police world

Chapter 489 Nine-Headed Snake, Long Live!

Chapter 489 Hydra, long live!

Ni Yongxiao decisively rejected Han Chen's idea with his butt, which made Marry very happy. Marry was worried that Han Chen would say something amazing again, so she dragged him away.

However, Han Chen felt that it might be that this little woman was a little afraid of the impending fight just now.

In fact, Han Chen also wanted to say goodbye and leave, but he couldn't leave now, after all, there was still a good show ahead!

And it is very likely that he will complete the coronation today... Uh, in fact, he will become the real boss, not the current situation, which needs to be controlled by others.


Central Office.

Zheng Qiang, Uncle Zhan, and Lu Qichang stood in front of a row of police cars with flashing lights.

Originally, Lu Zhilian was not only a participant in this case, but also an advocate, but the result of the investigation was different from what they inferred by the ICAC.

Behind the case, there was no corruption or bribery involved. Instead, it was just caused by the ambition of a black boss.

So Lu Zhilian has no interest in participating anymore, after all the ICAC is also very busy.

After Lu Zhilian left, Zheng Qiang and the others felt a lot more relaxed. Although the ICAC is his own at this stage, no one feels comfortable with them here. After all, Zheng Qiang and Uncle Zhan are not good birds.

Oh, by the way, Lu Qichang was at ease, because he followed the rules, but he didn't like the ICAC either, or else he would have told the situation he inferred at the beginning.

Just as he was about to leave, Uncle Zhan suddenly said, "Ah Qiang, A Chang, you two can handle this case according to your needs! I won't go to West Kowloon."

After Uncle Zhan finished speaking, Shi Shiran drove away without waiting for Zheng Qiang and Lu Qichang to persuade him to stay.

Lu Qichang asked in confusion: "Sir Zheng, what does Uncle Zhan mean?"

"How do I know?" Zheng Qiang shrugged and said.

Lu Qichang nodded, and asked in a low voice: "By the way, where did you get that video of Wang Jianguo? It seems that I prepared some things in it yesterday. Could it be that he can predict the future? Do you have any relationship with these killers? connect?"

These questions have been held in Lu Qichang's mind for a long time, but he can bear to ask until now, he is indeed a loyal person.

Zheng Qiang smiled when he heard this, put his arms around Lu Qichang's shoulders and said with a smile: "Come on, Lu sir, let's get in the same car, I will answer your first question carefully!"


While the police car drove slowly, Zheng Qiang explained to Lu Qichang slowly.

Of course, Zheng Qiang would not be so stupid as to tell everything.

Ten minutes later, after listening to Zheng Qiang's explanation, Lu Qichang frowned and said, "Sir Zheng, you mean that Wang Jianguo and the others fled to Taiwan now, and they even became guests of the Donghu Gang?"

"That's right, Sir Lu, as you know, the four of them are very capable, and they can do well no matter where they are." Zheng Qiang said.

"If it weren't for my friendship with Haitang, the daughter of Haitang, the East Lake Gang, do you think Wang Jianghui would cooperate with our work so well?" Zheng Qiang patted Lu Qichang on the shoulder again and said, "Brother, I know that it might be a little uncomfortable to cooperate with the underworld." It is in line with your values, but it is impossible to truly distinguish between black and white in this world, our goal is to bring down Ni Yongxiao, a big drug lord, so that he can no longer harm others."

"In extraordinary times, it is understandable to use some extraordinary measures."

"What's more, Coast from the East Lake Gang in Taiwan is now very vocal in running for the Legislature. Maybe in two months, Coast will have an official status. If he comes to Hong Kong by then, we will be responsible for guarding him!"

Although Lu Qichang has principles, he is not a person who never changes his mind. Otherwise, Huang Zhicheng made such a big mistake in the movie, why would he persuade Huang Zhicheng?

Zheng Qiang's explanation is reasonable, the most important thing is that the bridge in front of Lu Qichang is that he must get rid of Ni Yongxiao, this is the death order given to him by the Director of West Kowloon.

Therefore, this matter came to an end, and Lu Qichang admitted it with a pinch of his nose, but he still said seriously: "Sir Zheng, don't make an example, let's forget it this time."

"But I hope you must pay attention to grasping a certain degree, and don't cross the red line. You must know that you are now a legend in the police force and a role model for many guys. If something happens to you, it will be a blow to the reputation of the police force. very big."

"Lu sir, don't worry, I understand everything you said." Zheng Qiang said with a smile.

Lu Qichang nodded, and then discussed with Zheng Qiang how to arrest Ni Yongxiao.

Zheng Qiang thought in his heart, Lu Qichang really deserves to be the big brother, and he has no character. If it were any other person, he might be used to blackmail him.

After the two discussed for a while, they heard Zhu Huabiao, who was driving in the front seat, say, "Sir Zheng, sir Lu, you've arrived at Ni's house."

"Zhu sir, inform the teams to proceed according to the scheduled plan, block all roads, prohibit all vehicles from passing, and ask the guys to surround this villa."

"And the last point, if anyone dares to resist or threaten the personal safety of police officers, they can shoot directly!"

After Zheng Qiang gave the order in a murderous spirit, he walked down with Lu Qichang, while Zhu Huabiao was busy conveying the order.


It was exactly 12:30 noon when the police surrounded Ni's villa.

Ni Yongxiao and others were having lunch. Ni Yongxiao's brother and sister left early because of something, so only Han Chen and his wife, Ni Sanshu, Luo Ji and Chen Yongren were sitting at the dining table.

There are all kinds of people at the table, Ni Yongxiao eats very politely, while Chen Yongren looks a little preoccupied.

Marry kept glaring at Han Chen, but Han Chen didn't care.

Uncle Ni may be a little old. After eating two bites of beef, his teeth became clogged.

Luo Ji, on the other hand, was absent-mindedly pawing at the steak in front of him.

Seeing Luo Ji's appearance, Han Chen felt secretly refreshed.

The reason why Luoji became like this was caused by Han Chen.

Because Han Chen was upset that Luo Ji was pointing a gun at him, when passing by Luo Ji, Han Chen whispered: "hail, hydra!"

Hail is long live in German, and hydra is the hydra in Greek mythology.

So hail, hydra means "hydra, long live!"

The literal meaning is not difficult to understand, but what is difficult to understand is that this sentence is a code that Zheng Qiang told him, and anyone who can say this code is one of his own.

But who the hell can tell me how Han Chen became one of his own?

Or is it that the password was stolen, and Han Chen knew something, but it was not complete, so Han Chen was deceiving him?
But with Zheng Qiang's skill, who can get this information from him?

The answer is that no one can, so Luo Ji is confused. When did Han Chen betray the Ni family?
(End of this chapter)

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