My superpower is to summon drinks

Chapter 378 A New Story (The Finale)

Chapter 378 A New Story (The Finale)

Evolution is the pursuit of every creature, which can be understood as a kind of progress, a progress that does not know where the end is.

As the strongest race in the Milky Way, the Celestials have developed their civilization to the current peak, and there is no way to advance, so they can only enjoy playing with lower civilizations.

This is talking about the Celestials in the real world, and the Celestials in the last world have disappeared.

Fu Xing replaced the Celestial Race that manipulated humans. He is that Celestial Race at this time. After confirming that the things left by the Celestial Race in the last world can be used by him, he did not hesitate to use his only Celestial Race in the current world. Authority took over everything about the Celestials.

"Information about Shengwei."

Even though this matter was top secret, it couldn't stop Fu Xing from being the only authority. He quickly obtained this information and brought it back to the real world.

"The Celestials in the real world are a scourge after all. Don't you like to play with other civilizations? Then I will let you have a taste of being played with."

At this time, Fu Xing's idea was that he wanted to use the seemingly infallible ascending data to deceive the real world's Celestials with the last world's deduction to the peak by the Celestials.

The information was released quietly. Fu Xing, who had learned about all the secrets of the Celestial Clan in the last world, obtained the highest authority. After returning to the real world, he used this authority to quietly put the information on the main star of the Celestial Clan. This information is known to all members of the Celestial clan.

Suddenly, the Celestial Race was in an uproar.

It is not that the Celestials in the real world do not have the idea of ​​raising the latitude, but the slight difference in the parallel space has caused the Celestials in the real world to divide into two factions on the matter of raising the latitude. The long-standing debate has caused the research progress to be stuck at the last step. Unable to break through.

The information delivered by Fu Xing became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel's camel. Although there were some strange things in it, the arrogant Celestials directly ignored it, but they did not completely ignore it. After two months of preparation, the experiment From the beginning of sexual latitude, just like the end of the world, even if the data is correct, experiments are essential.

Still just like the end of the world, this experiment became the last experiment of the Celestials in the real world.

Silently, the Celestials who tried to break through the existing dimension seemed to touch something, and the backlash began, and all the Celestials were silently wiped out. Fu Xing hid in the end of the world to be on the safe side. After all, he is also a person with the authority of the Celestial Race!

"Host, everything is normal, the Celestials have disappeared."

The system that already had a physical body was left in the real world by Fu Xing. The system was on the black wing spaceship. The two parties communicated. After observing that the Celestials had disappeared through the artificial intelligence on the spaceship, Fu Xing waited for a few days, and then Returning to the real world, he once again used his only authority to control the things left by the entire Celestial race in the real world.


"I can't relax until now!"

Standing in the black-winged spaceship, Fu Xing looked at the dead star of the Celestial Clan on the screen, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. The greatest threat to human beings was eliminated by him in this way. It really felt like a child's play!
Drip, drop, drop...

Just as Fu Xing sighed, the system flying beside him suddenly flickered rapidly, and at the same time issued a beeping warning sound.

"System, what's wrong with you? It's not about to explode!"

Fu Xing jumped away in an instant, away from the unknown system.

Dip, the last days of the human race in this world have been lifted, the conditions have been met, and the creator's message will be played soon.

"Huh? Is the truth finally coming out? It's just that this condition is a bit difficult! If it weren't for me being able to travel between the apocalyptic world and the real world, I would have passed the year of the monkey if I had fulfilled this condition."

Fu Xing walked back to the system. After waiting for a long time, he couldn't help but raised his hand and knocked on the system.

"Hey! Where's the message?"

Beep, the system trembled, and a voice that Fu Xing was very familiar with came out from the internal core. Thinking about it carefully, isn't this his own voice that is meowing?But these are not important, what is important is the content:

"Fu Xing of the unknown end-time world, I want to tell you a few things. First of all, I want to congratulate you for solving the crisis in your world. Second, please don't be surprised. I am also Fu Xing, but I am from another world. In the world, human beings are the masters of the Milky Way. We humans have successfully raised the latitude of the entire race. Third, you may wonder why there is a system. Of course, I created it. It is at your fingertips, and I have to find something to do for myself so as not to be bored to death, so I created the doomsday superpower system, looking for the world where the doomsday is about to happen, finding myself in that world, and then solving the crisis. Fourth, the feeling of being a savior is really good……"

The words were intermittent, and then turned into a noise, but these were enough for Fu Xing to understand the truth of the matter, and he fell into deep thought.

System: Host, so I was created by you!
Fu Xing came back to his senses, squinted his eyes and looked at the system, and said three words: "Call Dad!"

System: "...I'll hit!"

bang bang bang...


