Jianbao life

Chapter 91 Gloomy Wood

Chapter 91 Gloomy Wood

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the auction venue was filled with people one after another.

Leaving aside the matter of Li Quan and Tang Ming, what should be done is still to be done.

Next, of course, is today's top priority - the auction.

Mo Qiuyan and Li Heng and Lin Weiya sat in the same seat together, and Mr. Yu also sat next to him.

Du Juan, whom he had just seen in the morning, changed his clothes again, and Li Heng clicked his tongue: "It's only been a few hours, is it necessary to change clothes?"

"Hehe, she's a woman after all, and she always wants to find something new to make herself look good." Mo Qiuyan said from the side, and Lin Weiya was also noncommittal.

"Gentlemen and ladies, good afternoon. Welcome to the Fulong Street Auction. The new auction item this time is the rarest golden nanmu." Du Juan's voice was sweet and soft, It immediately touched the heartstrings of all the men present. "This time it is also unique that three pieces are auctioned separately. Each piece has a low price of 200 million, and each increase in price must not be less than [-]."

"Also, this time we only give you a half-hour appraisal time. Please grasp it well, don't wait until it's overdue."

The auction rules on Fulong Street are relatively humane, and most of the bids are increased according to the original seller's request.But there is still a bottom line, except that it is absolutely impossible to be true or false, you can follow the seller's wishes.

Li Heng also knew a little about golden nanmu, but he hadn't seen this kind of wood with his own eyes.

After all, it is known as a national tree, and it is also a national second-level rare and endangered species, and its growth rate is extremely slow. It will take hundreds of years to grow into a tree that can be used as a pillar.

Because of its rare resources and extremely slow growth, it has been a symbol of royal culture since ancient times and is known as the "Emperor's Wood".

Apart from these, Li Heng didn't know too much, so he naturally didn't know as much as those old men about the rare value of this kind of wood.

Mr. Yu at the side was even more excited when he saw this lot: "My God, it turned out to be a gloomy wood, golden silk nanmu!"

"Gloomy wood, golden nanmu?" Lin Weiya asked, "Why haven't I heard of this kind of wood?"

Li Heng and Mo Qiuyan also looked at Old Man Yu curiously, wanting to see what Old Man Yu had to say.

Mr. Yu had a look of determination on his face: "What you can see in the market now is old golden nanmu, which was removed from the old houses and temples in the Qing Dynasty for repairs. This kind of wood that has not been polished and built is called gloomy wood. , This kind is called gloomy wood golden nanmu, which is buried in the river or buried in the ground for thousands of years due to the change of the earth's crust."

"In ancient times, gloomy wood was mostly found in Sichuan, but after all, Sichuan's terrain is dangerous, and transportation is extremely difficult." Mr. Yu said casually, "You must know that at that time, there was a saying that one piece of nanmu could kill one's life."

"Today is really an eye-opener for an old man like me," said Mr. Yu, "Old Mo wouldn't call me if he knew there was such a good thing! What a heartless person!"

As soon as he said that, he was going to go up for appraisal in a hurry.

However, due to the special nature of this lot, the seller paid an additional 30 yuan to allow Fulong Street to make an exception and waive the appraisal fee.

Mr. Yu stood up as if he had forgotten something, turned around to look at Lin Weiya and asked, "Miss Lin, do you mind if I borrow this young man from you?"

Hearing this, Lin Weiya nodded indifferently: "Okay, he is also a tool man anyway."

Li Heng, who was suddenly defined as a tool man, can't laugh or cry, even if he is a tool man, don't say it in person!

But Lin Weiya nodded, and Li Heng followed Mr. Yu to look at the logs.

However, the popularity of this golden nanmu was beyond Li Heng's imagination. There were more than 20 people who came to appraise it on the stage alone. With so many heads together, there were constant exclamations.

According to Mr. Yu, golden nanmu is extremely rare. Most of the domestically available golden nanmu are custom-made into furniture or coffins. It is still very rare to see such a complete piece of golden nanmu that has not been custom-made. of.

Mr. Yu had already joined the crowd and looked at the other two golden nanmu, but only one golden nanmu was alone and no one cared about it.

It happened that this golden nanmu that no one cared about caught Li Heng's attention.

Maybe it was soaked in the water for too long, and the top was corroded by the sediment at the bottom of the water, showing a majestic posture. A thick layer of moss formed on the surface, and some places have been mottled, and there are some hollows inside. It looks quaint and twisted.

Those people skipped this one without even looking at it, and went to see the two golden nanmu trees that seemed to be in good condition.

Because of the rare value of this wood, everyone wore white gloves sent by Fulong Street.

Li Heng put on his gloves and didn't touch them with his hands. He closed his eyes, quietly moved his perspective eyes, and opened them to look over again.

I saw that the rotten golden nanmu had been peeled off layer by layer. When it completely peeled off the outer layer of black skin, it faintly emitted a dazzling golden light.

Li Heng had never seen such a dazzling light before, so he was a little surprised. He quickly turned his head to look at the other two golden nanmu trees. They also had a little light on them, and they were mostly covered by a jet of black.

Far less dazzling than this moss-covered light.

"The sunken wood has been buried in the river for about 3000 years, and its market value is estimated to be worth about 500 million..."

Twenty five million!Li Heng was so frightened by the valuation of the divine stone that he lost his response.

Mr. Yu, who had seen the golden nanmu over there, came over and asked Li Heng: "Why don't you look at the golden nanmu over there? Why do you want to see this kind of rotten one?"

Old man Yu was excited here for a long time, and wanted to drag Li Heng into the excitement, thinking that Li Heng would watch along with him, but old man Yu turned around and looked over, but was in vain.

After coming out of the crowd, old man Yu found out that Li Heng was looking at the rotten wood, very puzzled.

"...I thought this piece of wood was a bit complicated, so I went over to have a look." Li Heng said.

Mr. Yu became more interested now, and he also leaned over to have a look, no matter how he looked, it was covered with thick moss, except for those hollows, it was almost impossible to see what was inside.

"Then what do you see there?" Mr. Yu asked seeing that there were no flowers.

Li Heng said with some meaning: "I think this may be a hidden good thing...but it may also be my wrong judgment..."

In the end, Mr. Yu was also a fine person. He shrewdly caught the look of confidence in Li Heng's eyes and said with a smile, "Really? Later, my old man will have to bid hard."

(End of this chapter)

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