Chapter 302 Bet!
"How about we make a bet?"

Elder Zhang rolled his eyes and suggested so.

"Oh? How to bet?"

Fu Xing cast a glance at Senior Zhang, and his curiosity was aroused.

"Ha ha."

Senior Zhang squinted his eyes and laughed twice, his wrinkled old face turned into a chrysanthemum, then he pointed to the Liu family father and son who were jogging on the road.

"How about betting on which of the two of them will arrive at the branch first?"


Fu Xing thought for a while, then nodded slowly.

"Okay, I choose Liu Guosheng to come to the branch first."

Liu Guosheng ran first, and Liu Shao ran after the boss for a certain distance. Judging from the current speed of the two, it is certain that he will arrive at the branch first, as long as there are no accidents on the way.

I'm so smart!

Fu Xing thought proudly that if he had agreed in advance, he would be invincible.

"Ha ha."

Senior Zhang smiled again, grabbed his beard and asked, "Boy, do you really choose Liu Guosheng to arrive first?"

"Why, do you want to gamble?"

Fu Xing had a look of disdain on his face. Regardless of whether Senior Zhang could see it or not, his expression was enough anyway, and the emotion of contempt was conveyed through his tone.

"No no no."

Senior Zhang shook his head, raised his voice and said, "Gambling, why not bet? Since you choose Liu Guosheng, then I will choose Liu Shao, and see which of them arrives at the branch first. If Liu Guosheng arrives first, you win, otherwise I will choose Liu Shao." Win, you win, I promise you a request within my ability, if I win, how about giving me a can of the drink you just used?"


Fu Xing, who considers himself witty, thought about what Senior Zhang said, and there was nothing wrong with it!That being the case, then bet on it!Don't take the promise of an S-level supernatural being in vain.

So Fu Xing nodded, and said with a smile: "It's a bet, Sword Immortal, you must be willing to admit defeat!"

"I'm willing to admit defeat!"

What Senior Zhang said was so decisive!Then he suddenly reached out and pointed behind Fu Xing, and exclaimed in surprise:
"Look, handjob!"


Fu Xing couldn't help turning his head to look, but there was nothing but air, and he realized that he had been fooled. When he turned his head, Senior Zhang had already flown towards Liu Shao.

"Hey hey, boy, I don't have a rule that I can't help Liu's father and son go to the branch! Hey hey..."

Elder Zhang's triumphant laughter still lingered in the air.

"I'm meowing! It's still like this!"

Facts have proved that Fu Xing is still not smart enough, or in other words, the old man Zhang is old and smart, and Jiang is still old and spicy.

But Fu Xing was not in a hurry, he even laughed, not out of anger, but with confidence.

"Hmph, Sword Immortal, you are a very bad old man! But don't forget what you are wearing."

Smiling triumphantly, Fu Xing waved his hand, and Tang Dao and Moonlight emerged.


Fu Xing muttered softly, and Senior Zhang, who was flying at high speed, only felt a light weight on his body, and then another weight, and the silver mantis cloak turned into light spots and disappeared.


With a dazed look on his face, Senior Zhang fell down with a whoosh.


The screams attracted the attention of many people who got up early to exercise on the road in the early morning. When these people looked up, they saw a black shadow across the sky and disappeared.

"Wow! Handjob!"

"What handjob? This is an abnormal event! Quickly call Yinlong!"


Pedestrians on the road stopped to discuss, but two people were still jogging. Soon, someone recognized Liu Guosheng.

"Isn't that Deputy Mayor Liu? Why are you running?"

"What do you know? Our Deputy Mayor Liu is clean and honest, diligent and frugal, and responds to the country's call for low-carbon and environmentally friendly travel. He is a role model for officials!"

"Yes! Yes! Such officials are rare!"


Liu Guosheng, who was being discussed, was about to burst into tears. He didn't want to do this either!But I couldn't stop, as if I was eating some chewing gum.

Soon, Liu Guosheng was no longer troubled, because he was lifted into the air.

That's right!Liu Guosheng flew up after leaving the sight of passers-by. The source of his strength was the hand that grabbed his back collar.


"Heh heh heh! Old and cunning guy, luckily I saved a hand." It was actually just a coincidence, but Fu Xing said that he had predicted it in advance. Who can prove that he lied?
System: This department...

As soon as the system of strong sense of presence appeared, Fu Xing pressed it down, and then Fu Xing took the opportunity to jump over the fallen senior Zhang, flew directly behind Liu Guosheng, and flew up with his collar.

"Good boy, how dare you bully me!"

With a flash of the ring between his fingers, a long sword appeared in Senior Zhang's hand. Before falling to the ground, he swung the long sword to his feet, flew up with a whimper, and chased after Fu Xing, shouting loudly, as if he had just calculated Fu Xing is not the same as him, what is this called?Thief shouting "Catch a thief?"
While yelling, Senior Zhang grabbed Liu Shao who was jogging and chased after him. He still hadn't forgotten the bet, and it's not certain who will win until the last moment!


