed by ordinary magicians, it must be a great magician, and it is a joint effort.

Usually only the king's army, the castellan's army, has this right.

In this way, the army does not need to worry about the harsh influence of the living environment.All fighters and soldiers can rest well.

And to use this kind of magic, it also needs to be driven by a sixth-level great magician.

The magical power of ordinary magicians simply cannot control the entire city.

After all, such power is too large.

"That means there must be an army nearby?" Ola was a little wary.

Xika pondered: "There must be an army. But I guess, the moment we entered, we were already surrounded."

"Where is it?" Ola looked around, and the whole town was empty.

Followed by.

A dagger rests on everyone's neck.

Sika was also hung around the neck.

Some people in gray robes held daggers and appeared out of thin air in the eyes of everyone.

"Invisibility magic? You are bounty hunters!?" Ola Mei's eyes widened.

The gray-robed man looked at Xika: "Who are you? What's in the carriage?"

Euler said nothing.

"If you don't speak, I decide to kill you and see for yourself," the gray-robed leader said.

When the gray-robed man took a closer look at what Sika was wearing, he let go of the dagger: "Go, I'll give you a chance to leave. Sandor's face, I have to give it."

Sika was stunned: "You know Sandor? Then do you know Hall?"

"You mean Master Huo?" The gray-robed man looked at Sika.

Sika nodded: "It should be the same person I'm talking about. One is tall, thin, and older. He likes to wear gray and white robes."

"Okay. Then I'll take you to the master." The gray-robed man said in a deep voice.

Sika winked at Ola, signaling her not to act rashly.Wait for yourself.

What is the current situation is unclear.

Could be friend, could be enemy.

Wait until you see Hall.

"Master Huo is currently treating our people in the church." The gray-robed man said.

As Sika walked, she asked, "How long has Hall been here?"

"It's been more than two months. He has been studying magic around here. He said that he has been busy and preparing since the conflict between the human race and the beast race arose. As for what to prepare, Master Huo didn't say anything."

"You seem to be very familiar with Master Huo?" The gray-robed man heard Xika call him by his first name.

In fact, at the earliest time, Sika did not call her by her first name.Instead, he is called Master Magician like everyone else.

It's just that Hall doesn't emphasize anymore, don't make any class identities, just call them by their names.

Therefore, Xika called him directly as Hall.

"Well, we've known each other for several years." Xika said.

The gray robe looked at Sika and smiled: "Then you must be an excellent magician too."

Sika responded: "It's okay."

The church is well decorated, and there are two statues at the door, nailed to the cross.

Windows are tinted.

There are many people in the church.

Sika saw the person she was looking for!


(End of this chapter)

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