After some tossing, the two sides calmed down. Fu Xing looked at the system flying around in the air, thought for a while and asked:

"System, since your mission is over, are you going to leave?"

The silver ball paused for a moment, and then a suspicious voice came from the system.

"What's over? This is just the beginning!"


Before Fu Xing could react, he saw the bright silver light on the system, and said in a passionate voice:

"Host, our journey is an infinite parallel universe!"


Fu Xing's eyes went dark, then brightened, and he came to an inexplicable space, a silver door slowly opened in front of him, and the voice of the system rang in his ears.

System: "Host, this system has been fully restored, and it has just detected a human world that is about to experience the end of the world, so let's go!"

Fu Xing: "Can't you go by yourself?"

System: "It's very troublesome to change the host, so I won't change it."

As soon as the voice fell, the silver door opened completely, and Fu Xing, who was caught off guard, was sucked in.

Fu Xing: "Your sister!"


"Alas, it's hopeless, advanced diabetes..."

"How could such a good young man have diabetes?"

"It can't be that he often drinks drinks?"

"I can't..."


Fu Xing heard many strange voices and smelled the smell of hospital disinfectant. There was no doubt that he was in the hospital now.


During the struggle, Fu Xing opened his eyes. His vision was cloudy and he couldn't see clearly. He wanted to move his body, but he couldn't do anything, and his whole body felt weak.

"What's wrong with me? Aren't I going to the new world to save the world? Why am I lying on the hospital bed."

Fu Xing slowed down for a long time before regaining some strength, and then called out softly:
"System, system..."

For a long time, the system did not respond.

"Is everything before me a dream? I was hospitalized after drinking that can of unknown drink?"

A bad idea appeared in Fu Xing's mind, and he immediately fell into self-doubt. At this moment, the system's voice finally rang.

System: Was the host panicking just now?
"...You can die if you don't take it easy!"

Fu Xing breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, everything was not a dream. The system was still there, but he didn't know why he became like this.

"System, why did I become like this?"

System: Due to insufficient energy, the wear was temporarily changed to soul wear.

Fu Xing: "..."

If it wasn't for being unable to get up, Fu Xing would really jump up and scold this unreliable system.


In the end, the big-hearted Fu Xing accepted this fact and understood the current situation. He crossed into a parallel world and was on the body of Fu Xing who had just died of diabetes, and now he was dying too, all supported by his strong mental strength.

"How can I get out of this situation?"

Fu Xing immediately thought of the healing drink. He opened his palm, and with a thought, the healing drink 3.0 didn't come out, the healing drink 2.0 didn't come out, the healing drink... came out.

However, before Fu Xing could use the healing drink, the healing drink that had just been summoned was snatched away by the little nurse who had just entered the room to check on his condition.

"When are you still drinking? Do you think you're not dying fast enough?" The baby-faced nurse puffed her cheeks and looked angrily at the dying Fu Xing.

Fu Xing: "..." This is my life's hope!
"give me back."

Fu Xing said in a nonchalant manner.


The little nurse made a gesture to throw her away, but what Fu Xing said next made her stunned.

"Miss Nurse, I know my situation. I'm about to die, so just let me have another sip of my drink!"


The little nurse knew about Fu Xing's situation, so she hesitated.



At this moment, the hospital building shook, and sirens and horns sounded in the corridor.

"The pit appeared, and a strange beast rushed into the hospital. Please don't panic, stay in the room and lock the doors and windows, ah..."

In the end there was a scream, the little nurse was shocked, she hurriedly closed the door, ran to the window and looked out, her face turned pale instantly, her movements were stiff, she closed the window like a robot, and sat down on Fu Xing's hospital bed in a daze side.

"Give you."

Half a minute later, the little nurse accepted the reality. She returned the healing drink to Fu Xing, and pulled the ring off for him very thoughtfully, and then covered her face with her hands and began to cry.

"Wuuuuuu... I'm dying, I'm going to die, why did the pit appear here? I'm only 19 years old, and I haven't made any blue friends yet! Huuuuuuu..."

ton ton ton...

Fu Xing listened silently, and then drank the healing drink. In an instant, all symptoms disappeared, his eyes were clear, and he felt energetic. He turned over and got out of bed, walked to the window and looked into the distance. This is a bustling place In the city, a large pit with a diameter of 60 meters appeared not far from the hospital. It was bottomless. Countless strange beasts spewed out of it, spread towards the surrounding area, and killed anyone they saw.

"Is this the end of this world?"

"System, is the store still there?"

System: Of course!
Fu Xing: "Then come on! I want to buy... Wait, why do I only have [-] super points left?"

System: The normal cost of traveling through the world, don't make a fuss!

Fu Xing: "My super power point..."

A new story of diabetes at the beginning and an unreliable system unfolds...


(End of this chapter)

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