super genius

Chapter 147

Chapter 147
The boss's kick was extremely tricky, and it was really not easy for ordinary people to dodge it.

It's a pity that his opponent is the S-rank killer Akira Murakami, and the S-rank killer is a killer with the strength of a master!
Akira Murakami raised his feet to counter the boss' blow, then pushed the boss's legs back to the ground at the same time, and slashed at the boss's chest.

The boss hurriedly backed away to dodge the knife, and Akira Murakami followed, swinging his hands alternately, and a series of sword lights flew towards the boss.

Facing the overwhelming series of sword lights from Akira Murakami, the boss gritted his teeth, and went forward bravely.

He has a lot of experience in fighting, and he knows that there is still a way to survive if he does not hide from this kind of knife light attack. If he hides, he will be chopped into pieces by these knife lights in no time!
clap clap clap...

brush brush brush...

The boss's hands quickly resisted the hands of Akira Murakami waving the two swords, and the sword lights flew towards the walls around the two of them.

The knife light drew eye-catching knife marks on the wall, and the lime powder on the wall splashed everywhere!

Murakami Akira was hit by the boss's palm in the chest, and he took two or three steps back, and the boss was also hit by Murakami Akira twice in the chest, and the blood flowed faster.

If the boss does not stop the bleeding in time, at this rate, he will soon die from excessive blood loss.

Looking at the wound on the boss's chest, Akira Murakami smiled and said, "You are not my opponent. I suggest you tell me where the sixth child is right away, so as not to suffer more. I am best at torturing people, ha ha."

The boss snorted disapprovingly: "I'm sorry, we're done playing here today, bye."

"Want to escape? There is no door!" Murakami knew that the boss was going to escape, so he subconsciously moved towards the window to block it.

Unexpectedly, the boss slammed into the wall suddenly, and directly smashed one of the walls of this room, and his body fell to the street with a lot of wall debris.

"Damn it!" Akira Murakami immediately chased after him, and the boss took advantage of his knowledge of the terrain during this time to lead Akira Murakami around here.

After going around a few times, Akira Murakami realized that he had lost his boss!

"Damn it!" Akira Murakami, who was standing at the intersection of the area, gritted his teeth angrily, and was about to continue searching when dazzling lights suddenly lit up all around him: "Akira Murakami, you are already surrounded, raise your hands immediately!"

Akira Murakami saw that there were police cars all around him in all directions, and a large group of policemen pointed their guns at him, and he was really surrounded!

"Hehe, what a big fish!" The special police captain Chen Xiang was secretly proud that he was able to catch an S-rank killer, so he should be able to be promoted soon, right?

Seeing that Chen Xiang seemed a little careless, Xue Ling's instructor Lan Yanqing hurriedly reminded: "Captain Shen, don't be careless!"

"I know." Although Chen Xiang responded, it could be seen from his casual attitude that he really didn't take Lan Yanqing's words to heart.

In his opinion, being surrounded by so many policemen with guns, Murakami could not escape even with wings.

Chen Xiang, who was eager to make a contribution, directly threw a pair of handcuffs to Akira Murakami: "Put down the knife, and handcuff yourself. If you dare to move around, you will be shot dead on the spot!"

Akira Murakami was very obedient, he threw the double knives on the ground, then obediently picked up the handcuffs, and handcuffed his own hands.

Seeing Akira Murakami's cooperation, Chen Xiang became even more careless: "Xiao Liu, Xiao Chen, you go over and put him in the police car and close the team!"

Lan Yanqing said anxiously: "One pair of handcuffs is not enough to deal with this kind of person, he must add another pair to his feet!"

"Cuff his feet too, does that mean we have to carry him away? That's not necessary, right?" Chen Xiang snorted, "Instructor Lan, it's not a good thing to do things for others! Don't forget, I am the commander here. !Xiao Liu, Liu Chen, what are you still looking at? Go quickly!"

Originally, Lan Yanqing was the commander of the operation this time, but there was someone above Chen Xiang who wanted to give Chen Xiang the opportunity to make a great contribution this time, and Dragon Soul was too embarrassed to refute the face of the local police force. With Yan Qing here, there won't be any big problems.

So this time the commander of the operation is Chen Xiang, and Lan Yanqing is the deputy.

Although Chen Xiang has the title of commander in chief of the operation, all the reconnaissance and deployment work in the early stage was done by Lan Yanqing, because Chen Xiang did not have this ability.

Chen Xiang has self-knowledge in this aspect, and will not compete with the members of Dragon Soul for this kind of technical work.

And now that Akito Murakami has been arrested, if Chen Xiang doesn't take this opportunity to perform well and show off his prestige, how can he be worthy of his title of commander-in-chief?

Lan Yanqing was trembling all over due to Chen Xiang's anger, she immediately picked up her mobile phone and dialed Director Long's number: "Director, Chen Xiang didn't listen to persuasion, and only put handcuffs on the prisoner..."



Lan Yanqing hadn't finished speaking when two screams came from the other side.

No one could see clearly how Akira Murakami did it, a knife on the ground suddenly flew up automatically, cutting off Akira Murakami's handcuffs from the middle.

The two policemen who were about to put Akira Murakami into the police car were about to draw their guns, but before it was too late, Akira Murakami, who was holding the knife again, hid between them in a flash.

Before the two could understand what was going on, their wrists were cut off, and one of them became a hostage of Akira Murakami!
Akira Murakami's movements were too fast. He broke the handcuffs with his feet, hid between the two policemen, cut off the wrists of the two policemen, and took the hostages in one go, so fast that people couldn't even react. Not to mention the movements of the hands.

With colleagues nearby, the other policemen would not dare to shoot. They could only watch their colleague Xiao Liu become a hostage of Akira Murakami.

Chen Xiang was completely stunned. He always believed that now is the era of hot weapons, no matter how powerful a martial arts master is, can he be as powerful as a gun?
Moreover, Akira Murakami added a pair of handcuffs, and he didn't think he could escape surrounded by so many people and so many guns.

It's just that stupid people are destined to pay for their own stupidity. It was his contempt for Akira Murakami that caused his own people to be injured and even held hostage!

"How did this happen? How did this happen?" Cold sweat kept falling from Chen Xiang's forehead, and his mind went blank.

Lan Yanqing quickly put down the phone, and shouted at Akira Murakami: "Murakami, don't mess around, we'll just let you go!"

"Hehe, then I have to thank you." Akira Murakami smiled evilly at Lan Yanqing, "You seemed to say that you were going to handcuff me just now? It seems that you are not an ordinary policeman!"

"Murakami, China is not a place for you people to act arrogantly." Lan Yanqing said slowly, "Let our people go and you can leave."

"I want to escape, and no one can stop you losers. If you dare to plot against me, this poor little policeman's life will be considered as the price!" Akira Murakami's voice was still in everyone's ears, but his figure changed into A black smoke suddenly disappeared before everyone's eyes.

Almost at the same time, a bright bloodstain appeared on Xiao Liu's neck, and he fell to the ground with a "gudong" sound!
(End of this chapter)

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