police world

Chapter 525 Oriole

Chapter 525 Oriole
The electric version even has a second piece!
Now Lin Guiren's mind became alive again.

The reason why Lin Guiren came to Hong Kong was because of the 3000 million US dollars reward offered by the U.S. government. Originally, when he deduced that all this was set up by Zheng Qiang, he had already given up hope, but who would have thought that there would be another village in the dark? ah!

I didn't expect to find a random place to hide for a while, and then I could get the electronic version.

Lin Guiren just wanted to yell, God help me too!
So when Fu Guang wanted to shoot Song Zihao, Lin Guiren shot without hesitation.

"I told you to put down the gun, didn't you hear?" Lin Guiren saw that his words just now had no effect, so he continued to shout in a cold voice.

Little did he know that when he shouted, Xiao Fu behind Fu Guang immediately said: "Boss, he is on that tree at nine o'clock."

Fu bald and asked without looking back: "What should we do now? Are you sure to kill him?"

Xiao Fu shook his head and said, "It's too dark, I can't see where he is hiding. And the distance is too far, before I ran over, he had already shot."

Seeing that the fighting madman Xiao Fu had nothing to do, he slowly raised his hands.

A triumphant smile appeared on the corner of Lin Guiren's mouth, and he continued, "And you all, put down your guns!"

Xiao Fu, Xiao Hei and the others took a look at Fu Guang, and seeing Fu Guang nodded, so Xiao Fu and the others put down their guns, but when they put down their guns, Xiao Hei pressed a button on his hand very discreetly. .

After seeing that everyone had done what he ordered, Lin Guiren was about to jump down from the tree to receive the fruits of his victory.

However, just as Lin Guiren moved away, he suddenly felt a warning sign. Not only that, there was a sudden sonic boom from a distance.

This kind of voice was very familiar to Lin Guiren, he instantly understood that he had been tricked by Fu Guang and others.

What kind of elites dare to use bazookas against themselves!
Lin Guiren didn't care about other things, he immediately jumped off the big tree, then turned around and ran away.

Fortunately, Lin Guiren escaped quickly. As soon as he left, the rocket hit the place where he was hiding just now.

After a loud noise, the whole big tree was blown to pieces, and because there were dead branches and leaves on the ground, a raging fire broke out.

In an instant, this area was illuminated as if it were daytime.

Lin Guiren's running figure appeared directly.

"Get rid of this bastard!" Fu Guang picked up the submachine gun on the ground and started shooting.

The same is true for Xiao Fu, Xiao Hei and others. However, Lin Guiren's ability to escape is very strong, no less than that of Chen Jiaju. When he heard the gunshot, he immediately fell to the ground, lying in the grass, and became motionless. Voldemort.

The reason why Lin Guiren was so quiet, he swore it was definitely not because he was afraid of Fu Guang and others not going out to fight recklessly, but because he had five guns pointed at his head.

Lin Guiren smiled wryly in his heart, then immediately threw the gun out of his hand, and then put his hands on his head, indicating that he had never done anything radical.

"You're quite witty!" Li Wen, who was holding a gun, said with a smile.

Yes, these people are exactly Li Wen's group.

Lin Guiren said with a smile: "People who don't know fun are dead, I still want to live."

"Haha, you are also a wonderful person." Li Wen smiled, and then he continued to say with a wave of his hand: "Knock him out and save his life."

"Don't..." As soon as Lin Guiren said a word, he felt a sudden pain in his neck, then his eyes went dark, and he passed out.

"Master, they are already fighting, shall we go out and clean up the mess?" Wu Xin asked.

Li Wen looked at the situation of Fu Guang and the others, nodded and said, "It's time to go out, the rocket bomb made too much noise just now, the police must be rushing here, let's make a quick decision."

"However, remember that getting the electronic version is the first priority."

"Young master, don't worry, brothers all know."

"Okay, let's go!"


Back in time to when the rocket exploded.

"Fuck, let this bastard run away!" Fu Guang said cursingly.

Taking advantage of the time when they shot Lin Guiren just now, Fenglei shouted angrily, and punched the person next to him on the head.

Feng Lei shot out in anger, coupled with the power of the fist god's gloves, who else could stop it except Zheng Qiang?
The opponent's head exploded like a ripe watermelon, and he was beaten to pieces in an instant!

Xia Houwu also took action at the same time, no, it was a kick. He was carrying someone on his back, as if he was not affected at all. He rushed out and kicked another of Fu Guang's men away.

The opponent's body flew a full three meters away, then hit a tree and stopped, his chest collapsed, and it was obvious that he was dead.

"Fuck! Get rid of them!" Seeing this scene, Fu Guang was furious and shouted immediately.

Fu Guang turned around and turned his gun, and was about to shoot when suddenly a man threw himself on his back, strangling his neck desperately.

This person was Song Zihao who was opposite Fu Guang.

Fu Guang was struggling to breathe, especially the pain from his neck, which made him very uncomfortable, so he desperately grabbed Song Zihao's arm with his left hand, and hammered back with his right hand.

It's a pity that Song Zihao was not moved at all, but instead tightened his grip tighter and tighter.

It is also scary for the elderly to be ruthless.

Fu Guangkong has a whole body of abilities that he can't use, so he feels quite aggrieved.

On the other side, Xiaofu held Xiaohei behind him, and then looked at Fenglei with sharp eyes. This person felt very dangerous to him.

And Xia Houwu went to the side to deal with the person holding the bazooka.

Feng Lei saw the movement of Xiao Fu's feet and the tense muscles all over his body, and instantly understood that the guy opposite him was also a trainer.

But as long as he is not a Lianjiazi who has reached the level of Zheng sir, then Fenglei is useless to him!
Just as Feng Lei was about to make a move, several people suddenly rushed out from the side, and it was Li Wen and others who were armed with live ammunition.

Li Wen is different from Fu Guang, he likes to control the situation, so he shoots immediately before they are encircled, trying to warn everyone and prevent them from escaping.

It's a pity that Fenglei has already been surrounded once, and he will never be surrounded again, so he gave Xiaofu a threatening look, then kicked his feet on the ground, his body flew out like a cannonball, several ups and downs It disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this, Xiao Fu was about to follow suit when Xiao Hei behind him grabbed Xiao Fu's clothes and said, "Don't run away, we know the person who came, why worry?"

Xiaofu heard the words and said in a low voice: "I'm afraid that they will come here with bad intentions!"

Wu Xin walked up to Song Zihao and Fu Guang, who were still struggling on the ground, and said coldly: "Let go!"

Song Zihao deliberately refused to listen to him, but the other side's bullets hit the ground, and the dust splashed on his face, making him instantly sober.

(End of this chapter)

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