police world

Chapter 307: A palm technique that falls from the sky!

Chapter 307: A palm technique that falls from the sky!
This is a trick played by three people!

It was obviously not the first time, and then the three of them smiled tacitly.


After Xiaozhuang hung up the phone, he remained silent, mainly because he was fooled by Zheng Qiang's words.

Ling Jing asked, "Zhuang, what's wrong?"

"Sir Zheng called, he guessed it was us!" As soon as Xiao Zhuang said this, Wang Jianjun and the three stood up in shock.

"What did Zheng Qiang say?" Wang Jianjun asked impatiently.

Zheng Qiang was terrifying. Although Wang Jianjun hadn't experienced it himself, he knew Zheng Qiang's ability just by looking at the ones that were cleaned up, so Wang Jianjun was a little worried.

"Uh... Sir Zheng just cursed!"

"What are you scolding?" Wang Jianguo asked curiously.

Xiaozhuang was helpless. He couldn't scold himself, right?Wang Jianguo, this naughty kid, is itching again?
At this time Ling Jing frowned and said: "Let's leave Hong Kong as soon as possible. I have known Zheng Qiang before. He solves cases like a god and is ruthless. Although you have a little friendship with him, we may Breaking his myth, the myth that the case is 100% solved in a short period of time, I am afraid it will be against us!"

Wang Jianjun thought about it, and then said: "Xiaozhuang, what Ling Jing said makes sense, do you see?"

"Okay, let's stay here for two days, how about going to the Fugui Maru cruise ship the day after tomorrow?" The reason why Xiaozhuang is so happy is because Wang Hai died, revenge was avenged, Jenny left, and the fourth brother took him to the United States sick.

"Okay, just as Xiaozhuang said, Jianguo, you'll bring the food for these two days!" Wang Jianjun said.

Wang Jianguo was speechless, he still didn't get rid of his fate of being a handyman!
However, Wang Jianguo still decided to struggle, and only heard him say: "Brother, I'm not very familiar with Mong Kok!"

"It doesn't matter, if you walk and walk, you will be familiar with it. I think you should still have this ability!"

"Okay!" Wang Jianguo said helplessly.

Then I only heard Xiao Zhuang say: "Just taking advantage of these two days, I will pass on the martial arts I have learned to you to strengthen your strength. This set of martial arts can be bulletproof when practiced to a high level!"

The three of Wang Jianjun looked at each other, and at the same time a thought popped up in their hearts, Shit, this f*cking Xiaozhuang is sick again!


On the other side, Leopard Qiang, who had recovered his life, was still in a trance, mumbling some inexplicable words in his mouth, such nonsense as Yuan Dynasty, Long Jianfei, Tathagata God's Palm, and Tian Can's Foot! (Modern Buddha Palm)
Chen Jiaju was very surprised, he was very worried, not worried about Bao Qiang's head, but worried that if Bao Qiang continued to be so nervous, would he and Yang Jianhua still be able to complete the task?

Chen Jiaju said worriedly: "Brother Bao, you see that your head is bleeding a lot, and the wind was quite strong just now, do you think we should go to the hospital?"

Yang Jianhua felt that Chen Jiaju was bad enough. Isn't this a disguised way to say that Bao Qiang's head has gotten into the wind?

Bao Qiang didn't seem to understand Chen Jiaju's words, but instead asked with a serious expression: "Have you ever seen a palm technique that falls from the sky?"

Chen Jiaju and Yang Jianhua looked at each other, they didn't understand what this meant!This is a problem for the two of them!
Official complaint, did you ask Chen Jiaju to say, Detective Pu Songling?Or Yang Jianhua said, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Yu Xiulian?
It's just nonsense, isn't it!
Leopard Qiang's original eyes were fierce with a little pride, but now they have become eerie and terrifying, making Chen Jiaju feel a little scared, as if he has changed into a different person!

Leopard Qiang has been looking at his feet, as if he has never seen them before, feeling like some rare treasures.

And the most important thing is that since Bao Qiang woke up, he didn't ask a word about the situation just now, which made Chen Jiaju a little depressed. Isn't this f*cking shot twice for nothing?
Leopard Qiang looked at all the way's feet. When he got to the villa, he turned on the TV and found that it was the "Martial Arts King Title Exchange Competition" held in Mong Kok. All the masters were showing their kung fu skills.

Leopard Qiang felt that his heart was surging, especially the soles of his feet were very itchy, and he wanted to trample some people to death!

It's a pity that my skill seems to have recovered to less than half a level now, but it should be enough to deal with these rookies!
Then, under the astonished gazes of Chen Jiaju and Yang Jianhua, Bao Qiang sat cross-legged on the sofa and began to close his eyes to rest. Yes, in Chen Jiaju's view, Bao Qiang was closing his eyes to rest.

At this moment Bao Qiang's mobile phone rang, but he kept his eyes closed. Chen Jiaju had no choice but to go forward and pick up Bao Qiang's mobile phone. The words "guess the boss" on it made Chen Jiaju's breathing quicken, because this was his trip. The goal!
"Brother Bao, Guess Boss is calling?" Chen Jiaju whispered in Bao Qiang's ear.

Bao Qiang suddenly opened his eyes when he heard the words, Chen Jiaju felt as if he saw a flash of light from Bao Qiang's eyes, wow, why do you have the feeling of reading Jin Yong's martial arts novels?
Leopard Qiang took the phone and stepped aside.

Only Chen Jiaju stood there in a daze, he felt that the current Leopard Qiang was a little different from the past, could it be that he also suffered from a mental illness?Hey, why did I say the word "also"?

After Han Chen hung up the phone, he looked up and found that Sha Qiang was having fun, and he immediately scolded with a smile: "What the hell are you doing? Are your bones itchy?"

Silly Qiang took a careful look at Han Chen and found that he was in a good mood, so he said directly: "Brother Chen, sister Mary is so beautiful and powerful, and you are still raising a 'goddaughter' outside? Aren't you afraid that sister Mary will find out? "

Han Chen's face darkened when he heard this, what the hell is raising a "goddaughter"? It's so ugly?That f*ck is Lao Tzu's biological daughter, okay?

Seeing Han Chen's face, the silly smile disappeared immediately, and his face collapsed, and he said with a mournful face: "Brother Chen, I didn't mean to say this, and you said that if Sister Mary asked me, what should I say? "

"That's something you need to consider!" Han Chen said impatiently, "If you dare to say a word, I'll throw you into the sea and feed it to the sharks!"

Silly strong: "..."

Then the car became very calm, Shaqiang was very distressed, and Han Chen was a little worried about gains and losses. The most fundamental reason was - fear of death!

After 15 minutes, I arrived at Ni's house.

There are many white things in the villa of the Ni family. When Han Chen walked from the door to the front of the villa, he found that Ni Yongxiao led a large group of people waiting for someone at the door, to be more precise, to welcome him!

Seeing Han Chen approaching, Ni Yongxiao went up to meet him, then patted Han Chen on the shoulder, and said loudly: "Ah Chen, we all know what happened at Longgutan, I just want to say something, Ah Chen, You did a great job!"

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(End of this chapter)

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