police world

Chapter 379 Something Happened to Wang Dong! (seeking subscription)

Chapter 379 Something Happened to Wang Dong! (seeking subscription)

Lu Minghua is able to achieve the position he is in today. If you say how clean his butt is, it probably won't be too clean. After all, he has pooped for more than 50 years, no matter how clean it is, it still tastes good!
Lu Minghua could definitely understand the purpose of Chen Jianqiang's donation, and after thinking about it for a while, Lu Minghua knew what to do.

Anyway, it has already become a fact. Even if he insists on dealing with a group of people from the General Administration of Central China, the Japanese diplomatic department will still express their concern about this matter. No matter what crimes these Japanese committed, they are Japanese after all. !
A war of words is going to happen, and there will definitely be trouble. In this case, Chen Jianqiang's donation will not be accepted in vain. Anyway, this old guy has a lot of money.

In fact, when Lu Minghua uttered the last sentence, Lei Meng figured this out, but this is nothing, after all, in this position, it is a combination of compromise and interests, and the relationship between the two can only be properly handled , to go further.

After Lei Meng put down the microphone, he glanced at Zheng Qiang and found that the other party was a little calm. Lei Meng thought about it carefully. According to Zheng Qiang's age, if he wants to go further, he probably needs to accumulate a long time of experience. To put it bluntly It's just time and experience.

Zheng Qiang is still young, so there is nothing to worry about, and once he becomes the son-in-law of Fang's family, hey!Maybe he could catch up with Raymond on the next plane.

So Lei Meng encouraged Zheng Qiang and others, and then let them go back. Of course, he also asked Zheng Qiang to finish writing the report quickly, including comments and suggestions for commendation.

The last item was an extra gift from Raymond.

After everyone left, Lei Meng sat alone in the office, knocking on the table and thinking slowly.

In fact, during the phone call just now, Lu Minghua also praised the "sweeping black and evil" action of the Central Central Administration, especially they decisively dealt with the underworld organizations headed by Wang Bao and Hong Xing, which made the West District and Wanchai a rare opportunity. The appearance of a clean and upright environment and the great improvement in the social atmosphere are very intuitive and have been recognized by the general public.

The three TV stations in Hong Kong reported extensively, which aroused great repercussions in Hong Kong.

The high-level officials of the Hong Kong government also highly affirmed this matter. As the top person in charge, Raymond, Li Wenbin, who planned it himself, and Zheng Qiang, who fired the first shot, once again entered the high-level attention.

Especially Li Wenbin, the media also dug up some of his previous cases. In the past two days, he even overshadowed Zheng Qiang in the limelight, becoming the current No. 1 in the police world!
And just now Lu Minghua said very implicitly on the phone, "Those who are as capable as Li Wenbin should consider promotion and reuse as appropriate."

Li Wenbin is already the Chief Inspector and the leader of the Anti-Mafia Team, how can he be promoted and reused?

Besides Superintendent Sheng, Raymond only has the right to make suggestions, and the right to make suggestions is useless to put it bluntly.

Raymond is not good at solving cases, but he is very smart in politics. To put it bluntly, he is not good at thinking about things.

Recently there was a rumor that Li Wenbin once visited Cai Yuanqi in the police force, but was rejected by Cai Yuanqi. There should be a gap between the two!
Cai Yuanqi's butt is not clean. Li Wenbin must have disobeyed Cai Yuanqi during this operation, Lei Meng thought secretly.

Lu Minghua wanted to be a capable leader, and Li Wenbin, who had lost his backing, was the perfect candidate.

And through a series of personnel changes in the police force, Raymond could feel that Lu Minghua was making plans to gradually reduce Cai Yuanqi's influence. This was a very obvious signal.

Perhaps Li Wenbin saw this and decisively broke up with Cai Yuanqi!
Now Lu Minghua intends to recruit Li Wenbin, and Li Wenbin probably also intends to find another backer. If Lang has a concubine who is interested, he can hook up immediately, er... to achieve a win-win situation.

However, he still needs Lei Meng to take care of Lu Minghua!


Zheng Qiang returned to the office, ordered Wei Jinghao to write the report, and then drank Yuqian Longjing tea leisurely. It had been a long time since he had such a quiet tea tasting, and he forgot when was the last time he drank tea.

Then he started to sign, and his hands were sore. Zheng Qiang wondered if he should get a signature stamp, so it would be convenient for work, wouldn't it?
During this period, Lin Guiren and Wu Lin received a phone call respectively. Lin Guiren's call was a thank you call, and they had taken advantage of the opportunity to crack the criminal case of the counterfeit banknote syndicate.

As for the promised conditions, Lin Guiren didn't mention it, and Zheng Qiang didn't ask either. It is probably because he killed many Japanese, so the Japanese high-level officials were somewhat resistant.

Wulin's call was to tell Zheng Qiang that tomorrow is the opening time of the King's Title Competition, and he should not forget to participate.

To be honest, if Wu Lin hadn't come to make this call, Zheng Qiang would have really forgotten about it.

Zheng Qiang said that he is very busy and may not have time, so he will wait and see when the time comes, which makes Wulin very speechless.

Two hours passed like this, and then Wei Jinghao walked in with the report.

Zheng Qiang picked up the report, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart, from writing the manuscript to revising it, the difference of one word has become power!
Zheng Qiang directly turned over the extremely correct nonsense on the first four pages without even reading it. Wei Jinghao wrote these things better than him.

He mainly looked at the comments and suggestions of the commendation. From this point of view, he felt that Wei Jinghao was still a little young, so he picked up the pen and started to draw. The speed was very fast, and it was over in 5 minutes.

Then Zheng Qiang handed it to Wei Jinghao and said, "Just change it like this. After finishing it, just send it to the director."

Wei Jinghao looked down and suggested that the injured Zhou Xingxing and Li Hui be promoted to two levels, and the meritorious personnel Zhu Huabiao, Cao Liang, Cao Dahua, Ma Jun, Wei Jinghao, etc. were all promoted to one level...

Wei Jinghao was dumbfounded, and he stammered, "Hey, this... the director will definitely not approve."

Zheng Qiang glared at Wei Jinghao and said, "You know nothing. Showing merit is actually the same as doing business. You raise the price and pay back the money on the spot. If the director doesn't agree with it, then you can't move up to one level! Upgrade to one level. If the superiors don’t agree, then I won’t be able to notify you of awards!”

I wipe it, can you still play like this?Wei Jinghao was a little dumbfounded, he was still a very simple child.

"Jing Hao, besides solving the case, you still have a lot to learn!" Zheng Qiang said earnestly.

"Yes, yes, I understand, Sir Zheng!" Wei Jinghao bowed his head and said, his world view and values ​​have been changed a lot at once, and he was a little confused, and now he has to go back and take a look.

"Jingle Bell……"

Zheng Qiang's cell phone rang again, why have so many things happened recently?

Zheng Qiang picked up the phone and saw that it was Fang Keming. How could he call?
"Aqiang, I am Fang Keming."

"I know, what's the matter? What's the matter?"

"Something happened to Wang Dong!"

 Thanks to woofer for the reward of 100 starting coins, thank you! !

(End of this chapter)

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