My superpower is to summon drinks

Chapter 306 The Four Great Families of Xia Kingdom (Cursus End)

Chapter 306 The Four Great Families of Xia Kingdom (Cursus End)

"Old Sword Immortal, I have always had a doubt."

Fu Xing opened the system interface again and took a look at the unfinished random tasks. After closing the system interface, he turned to look at Senior Zhang.

Before Senior Zhang could ask what his doubts were, Fu Xing said:
"Old Sword Immortal, your strength has already stood at the top of the Xia Kingdom, why do you still obey others? Why don't you destroy them even though you know that the Zhang family is plotting to take control of Huishan City?"

"This one……"

Senior Zhang stepped on the flying sword and looked up at the sky. After organizing his words in his mind, he looked down at Fu Xing and raised a finger:
"Boy, I want to correct a mistake in your language, that is, I didn't take orders from others."

"Oh? Then you..." Fu Xing wanted to say what he just said, but was interrupted by Senior Zhang raising his hand.

"Don't worry, listen to me slowly."

At this time, Senior Zhang truly looked like an old man. He had his hands behind his back and looked into the distance with deep eyes, like a wise man. His voice with the vicissitudes of time came slowly:
"Boy, at my age and strength, no one in the world can order me anymore. What I did before was out of my heart, not following orders from others, you know?"


Fu Xing nodded, rubbed his chin for a while, and then asked solemnly: "Old Sword Immortal, why did you take the blame for nothing? Are you the legendary masochist?"


Senior Zhang went straight to the point and slapped Fu Xing across the head violently.

"You nonsense brat! See if I don't beat you to death today..."

"Old man, you don't talk about Wude, but you actually attacked!"

Fu Xing held his head and roared angrily, then started to fight back.

bang bang bang...


Just like that, the third fight between Fu Xing and Senior Zhang began, and in the end, both of them had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and there was no winner.


Senior Zhang, who had lost a lot of beard, snorted angrily, pulled away the healing drink 2.0 that Fu Xing had given him with a snap, drank it down, and then a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Good boy! There are quite a lot of good things!"

Throwing away the empty jar, Senior Zhang patted Fu Xing on the shoulder in a pedantic manner:

"One hundred more cans, I don't care about your action of pulling my beard just now."


Fu Xing moved his shoulders and pushed away Senior Zhang's palm. One hundred cans?I can't even summon a hundred cans with my current energy. If I give you a hundred cans, I'll have to use super energy points, don't even think about it!
System: Yes!Don't even think about it, the host's super points are all from this system!

Fu Xing: "Get out!"

But old senior Zhang didn't give up because of Fu Xing's refusal, he wrinkled his old face and began to bargain with a playful smile.

"99 cans, 98 cans..."

Fu Xing: "..."

Under Senior Zhang's endless haggling, Fu Xing was so annoyed that he didn't want anything, and finally gave Senior Zhang two cans of Healing Drink 2.0 before dismissing him.

"Hey hey hey..."

Senior Zhang didn't take it too seriously. He smiled and put the drink into the ring on his finger, and then continued the topic.


"Boy, now let me answer your second question."

Senior Zhang put away his smile and turned serious.

"You just asked me why I knew the Zhang family was plotting against Huishan City but didn't kill them, right?"


Fu Xing nodded. This is what he has been wondering about for a long time. Last time when the Blood Knights attacked, even if the Zhang family cheated the hidden dragon once, this time the matter had something to do with the Zhang family again. For this troublesome family , Fu Xing didn't have any good feelings at all. This is because he didn't know that the Zhang family let in the chosen one during the red fog in the northern mountains last time. If he knew, the Zhang family might be lost one night.

The current situation is not enough for Xing to take action, because these have little to do with him, he is too lazy to do anything, and he is not willing to disrupt the order of this world.

The same is true for the reason of old Zhang.

"Boy, you have to know that the Zhang family is also a member of the Xia Kingdom, and the founder of their family is also the founding father of the Xia Kingdom. Otherwise, how do you think the Zhang family developed? Time flies, and the Xia Kingdom has developed to this day. Their contribution is great. Their family has also completely integrated into the political, military and commercial circles of Xia State, becoming one of the top families in Xia State. They have people in almost every walk of life. If we eradicate them, the impact will be too great. If not, Xia Kingdom will fall apart."

"No way!"

Fu Xing was very surprised, even if the Zhang family was powerful, it wouldn't cause the whole country of Xia to fall apart if they were moved!Now he suspects that old man Zhang is trying to scare him and fool him.

"Old man Jianxian, I read a lot, you can't fool me." Fu Xing crossed his arms and looked like I was very witty.


Senior Zhang silently glanced at Fu Xing, then sighed inexplicably.

"Old Sword Immortal, I always feel that you despise me." Fu Xing began to roll up his sleeves.

"No, no, I just lament those big families."

Senior Zhang categorically denied it, even if his sigh just now was really contempt, it wasn't that he was afraid of Fu Xing, it was just that he didn't want to fight more, otherwise both of them would have bruised noses and swollen faces in a while.

"big family?"

Fu Xing heard a key word, as a commoner, a big family is something in legends!
"Big family!"

Senior Zhang sighed again, and then explained for Fu Xing: "Boy, you may not have been able to get in touch with him before, but at this point, you will have opportunities to get in touch in the future. I won't say much here, just simply tell me Tell me about the current internal situation of our Xia Kingdom."

"Cough cough."

Coughing twice, Senior Zhang stood up straight and pointed at himself.

