super genius

Chapter 348 Ancient Tomb Center!

Chapter 348 Ancient Tomb Center!

Seeing Lin Xiaoyu's determined eyes, the Duke suddenly smiled: "Boy, can you tell me why you are willing to work so hard for Dragon Soul? Is it worth it to lose your life for this matter?"

"You are wrong." Lin Xiaoyu said, "I work so hard not for the soul of the dragon, but for myself."

"Oh?" The Duke laughed, "What does this ancient tomb have to do with you? How can I say that it is for yourself?"

"This ancient tomb really has nothing to do with me, but if you want the things in this ancient tomb, then it has something to do with me." Lin Xiaoyu said, "Last time in the black triangle, you were the one who stopped my master, Director Long, right?"

"Yes." The Duke said disapprovingly, "And then?"

"Since you want me to be killed, you are my enemy, and I will never let my enemy get what he wants." Lin Xiaoyu said, "I'm warning you one last time, either leave, or we will die together!"

The Duke finally saw the Yazi in Lin Xiaoyu's hand, and his face showed a dignified expression: "Your sword is the soul of the dragon?"

"You know best." Lin Xiaoyu sneered, "Maybe I don't have the ability to kill you, but I can still do it."

"Okay, I'll just go." Without any extra words, the Duke turned around and waved at the male and female thieves, "Let's go."

Seeing the duke leave so easily, the male and female thieves couldn't help being very puzzled.

Obviously Lin Xiaoyu is holding an ancient sword, why is the Duke so afraid of it?

Little did they know that the reason why the Duke was on crutches was because his leg was injured by the canthus!
Back then, the Duke was extremely powerful at a young age, young and energetic, and came to China to wantonly hunt down the targets of his employers.

It's just that he never expected that he ran into the former leader of the Dragon Soul, and then he was chopped off by a sword energy from the opponent, and fled in embarrassment.

After he was out of danger, he wanted to heal his leg, but no matter which hospital said his leg was incurable, there was no way to recover it.

In desperation, the Duke had no choice but to give up the treatment and become a half-cripple.

He met the Dragon Soul - Yaju again. Although Lin Xiaoyu was not that strong, the psychological shadow caused by Yaju could not go away, so he gave up exploring this ancient tomb without hesitation.

His friend told him that as long as he could explore the secrets of the ancient tomb, that friend might be able to cure his leg.

But he no longer had any courage to face Ya Zi, so he had no choice but to leave.

After the Duke left, Lin Xiaoyu sat slumped on the ground, drenched in cold sweat.

Meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins, Lin Xiaoyu and the opponent's strength are too different, the only one who can fight is Yazi, it seems that it really works.

"Okay, let's quickly find a way to open this door." Lin Xiaoyu said, "If the Duke changes his mind and turns back, it will be troublesome."

"Okay, I'll try my best."

"I'll try my best."

Wen Yu and Sun Xuyang could only say so, because they hadn't thought of any way to remove the door for the time being.

The four of them stayed here for most of the day, until the sky outside darkened, and the inside of the ancient tomb became extremely dark.

The magic of this ancient tomb is that it is also bright inside during the day, no different from the outside.

And at night, it will also darken with the sky, which is very magical.

Feeling hungry, Sun Yuzhen couldn't help but said, "How about we go back and have a meal and come back later?"

"If you want to go back, you can go back by yourself." Lin Xiaoyu said coldly, "We don't have that much time to walk around."

"Cut!" Sun Yuzhen snorted dissatisfiedly, "Even if you don't go back to eat, you still want to have a full stomach? If this door is fake, you will never be able to open it. Aren't you going to starve to death here?"

The speaker has no intention of listening, but when he heard Sun Yuzhen's words "If this door is fake," Lin Xiaoyu's eyes suddenly lit up: "Mr. Sun, if the layout is based on your Feng Shui knowledge, where will you arrange an entrance here? ?”

Sun Xuyang immediately understood what Lin Xiaoyu meant, and his eyes lit up: "If it were me, I would definitely set up a life gate here."

Sun Xuyang walked to the left of this wall and patted the wall in front of him.

But what disappointed Sun Xuyang was that the wall he photographed looked no different from the wall over there.

"Let me try!" Lin Xiaoyu ran over, put his hands on the wall, and began to perform alchemy.

As long as there is a crack in the door and it is not integrated with the entire wall, he can open it.

Sure enough, with Lin Xiaoyu's alchemy, a door-shaped light appeared on the wall in front of him instantly!

"It actually... really works!" The other three people were stunned. This was the first time they had seen such a magical thing.

That is to say, Lin Xiaoyu knows alchemy. If someone who doesn't know alchemy opens the door, they will definitely not be able to open the door.

Sun Xuyang finally understood why director long was the director of the soul of the dragon and not someone else, because of his ability to judge people and pick people, there are really few people who can compare with him.

Except for Sun Yuzhen, who is a guest star, the other three people can all play their roles. I can't help but admire such a vicious vision.

But now Sun Xuyang didn't have much thought to think about why Director Long's eyes were so vicious, because the door was pushed open by Lin Xiaoyu.

The four of them walked into the stone door together, and then they all stopped at the same time.

Because they have nowhere to go.

In front of them was a very empty circular lake, but the ordinary lake was filled with water, and half of the flowing in this lake was magma and half was mercury!

The magma and the mercury are half each, and they are close together in a Yin-Yang pattern, separated by a strange golden light.

If it wasn't for this strange golden light to isolate it, the magma and mercury would have mixed together.

In addition to magma and mercury, there is a circular stone platform in the middle of the lake, which is equivalent to the center of the lake.

Looking from a distance, there is a sword hilt in the middle of the stone platform. It seems that there should be a sword stuck in the stone.

According to normal logical reasoning, this sword must be where this mechanism is located.

As long as the sword is pulled out, the magma and mercury in the lake will disappear.

However, when Sun Xuyang and Wen Yu saw the hilt, their expressions changed at the same time: "Qin Huang's golden long sword! That is the sword that guards the dragon's veins!"

Sun Xuyang is a tomb robber, and Wen Yu is an archeology professor, but both of them have heard of one thing, that is, the tomb of Emperor Qin was built on a dragon vein, and his golden sword guarded the dragon vein and protected Chinese Feng Shui. Not to be destroyed.

Once the sword is pulled out, the feng shui will be destroyed, and the consequences will be disastrous!
(End of this chapter)

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