Jianbao life

Chapter 26

Chapter 26
When the three old men heard about the frame, they seemed to have thought of something, and looked at the painting in unison with a tacit understanding.

Li Heng reminded again: "The three seniors can touch it without wearing gloves."

The three old men looked at each other, none of them dared to take off the gloves easily.

Everyone knows that calligraphy and painting itself is very old, the paper is extremely fragile, and it is extremely picky about maintenance and the environment. Generally, it cannot be touched directly with hands. Once there is a little oil and water on the hands, the rice paper is very absorbent. It penetrates in, causing the painting to be defaced, which is irreparable as the original result.

Ye Hai was a little more courageous. He directly took off his gloves and reached out to touch the paper and the backing. Through the touch of his fingertips, he felt the difference between the slightest, and then touched the thickness of the painting.

After Ye Hai touched it, he looked at Li Heng suspiciously.

The two old men were a little anxious, and Ye Hai's expression as if he had discovered some secret made their hearts itch.

"Tell me quickly, what have you found?" they urged.

Ye Hai didn't speak, he leaned down again and stared at the painting.

Soon, he suddenly raised his head and said, "Is this a propaganda method?!"

Both Long Huaishan and Gu Qing were shocked, and they quickly looked at Li Heng, asking for Li Heng's answer.

Li Heng nodded: "Not bad."

Sure enough, he is worthy of being the three masters of tasting. He doesn't need to say a word, and he can point it out in a few words.

Wang Tianhai and Wang Yuan were surprised.

Wang Yuan was even more remorseful. He thought that by catching Li Heng's mistakes, he would be able to embarrass Li Heng in front of the three seniors, and he could earn some face back.

Unexpectedly, in a turn of events, Li Heng actually came to such a place to die and survive!
Ye Hai was excited for a while, and he quickly shouted: "Hurry up! Call Qiao Lao to come and reveal the painting on the spot!"

The waiter outside the door responded, and hurried down to find Mr. Qiao whom Ye Hai was talking about.

This folder Xuan is one of the methods of archaeological restoration of cultural relics.

It is also one of the counterfeiting skills of the master of uncovering and mounting.

Unlike Jiu Xuan, which can be split into several sheets, most of the calligraphy and paintings handed down by famous artists today are almost all made of common rice paper such as double-layer Xuan and three-layer Xuan. The production method of nine-layer Xuan that was highly praised in ancient times was time-consuming, laborious and expensive. It is extremely expensive, and most people cannot afford it, and it is almost lost.

In order to save time and reduce material consumption, rice paper craftsmen began to make double-layer rice paper, which takes less time and waste less.

In order to be able to reproduce this kind of calligraphy and painting that uses double-layer rice paper, special paper is used, which has high water absorption and strong permeability. This allows the ink on the painting to seep into the rice paper underneath.

Split the original work into possible layers, and then use rice paper to mount and thicken each layer.In this way, one work becomes two or more.

The color of each layer after splitting is not as strong and clear as that of the original work. It needs to use some old ink to paint it separately according to the original work, and then use the old method to make it old, making it difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Besides, exposing the painting is the same as exposing the frame.

Those who have done calligraphy and painting know that the technique of exposing and mounting is complicated.
Nowadays, there are few mounting masters who can really do this kind of work. They pay attention to care and experience, and their hands must be steady. A little carelessness may cause irreparable losses, so almost no one dares to take risks in this method.

Wang Yuan, who was behind, couldn't help but said: "So what if the painting is revealed? It's possible that it's been improperly preserved due to its age and the paper has become brittle!"

Li Heng looked at him thoughtfully and nodded: "What you said may make sense, but we still have to ask the framer to come and talk about it."


When the demounting master was called over, he came in a hurry.

He was a little disheveled, and if the doormen and waiters didn't know him, he would have been thrown out as a beggar.

The unmasking master is an old man who is somewhat Mediterranean. He pushed his crooked glasses and snorted angrily. He saw the scroll on the table of the Eight Immortals and said, "Look, this one is for exposing the painting." ?"

Ye Hai nodded: "Yes, please start."

The old man called for someone to bring a basin of clear water, submerged his hands in the clear water, brought out a little bit of water, flicked his fingers a few times, and those few drops of water bounced onto the screen, after repeating the above operations several times.Soon, the paper on the surface was soaked with a layer.

The old man was not in a hurry to start working, he took some tools out of the toolbox and inspected the soaked surface carefully.

Everyone sat in their seats, staring at the old man without turning their eyes.

My heart is getting anxious, hurry up and get the result!

Li Heng's guy still had that calm look, he was pacing leisurely in this box at the moment, looking here and there, not worried about the result at all.

After looking at it for a long time, the more excited he looked, the old man couldn't help raising his head and said: "This is a master forger! There is a replica on the outside, but there is an authentic one hidden inside!"

The faces of the people present changed instantly.

what happened?

The painting changed from the original to the copy, and from the copy to the original? !

"In ancient times, some wealthy children were fond of gambling, or those who had treasures at home who were afraid of being stolen would use this method." The old man clicked his tongue for a long time, feeling excited: "I have lived to such a great age! This is the first time I see this kind of painting !"

"It's false to say it's false, and it's true to say it's true! It's hard to distinguish between the real and the fake! This technique is amazing! It's deliberately not so perfect, leaving some traces, making people think it's a replica of a coffin, who I won't take away the money!"

The old man complained when he first received the job, and he was not allowed to rest at home until he was old.

If he hadn't been urged to hurry up and hurry up, the old man would have been in a bad mood, but this time, he actually saw how to fake this skill.

Immediately, the uneasy feeling just now was left behind.

"Old man Ye, you are really capable. You actually saw through the authentic painting hidden under this painting!" The old man couldn't help but praise.

Hearing this, the three old men all blushed and were a little ashamed.

Ahem... In fact, it wasn't them who could be seen, but a little-known brat.

Li Zikui, the Wang family father and son, and Liu Hu all exclaimed.

Li Zikui stood up abruptly from his chair in disbelief: "Impossible! No reason! We haven't discovered such a fake method! What can a mere framer know?!"

Long Huaishan turned to Li Zikui, with a cold expression on his face, and said: "There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond the people. Are you doubting the qualifications of this master? When this master was in the world of appreciating treasures, you were still sucking milk and playing with mud !"

(End of this chapter)

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