"Let's talk about me first. I told you about my background before, so I won't go into too much detail. Now let's talk about my identity. Officially, I am the second-in-command of the Xia Guoyin Dragon Organization, an S-level ability user. Sword Immortal, the leader of Yinlong is an S-level supernatural being, the God of War. Neither of us has any big family background, so we are in the same group as the current supreme leader of Xia Kingdom. Apart from us, how many other parties are there in Xia Kingdom? Power, that is, the four major families that exist in Xia Kingdom."

As he spoke, Senior Zhang stretched out five fingers and waved them in front of Fu Xing, then put away his thumbs and said, "This is us."

Afterwards, Senior Zhang put away his index finger and said, "This is Zhang's family in the Northern Territory."

The other three fingers represent the Luo family in the south, the Fan family in the west, and the Li family in the east.

After talking about the Li family in the east, Senior Zhang's palm turned into a fist, and he swung it fiercely, as if he was hitting something.

"Boy, have you seen it? The combination of our side and the four major families is equivalent to controlling the entire Xia Kingdom. In other words, the entire Xia Kingdom, a complete Xia Kingdom, is like my fist. After I hold it It can beat away or deter the surrounding wolves, tigers and leopards, although there are fists, but that is not hurtful, but if..."

Senior Zhang stretched out a palm, and there was a big hole in the complete fist.

"But if one party is missing, no matter which party it is, our country of Xia will no longer be complete, and the surrounding wolves, tigers and leopards will take the opportunity to enter. At that time, the country of Xia will be in danger, but this is nothing, because even if the country of Xia is young We are confident that we can deal with the enemy, but..."

Senior Zhang stretched out his other fingers, then joined the other three fingers except the thumb, and said solemnly:

"There is a balance between us. If we destroy the Zhang family, the other big families will definitely die and join together. At that time, Xia Kingdom will be divided. At that time, the surrounding enemies will swarm up, and none of us will be able to escape. Do you understand what I'm saying?"


Fu Xing lowered his head and thought for a moment, then smiled and concluded: "In the final analysis, it's not because of lack of strength. If one party has the strength to overwhelm the other four points, the other four points will definitely be honest."

Senior Zhang nodded in agreement, but then shook his head and sighed:
"You kid is right, but things are not as simple as what you want to say to me just now. If strength can solve everything, then the problem would have been solved long ago. You must know that we not only have two S-level abilities on our side, but also With the command of most of the army of Xia Kingdom, the strength is absolutely overwhelming, but..."

Having said that, Senior Zhang stopped speaking, and then pointed to Huishan City below.


Fu Xing looked puzzled, so he looked down for a long time and couldn't see what the old man wanted to express. In the end, he decided not to waste his brain cells.

"Old man Sword Immortal, you've been pointing for a long time, what do you mean?"

"Ha ha."

Old Senior Zhang withdrew his fingers, scratched his ragged white beard, laughed twice, and when Fu Xing was so anxious that he scratched his ears and cheeks, he said arrogantly when Fu Xing was about to hit someone. :
"In peacetime, war should not be taken lightly. We are confident that we will gradually disintegrate the four major families, and we have been working hard for this."

After finishing speaking, Senior Zhang stretched out his palm to Fu Xing.

"Boy, do you want to join us?"


Fu Xing didn't react for a while, he was stunned for a few seconds before pointing at himself:

"Old Sword Immortal, are you inviting me to join you?"


Senior Zhang nodded with a smile, but Fu Xing was very sensible and didn't agree directly. He spread his hands and said:

"Old man Jianxian, you haven't said why you want to dismantle the four major families after talking for a long time! Even if I don't like some of the Zhang family's actions, it should only be the actions of some people. As the saying goes, the forest is too big. There are all kinds of birds, there are too many people and there are all kinds of people, I can't just rely on what some people do, and kill everyone with a stick, right?"

"Be sensible!"

Senior Zhang glanced at Fu Xing in surprise, as if he saw this boy clearly for the first time, then gave a thumbs up and said:

"Boy, you are right. You can't beat everyone to death with a single stick based on the actions of some people. We think so too. The disintegration of the four major families mentioned earlier is just to reduce the resources they control and the territory they manage. It is just to give more people a chance, it does not mean to eliminate them completely, this will be more conducive to the development of the Xia Kingdom, after all, everything is for the good of the Xia Kingdom."

"I see."

Fu Xing nodded, then held the palm that Senior Zhang had been holding up, and said with a smile:

"I will join you."


Old Senior Zhang's smiling eyes were flooded with wrinkles. With Fu Xing joining, he can leave the Northern Territory with peace of mind. He has to go on a national tour to announce the existence of supernatural beings to start a national event. The purpose of staying in Shanshi for such a long time was to draw Fu Xing into the group. As for why the other S-level power user didn't move, it was still the same sentence, guarding the imperial capital, the center of Xia Kingdom.

Withdrawing his arm, Fu Xing rolled his eyes, moved to Senior Zhang, rubbed his hands together and said:
"Old man Sword Immortal, look at someone as powerful as me joining you. Do you have any rewards for joining? I'm not greedy either. Just give me three to five million."


Senior Zhang stopped his smile, patted Fu Xing on the shoulder, and said with a wink:

"I don't have any money, but I have a girlfriend, do you want it?"


Fu Xing glanced at Senior Zhang in surprise, then shook his head and sighed:
"I can't believe that the famous old man Zhang was bribed by a woman. Alas! The world is declining, and morals have declined!"

Senior Zhang: "..."


 another chapter

(End of this chapter)

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