The pursuit of Fu Xing and the two attracted the attention of the people on the ground, but one of them was invisible and the other was flying fast, so people didn't notice more, but a black-haired girl in a sportswear in the crowd stopped and squinted. Looking at the direction where Fu Xing and the two were going away, he was silent for a long time.


Suddenly, the girl let out a cute and strange cry. She looked around and found that no one was paying attention to her. She was relieved, stuck out her tongue, and continued to run in the morning.

After more than ten minutes, the girl who ran in the morning smelled a fragrance.

Her stomach rumbling in time, the girl stopped and turned to look at the bun shop not far away.

"I'm hungry, it smells so good!"


While rubbing her stomach and swallowing, the girl walked towards the steamed stuffed bun shop.

"Boss, here are two meat buns!" Sitting in the shop, the girl shouted loudly.


The white-haired boss smiled kindly, then took out two meat buns from the steamer, put them on a plate, and brought them to the girl.

"Eat it!"

"thank you boss!"

The girl couldn't wait to pick up a bun and took a bite. Her mouth was so hot that she grinned, but she couldn't bear to spit it out.

"Hahaha, eat slowly, no one will grab yours." The boss smiled and reminded him kindly.


The girl who was eating nodded and slowed down a little.

The two buns are not many, even though they are big, the girl finished eating them in just 3 minutes.


Patting her stomach contentedly, the girl took out her wallet and prepared to pay the bill.


Looking at the purse that was cleaner than her own face, the girl twitched the corners of her mouth.

I'm out of money!

The girl patted her forehead in distress, then carefully glanced at the boss who was kneading dough, and was about to sneak away.


The boss found the girl who got up, turned around and asked with a smile, it sounded like the girl had finished eating?Then pay for it!


The girl stood awkwardly with her hands behind her back, drawing circles on the ground with one foot.


The boss saw the girl's embarrassment, he smiled, and then stepped out of the way.

"Now that you've finished eating, let's go! There is a rule in my store that the first customer every day is free."


The girl made a confused sound, then looked back at the store. In addition to the large leftover plates on her table, there were several other tables with plates. She was obviously not the first customer in the store.

But this is not important.

The girl thought so, and then showed a big smile at the boss.

"Thank you boss! You are a good man!"

After speaking, the girl happily ran out.


The energetic girl made the boss laugh, he smiled, and then continued with the work in hand, this kind of thing has happened to him many times in his career today, after laughing, the girl will not leave much in his heart impression.

However, what the boss didn't know was that Huishan City escaped a catastrophe just because of his two free meat buns.


"There's no money left!"

Bella ran out of the steamed stuffed bun shop, took out her wallet again and shook it in distress, then pouted, sitting on the side of the road with her chin propped up and thinking about it.

The mission failed. In order not to be punished, Bella defected from the Advent Society and stayed in Huishan City, starting a journey where the world is so big, I want to see it, let’s start here.

During this period of time, Bella visited various scenic spots in Huishan City and went to many places. At the same time, her tickets disappeared like running water. Until now, she didn't even have money for a breakfast. An S-level power user is drunk to her level.

But there is also a reason, Bella's ability is not good at fighting with the same level, in the case of Huishan City, there is a sword fairy and Fu Xing, she dare not show her face, and the clone is lost, so should the main body go work to earn a living?
In this regard, Bella said that it is impossible to work part-time, and she can only barely get by by showing off her face and cuteness.

But Bella is still a bit self-motivated, unlike a certain salted fish, she sat on the ground thinking about it for a long time but couldn't think of a way to get money legally without working, so she stood up and wandered aimlessly.


Suddenly, Bella snorted, and then slipped into an unmanned construction site without a sound.


In a construction site with no one there for some unknown reason, a middle-aged man with an ordinary face and no expression walked in and walked straight to the corner of the construction site.

There, a man wearing gold-rimmed glasses stood there for an unknown how long, as if he was waiting for a middle-aged man.

"Coming?" Sun Ce pushed his glasses, turned around and asked with a smile.


The middle-aged man looked at Sun Ce silently, and then looked around.

No one, no monitoring, good burial place.

After confirming, the middle-aged man jumped up immediately, came to Sun Ce in an instant and swung a fist as big as a sandbag.


Sun Test stood there, as if he didn't react at all. However, when the middle-aged man's fist hit his face, he stopped strangely.


With a low shout, the middle-aged man's veins were exposed, but his fist still couldn't move forward an inch, and he couldn't retreat, and then he was horrified to find that he couldn't even move his body, as if he was nailed in the air.

"You are not Sun Ce..."

The middle-aged man's face turned red before he finished speaking the first sentence since he appeared on the stage, and his neck was twisted by an inexplicable force.



(End of this chapter)

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